Greetings, fellow players of cards, I am your lord and saviour (for writing that is). That is right TIS I FUNCHY, all self praise aside let me talk about todays end of year event. Let me preface the report by saying good on ya chad for player of the year and DCM for father of the year you both deserve it clearly. I'd also love to throw a big thank you to kev for organising the event and making sure everyone had a good time and not only that he made sure everyone got their moneys worth so thank you to kev. Next I'd like to shoot a huge thank you to everyone who came all 63 of you that's right if you didn't hear there were 63 of us all playing yugioh that's like 63 1's that's insane! Next I'd like to turn the attention back to our player of the year for his generosity I mean come on he buys me packs just because I take a little time to write up my thoughts on things I mean that's just too too whats the word BLOODY LEGENDARY that's what we shall leave it at. Keeping the focus on our player of the year lets go to match 1
Match 1 opponent chad deck hazy flames
game 1 was really grindy and after some witty back and forth banter my ghosts were simply too scary for his poor fire monsters of despair and he lost the first game. Game two I opened ok and he opened bad I played him until he had 600 lp and nothing he top decked rekindling and got back his one target in grave which I promply compulsed, a few tears were shed and some jokes were made about his ability to stand after how hard I beat him great game chad your awesome.
Match 2 opponent sorry forgot it was a long day deck darkworld
what can I say my poor ghost simply couldn't match up to his constant grapha and he beat me harder than chris brown! im sorry I didn't want to make that joke it just kinda happened I beg forgiveness
Match 3 opponent Bailey deck dragons with the banishing and stuff
I knew this kid from back when I was in primary school he was in the year younger than me so we had a chat and we got down to the duel. I opened the nuts both games and he didn't draw any of his stuff so it was relatively smooth sailings.
Match 4 (before this match I already knew I would lose I always win two lose the rest so yeah) Opponent Declan deck bb's, He romped me I took out 2 lead yokes first game but he finally got me. Game two I opened well and he wasn't abe to get out lead yokes because I was using ghost trick effs then popping with alucard etc etc, but he top decked god and got over my field for game.
So that was the final round then we all had pizza and checked out each others cards etc, my last notable mention goes to troy who wore a full getup good on ya buddy! Any way happy holidays/merry Christmas however you want to take it so I don't offend you and enjoy yourself see you all next year as we show off our Christmas yugioh goodies haha HAVE A NICE DAY!
DISCLAIMER: This page is an independent blog collective, where The Cardhouse gaming community can share their thoughts on anything to do with the gaming community. The views expressed here are the individual bloggers' alone, and as such are in no way representative of or endorsed by either The Cardhouse store, or any of the other bloggers who post on Keeping up with the Cardhousians.
Friday, 20 December 2013
Thursday, 19 December 2013
Happy Holidays from all of the universes!
Well Christmas is almost upon us and we are all running around like a chook with its head cut off... imagine that, 100's of children... O.k I will stop :P
So it has been an age since I last posted anything on here and as a result I feel a little left out. However, I have made amends with myself (and my computer), to make one hell of a Christmas/holidays post.
To begin, I HATE organising cards. Any of you that have boxes and boxes and folders and folders of cards would know my pain. When the all get mixed up or you get a new folder or storage unit, it takes hours to rearrange them all.
I have just done a spring clean of all my Cardfight! Vanguard cards and finally have them in order. However, I have so many left over cards (Mostly commons that I have no use for) that I am in need of suggestions of how to use/dispose of them. I have been thinking about making a wall mural of all the cards so i have them all out in the open to admire the amazing artwork... we will see. Leave a comment below for your suggestions (If you so like).
So after a long and difficult think, i will be looking to offload/sell/trade off most of my magic cards to a worthy home. I will be of course keeping all my EDH (commander) decks and cards that will help with them. However i have a large quantity of cards that will be looking for mew homes. Of course I will be running this through Kev and looking at the best way he can benifit from this as well.
Now for my Christmas list of things i want:
Peace on Earth
Black Lotus
More Cardfight! Vanguard cards (for my decks/collection)
Anime and Manga
And other things that I can not list on here
Well thank you all for bearing through this crazy and un-organized post.
We from the Vanguard universe and every other universe we all have access to, would like to wish everyone a happy, safe and fun filled holidays and Christmas. May you all get what you wantand a few what you deserve.
As always
Ride the Vanguard!
So it has been an age since I last posted anything on here and as a result I feel a little left out. However, I have made amends with myself (and my computer), to make one hell of a Christmas/holidays post.
To begin, I HATE organising cards. Any of you that have boxes and boxes and folders and folders of cards would know my pain. When the all get mixed up or you get a new folder or storage unit, it takes hours to rearrange them all.
I have just done a spring clean of all my Cardfight! Vanguard cards and finally have them in order. However, I have so many left over cards (Mostly commons that I have no use for) that I am in need of suggestions of how to use/dispose of them. I have been thinking about making a wall mural of all the cards so i have them all out in the open to admire the amazing artwork... we will see. Leave a comment below for your suggestions (If you so like).
So after a long and difficult think, i will be looking to offload/sell/trade off most of my magic cards to a worthy home. I will be of course keeping all my EDH (commander) decks and cards that will help with them. However i have a large quantity of cards that will be looking for mew homes. Of course I will be running this through Kev and looking at the best way he can benifit from this as well.
Now for my Christmas list of things i want:
More Cardfight! Vanguard cards (for my decks/collection)
Anime and Manga
We from the Vanguard universe and every other universe we all have access to, would like to wish everyone a happy, safe and fun filled holidays and Christmas. May you all get what you want
As always
Ride the Vanguard!
Wednesday, 18 December 2013
There is No I in Team, but nightmares there can be...
If only we knew the end was here. The harbinger of the end times...
I heard the stories as a child, and thinking that "I'm a bad-ass", I failed to heed the Warnings.
But last Saturday, I watched in horror as it's tendrils wrapped around the valiant Battlin' Boxers under Troy's command. It then turned it's single eye on my own Hazy Flames. Within moments 2 more rose from the Shadows, ensnaring the noble Hazy Flame Basiltrice within it's grasp.
I heard the noble beast's screech out in pain, the sound growing softer as it was choked by the Harbinger's tendrils. At that moment, Troy turned to me and gave me the nod, and I did something I haven't done since troy and I were in high-school : I ran from that duel as fast as my wheels could carry both Troy and I.
Even to this day, when I close my eyes, I see it's eye staring back at me, and hear it's tendrils coming ever closer.
Greetings Cardhousians.
I e-mailed Kev on Monday as to whether I can say "Merry Christmas", or whether I have to go with "Happy Holidays." After not hearing anything, I'll just keep out of that storm and post this entry anyway.
First-off, Congrats toMatt Max (blooming auto-correct!) on his Vice-Captaincy. "With great power comes greater responsibility."
Anyhow, back to the blog, as you could gather from my PTSD recount;
1. The last yearly Team Tournament has just been and gone.
2. Yours' Truly was paired up with our Resident Pokemon Professor, Professor Troy Crossingham.
3. I think that Pumprincess is the Harbinger of the end times.
4. I used "End Times" to denote the Last Team Tourney.
5. In my previous post, I was off by a week, as I said 'see you at break-up'.
You are probably asking: "Pumprincess? Why are you traumatized by Pumprincess?"
Yes I am, there was nothing that I could do, and There was nothing the Professor could do, to stop 3 of them.
It was not just because it crippled us that I am advocating that it should be banned from team tournaments, but because similar cards have been banned from team tournaments before.
Let me show you a similar card that has been banned from Team Tournaments:
Yes, if you didn't know better, you'd think that I was invoking Yu-gi-oh's "Godwin's Law"...
I promise that this has a point. Let's compare them both.
Final Countdown was banned because the effect 'ticks' in each player's Stand-by Phase. Final Countdown adds +1 to it's Turn Count (With a Check at the next player's Standby Phase. If Turn Count >20 then the player is the winner.) So in 5 turn cycles (when every player has a turn), you win the game with this card.
Compare it to Pumprincess, who's effect places a "Pumpkin Counter" on itself during each player's standby phase. While on the field in the spell/trap zones, your opponent's monsters lose 100 attack per Counter.
If you only play one, your opponent's monsters lose 400 ATK and DEF per cycle. It only takes 5 turns to -2000 ATK and DEF, crippling your opponent and essentially winning you the game.
Now imagine or even 3 on the field is enough to cripple even the most effective deck, with -1200 ATK and DEF each cycle.
I heard the stories as a child, and thinking that "I'm a bad-ass", I failed to heed the Warnings.
But last Saturday, I watched in horror as it's tendrils wrapped around the valiant Battlin' Boxers under Troy's command. It then turned it's single eye on my own Hazy Flames. Within moments 2 more rose from the Shadows, ensnaring the noble Hazy Flame Basiltrice within it's grasp.
I heard the noble beast's screech out in pain, the sound growing softer as it was choked by the Harbinger's tendrils. At that moment, Troy turned to me and gave me the nod, and I did something I haven't done since troy and I were in high-school : I ran from that duel as fast as my wheels could carry both Troy and I.
Even to this day, when I close my eyes, I see it's eye staring back at me, and hear it's tendrils coming ever closer.
The Harbinger Of the End Times... |
Greetings Cardhousians.
I e-mailed Kev on Monday as to whether I can say "Merry Christmas", or whether I have to go with "Happy Holidays." After not hearing anything, I'll just keep out of that storm and post this entry anyway.
First-off, Congrats to
Anyhow, back to the blog, as you could gather from my PTSD recount;
1. The last yearly Team Tournament has just been and gone.
2. Yours' Truly was paired up with our Resident Pokemon Professor, Professor Troy Crossingham.
3. I think that Pumprincess is the Harbinger of the end times.
4. I used "End Times" to denote the Last Team Tourney.
5. In my previous post, I was off by a week, as I said 'see you at break-up'.
You are probably asking: "Pumprincess? Why are you traumatized by Pumprincess?"
Yes I am, there was nothing that I could do, and There was nothing the Professor could do, to stop 3 of them.
It was not just because it crippled us that I am advocating that it should be banned from team tournaments, but because similar cards have been banned from team tournaments before.
Let me show you a similar card that has been banned from Team Tournaments:
Cue the Song from the band "Europe"... |
Yes, if you didn't know better, you'd think that I was invoking Yu-gi-oh's "Godwin's Law"...
I promise that this has a point. Let's compare them both.
EFFECT: "Pay 2000 Life Points. After 20 turns have passed (counting the turn you activate this card as the 1st turn), you win the Duel." |
Final Countdown was banned because the effect 'ticks' in each player's Stand-by Phase. Final Countdown adds +1 to it's Turn Count (With a Check at the next player's Standby Phase. If Turn Count >20 then the player is the winner.) So in 5 turn cycles (when every player has a turn), you win the game with this card.
Compare it to Pumprincess, who's effect places a "Pumpkin Counter" on itself during each player's standby phase. While on the field in the spell/trap zones, your opponent's monsters lose 100 attack per Counter.
If you only play one, your opponent's monsters lose 400 ATK and DEF per cycle. It only takes 5 turns to -2000 ATK and DEF, crippling your opponent and essentially winning you the game.
Now imagine or even 3 on the field is enough to cripple even the most effective deck, with -1200 ATK and DEF each cycle.
Alright Guys, I just wanted to state my case. If you agree or disagree with my points, please let Kev know! Also let him know if you want to unban the other cards that 'tick' in every Standby Phase, or whether you want/do not want to ban Pumprincess from Doubles
It's your Gaming, the Team Dueling we use is a unique format to the Card-House, so as Cardhousians, the group-say goes.
So on that note, I just want to say thanks to Troy for pulling my ass working as my partner for the doubles, I am an absolute pain to play with at the best of times, and that man deserves a god-damned medal.
'Til I see you at Breakup,
THE CHAD (second of two, whom are "So Hot We're a Fire Hazard."
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
Max always goes the same record
Allow me to do a tiny bit of rambling before I actually talk about todays under 18's, first on my list is why I missed the team event, and I missed it because I was at rainbow beach visiting my grandfather who I only see once a year so I was doing that for three days, which was, coincidently during this time. Second off on a completely unrelated note but I feel I must brag, I am Caloundra high school's junior vice captain so that is right people I am loved at school and I have power too! Third I would like to thank chad so much for buying me the two boosters I have to say chad you made my day nothing like walking into a tourney and kev handing you two free boosters from the chad (sorry forgot your name till now haha) anyway thanks man I really appreciate it and propose an internet toast to the prosperity of this site between the writings of The Chad, Funchy, and Troy (don't know what to call you sorry for now I shall name you troy-diggity-dogger. GOOD ENOUGH! Fourth I would like to call out to everyone to come write here I mean guys I got two free packs! I tell you what if we get 5 writers here consistently I will treat all the 5 writers to a pack got it? You don't have to be a yugi or poke or magic or cardfight player, you can be anything as long as you write of your card game adventures here I shall give every writer a pack on the house, I want to see more people's thoughts on things! Now lets get on to the show!
GUYS GUESS WHAT!?!?!!? I WOKE UP TOO EARLY ISNT THAT A SUPRISE! So yeah that happened again and this time I sat on my phone big surprise again, anyway did the usual then headed off to the cardie, bought a shadow special ed, pulled stardust and some other super, and from chads packs of destiny I pulled...................... nothing but thanks anyway still fun to hear that plastic tear and reveal the random assortment of cards inside.
Anyway moving on went into round one I was against grave keeper malefic something or other and he beat me down for the win. But here is where I did my good deed for the day there was a kid playing battling boxers and he didn't have a single lead yoke I felt so bad for him I told him I had one in my binder and he said he wanted to do a trade and he handed me a stack of cards they were all not in the best condition and there was nothing I liked so I just cut the kid a break and gave it to him he was pretty happy.
Next I played against some deck that focussed on getting spellcounters and using them to get eff's etc etc, basically I didn't see anything his deck did because he drew bad and I just ran over him winning twice! However it was his first time here and I'm sure nervousness was a thing for him.
Now I played against what I think is the card houses most popular deck and that is the infamous battling boxers and this guy was pretty cool we were chatting and duelling and he didn't know what to side against my mix and matches haha but long story short he destroyed me!
Next I played against an atlantian type deck that focussed on getting out this one card that was like a 3000 beater with his field spell long story short he got it out VERY consistently and beat me quite easily although he was a cool dude and we had a chat after ward.
Next I played against the poor battling boxer kid from before and I smashed his incomplete deck.
WHY DO I ALWAYS GO 2-0-3 I SWEAR! Anyway it was a really fun day and I ended up walking away with another booster and didn't pull a holo but it was still fun for a 5 dollar entry! I hope to see you all on Saturday (including you chad I need to thank you in person you bloody legend) anyway guys thanks and remember my offer and have a nice day! PS sorry for lack of detail I was really tired!
GUYS GUESS WHAT!?!?!!? I WOKE UP TOO EARLY ISNT THAT A SUPRISE! So yeah that happened again and this time I sat on my phone big surprise again, anyway did the usual then headed off to the cardie, bought a shadow special ed, pulled stardust and some other super, and from chads packs of destiny I pulled...................... nothing but thanks anyway still fun to hear that plastic tear and reveal the random assortment of cards inside.
Anyway moving on went into round one I was against grave keeper malefic something or other and he beat me down for the win. But here is where I did my good deed for the day there was a kid playing battling boxers and he didn't have a single lead yoke I felt so bad for him I told him I had one in my binder and he said he wanted to do a trade and he handed me a stack of cards they were all not in the best condition and there was nothing I liked so I just cut the kid a break and gave it to him he was pretty happy.
Next I played against some deck that focussed on getting spellcounters and using them to get eff's etc etc, basically I didn't see anything his deck did because he drew bad and I just ran over him winning twice! However it was his first time here and I'm sure nervousness was a thing for him.
Now I played against what I think is the card houses most popular deck and that is the infamous battling boxers and this guy was pretty cool we were chatting and duelling and he didn't know what to side against my mix and matches haha but long story short he destroyed me!
Next I played against an atlantian type deck that focussed on getting out this one card that was like a 3000 beater with his field spell long story short he got it out VERY consistently and beat me quite easily although he was a cool dude and we had a chat after ward.
Next I played against the poor battling boxer kid from before and I smashed his incomplete deck.
WHY DO I ALWAYS GO 2-0-3 I SWEAR! Anyway it was a really fun day and I ended up walking away with another booster and didn't pull a holo but it was still fun for a 5 dollar entry! I hope to see you all on Saturday (including you chad I need to thank you in person you bloody legend) anyway guys thanks and remember my offer and have a nice day! PS sorry for lack of detail I was really tired!
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
December Prize Draw
Greetings Cardhousians;
For this post, The Chad shall refer to The Chad in 3rd person. How long will it take for The Chad to annoy you by The Chad referring to The Chad as The Chad in 3rd person?
Only one way for The Chad to find out. >:-)
Firstly, The Chad wants to thank Troy, and Max for posting on the blog. Couldn't keep this blog traffic moving faster then The Chad's D.V.T clot without their contributions.
The Chad promised prizes on the third day of the month... While 8 days late, The Chad couldn't pre-pay our Overlord Kev, King of Cardhousia, for prizes while he was on well-earned holiday.
TL:DR The Chad will announce the draw now, but the winner will have to wait 'til Saturday to claim his prize.
So keeping my word, the draw has been done. but first, look at the infographic The Chad made below below...
The Chad knows you scrolled right past The Chad's infographic. The Chad is hurt that you wouldn't look, especially after the 1/2 hour The Chad spent making it.
Now you looked, or pretended to look, The Chad is Happy to announce the winner now.
The Chad wishes to remind Adam that Saturday is the earliest day to pick them up. The Chad have yet to pay off "The King" after all...
The Chad looks forward to seeing all of you on Yu-gi-oh break-up Saturday.
Posted by Chad Manning at 02:38
Friday, 29 November 2013
Max is getting better kinda
I am probably annoying you all at this point in time since I've done two posts in two days but no matter because I actually have something to say today and its my locals report for my mix and match again, however I achieved slightly better this week but we shall get into that all in due time, First I must admit that at the moment I am acting like a deck slut im just sleeping with every deck and its over after a week first it was frogarchs but they couldn't win then it was wind ups but they weren't fun after a while then it was dragon rulers then I realised the price tags and left them alone, but now I feel as if I have finally found the most cheap fun competitive deck that I will find around and it is........................................ SIX SAMS that's right ive been playing them like crazy on the dn and the dev pro and I have found them spammy but need skill as well as fun and not auto pilot and they win and they are not tooooooo expensive so if any one has those I am in need as usual! Any way nuff of that and lets get on to my day as usual I woke up too early 6:45 and got ready then watched youtube then I picked up my friend Leroy a newcomer to the competitive world and we were on our way, we showed up a tad late but made it in time to vs each other in the first round.... however I did buy a tachyon pack... and pulled a super hysteric sign
I beat his random deck down with mine and in no time at all it was over, after the match we went over and grabbed him some sleeves and the sam warlords structure deck and spent the entire time sleeving like crazy, which we barely got finished before round two...
To put it simply I got beat harder than meat at the hands of an extremely angry cook. He destroyed me beyond compare and there was simply nothing that could be done, but he was a nice guy and we had a small chat afterwards before I went and talked to Leroy and bought 4 Tachyon packs that I had no time to open till the end of...
This was someone that Leroy had already vs'd and got beaten and told me to be careful, however I beat him down pretty hard and claimed my victory, then I opened the 4 tachyon packs and pulled no holos but one tempest!
Game one he started off well but I had spell and trap answers until he went into a utopia and I creature swapped it and chilled on it for a long time until I finally finished him then he beat me down to claim the match
got dealt with by troy nuff said.
Thanks for reading this and please comment and stuffs HAVE A NICE DAY
I beat his random deck down with mine and in no time at all it was over, after the match we went over and grabbed him some sleeves and the sam warlords structure deck and spent the entire time sleeving like crazy, which we barely got finished before round two...
To put it simply I got beat harder than meat at the hands of an extremely angry cook. He destroyed me beyond compare and there was simply nothing that could be done, but he was a nice guy and we had a small chat afterwards before I went and talked to Leroy and bought 4 Tachyon packs that I had no time to open till the end of...
This was someone that Leroy had already vs'd and got beaten and told me to be careful, however I beat him down pretty hard and claimed my victory, then I opened the 4 tachyon packs and pulled no holos but one tempest!
Game one he started off well but I had spell and trap answers until he went into a utopia and I creature swapped it and chilled on it for a long time until I finally finished him then he beat me down to claim the match
got dealt with by troy nuff said.
Thanks for reading this and please comment and stuffs HAVE A NICE DAY
Max makes post because i am a follower
Well, since the other two posted I now feel obligated to as well. First and foremost I must give an apology, I have not attended a yugioh event since the box! There is a few reasons for this one is money in which I have too many things to spend it on and not enough money to satisfy any! The second is exams which are all done and out of the way now so I'm glad for that. Third is about last weekend specifically, now most of you wont believe this but its true I swear, I was going to go on Saturday but through the week I picked up a gf and she took auto priority as we went to see catching fire (sorry boys). Last but not least is that my parents don't want to take me that often since we live pretty far away (golden beach and currimundi). However all of that aside I want to ask a few questions since I personally would like to see the responds and comments and that sort of thing for these posts go upward! So first question is, would anyone like to make a ridiculous bet about six sense and the next ban list? Second is what do you guys think is the best winning cheap deck at the moment for new players coming in to the game (my friend is coming on Saturday). Third and final is does any body know the spell book player who needs the grand tower because I have it and we arranged to sort something out but I couldn't make it the next week? Any way sorry for such a short/meaningless post, I will have a report up tomorrow! Have a nice day and remember I need wind ups!
Thursday, 28 November 2013
Catching Some More!
Hey guys, it's your favourite Pokemon Professor here to talk about some more Pokemon TCG events happening over December! Why do I do this? Because I want to see lots of people come and play a game that I enjoy immensely.
The last couple of events apart from the Legendary Treasures pre release didn't have a whole lot of people show up, but since it's going into the school holidays I'm hoping that this perks up a bit. It seems to be the best times for it anyway, if the past is any indication. Speaking of the past, that Kakuna there is an example of the kind of cards I collected when I was a young'n, which now that I'm thinking about it seems to not be as bad as some of the other early cards are in comparison to newer versions. Go figure that one.
Anywho, onto the tournament times. For those of you who don't check the Card House's tournament page (really, it's a great way to see when events you might want to go to are on), there are three Pokemon TCG events to be played in up until the end of the year.
The closest one is actually on this Sunday 1st of December, so hopefully this won't be too short a notice for some of you. Next up is the end of year Pokemon event, which is on Sunday 15th December. If you only end up going to one of the three events, this one is the one you want to attend if for nothing else but the fact that there are some extra goodies to give away.The last event is held on Wednesday 18th December, and this one is a $5 entry as opposed to the usual $10 entry.
So there ya go, a fair few excuses to come on down and play some games of Pokemon. That's not to say that Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh! are short of events, and there are definitely a couple that I'd like to get to. The big one for me is the Yu-Gi-Oh! Teams on the 14th, because I love team events and want to compete in as many of them as I can.
Well, I don't really have much else to add onto that. I'll just leave it at that for today, and I look forward tofeeding you all to my Dragonites seeing you all at the Pokemon events!
The Pokemon Professor, Troy
The last couple of events apart from the Legendary Treasures pre release didn't have a whole lot of people show up, but since it's going into the school holidays I'm hoping that this perks up a bit. It seems to be the best times for it anyway, if the past is any indication. Speaking of the past, that Kakuna there is an example of the kind of cards I collected when I was a young'n, which now that I'm thinking about it seems to not be as bad as some of the other early cards are in comparison to newer versions. Go figure that one.
Anywho, onto the tournament times. For those of you who don't check the Card House's tournament page (really, it's a great way to see when events you might want to go to are on), there are three Pokemon TCG events to be played in up until the end of the year.
The closest one is actually on this Sunday 1st of December, so hopefully this won't be too short a notice for some of you. Next up is the end of year Pokemon event, which is on Sunday 15th December. If you only end up going to one of the three events, this one is the one you want to attend if for nothing else but the fact that there are some extra goodies to give away.The last event is held on Wednesday 18th December, and this one is a $5 entry as opposed to the usual $10 entry.
So there ya go, a fair few excuses to come on down and play some games of Pokemon. That's not to say that Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh! are short of events, and there are definitely a couple that I'd like to get to. The big one for me is the Yu-Gi-Oh! Teams on the 14th, because I love team events and want to compete in as many of them as I can.
Well, I don't really have much else to add onto that. I'll just leave it at that for today, and I look forward to
The Pokemon Professor, Troy
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Where's Blue Duston?
Hey Cardhousians!
I just finished my 3-day e-course on writing through writer's block; so I'm just following through with what I should have been learning, instead of chatting on Omegle. Apparently lesson 1 is just to type whatever random stuff that comes to mind, so here goes:
Fluffy pink unicorn getting a shave and horn filing... (Lesson 2 is to delete the crap that has nothing to do with the subject matter.
I saw that several players were making new Yu-Gi-Oh decks, so like a black sheep I am following the crowd and doing the same.
I have chosen to do a Duston Deadbeat deck, where I special-summon Dustons to fill both sides of the field, and have them sit around and wait for Goblin King to get off his throne... But I'm still short 2 Blue Duston, despite having bought 3 packs of Shadow Spectres last week, and it's a gods-be-damned common no less! I found Wally with less trouble then this!
I'm going to break the unwritten rule, as well as swallow my pride like a can of coke: If you have any you can spare, and want anything that Kev doesn't have in exchange, please FB me.
Yes, I know the unwritten rule of no trading because it hurts the Card-House, our refuge in daylight hours; that's why I specified that Kev can't have it in stock. He was out of Blue Dustons as well, and I can't source them from any online seller to get one of the girls to pick them up for me. Even if the wording is violated like the Public's Trust in the Government, I believe that I'm working in the spirit of the rule.
Unfortunately, I can't offer to name my first-born, second-born, third-born, fourth-born, etc up to 24th- born in exchange, I already offered them as payment / betting collateral, and I keep my word... even if it means that my first-born's name is to be "Gaylor DeMathafocker Manning"... Why I agreed to that bet, even I'll never know...
I also want to remind you that the next draw is in 5 days time; In 5 Days time, one lucky cardhousian will be rewarded just for following.
Some content created by other Cardhousians would be nice too, but we gotta walk before we run, and I haven't done much of either in a while.
I just finished my 3-day e-course on writing through writer's block; so I'm just following through with what I should have been learning, instead of chatting on Omegle. Apparently lesson 1 is just to type whatever random stuff that comes to mind, so here goes:
WANTED: Blue Duston, REWARD to be Negotiated. |
I have chosen to do a Duston Deadbeat deck, where I special-summon Dustons to fill both sides of the field, and have them sit around and wait for Goblin King to get off his throne... But I'm still short 2 Blue Duston, despite having bought 3 packs of Shadow Spectres last week, and it's a gods-be-damned common no less! I found Wally with less trouble then this!
I'm going to break the unwritten rule, as well as swallow my pride like a can of coke: If you have any you can spare, and want anything that Kev doesn't have in exchange, please FB me.
Yes, I know the unwritten rule of no trading because it hurts the Card-House, our refuge in daylight hours; that's why I specified that Kev can't have it in stock. He was out of Blue Dustons as well, and I can't source them from any online seller to get one of the girls to pick them up for me. Even if the wording is violated like the Public's Trust in the Government, I believe that I'm working in the spirit of the rule.
Unfortunately, I can't offer to name my first-born, second-born, third-born, fourth-born, etc up to 24th- born in exchange, I already offered them as payment / betting collateral, and I keep my word... even if it means that my first-born's name is to be "Gaylor DeMathafocker Manning"... Why I agreed to that bet, even I'll never know...
I also want to remind you that the next draw is in 5 days time; In 5 Days time, one lucky cardhousian will be rewarded just for following.
Some content created by other Cardhousians would be nice too, but we gotta walk before we run, and I haven't done much of either in a while.
Friday, 15 November 2013
Finding Treasures
It just occurred to me that I didn't write a blog post to talk about the Legendary Treasures pre release for Pokemon TCG. Well, I'm here to rectify that!
Unfortunately, I have to open this blog on a sour note. Those of you who played in the pre release and borrowed energy from other players, PLEASE RETURN THEM!!! I am down six grass energy and five psychic energy, and I know I'm not the only one who didn't get their loaned energy back. Next pre release, don't be surprised if I'm stingy to the point of not giving out any of my own energy for other players. I'm sure if you simply take them in Kev can hold onto them until he sees us.
With that out of the way, let's move onto the best part, shall we? New cards! Well... with a few reprints mixed in as well. I'll be honest, going into the event I was expecting to see Mewtwo-EX and Darkrai-EX everywhere since they were the two big names to be reprinted, though I didn't see very many at all. Actually, Meloetta-EX was probably one of the most commonly seen cards of the day, along with the absolutely hilarious Cedric Juniper card.
Do you fancy yourself a Pokemon Master? This card will definitely put you to the test! When played, you choose a pokemon from your hand and place it face down on the table, then tell your opponent it's name. Your opponent then has to guess its height. If they get it right they draw three cards, but if they get it wrong then you draw three cards. From a competitive stand Cheren is a much better card as it simply lets you draw three cards, but who can pass up the opportunity to make your opponent sweat a little? Oh, you guys should definitely use this against me with Lucario or Gardevoir. They're the only ones I can't remember the heights of...
I think my favourite draw of the day was Victini-EX. With its Turbo Energize attack, I can attach two energy cards from my deck onto any pokemon on my bench. Having it in my open hand along with a single fire energy meant that I could get set up very quickly, and Intensifying Burn mean that Victini-EX can punch above its weight when confronted with opposing Pokemon-EX.
The games themselves were enjoyable, mostly due to the fact that everyone was on equal footing. For starters, with the promo card being Tornadus-EX it meant that everyone had a big pokemon to play with and getting an unlucky few boosters wasn't as much of a problem. Which for the most part is what happens to me when I attend a pre release.
I'll admit that I made a huge mistake in my first game, in that I forgot to keep track of my prizes. Since we only play with forty card decks, only four prizes are used and I fed one into the grinder when I really shouldn't have. That'll learn me for making a mistake as bad as Ash thinking he would only need one pokemon to beat Elesa!
In spite of that, I somehow managed to sneak into 6th place at the end of the day. Either way, a fun day was had by all I would hope. Besides, there were plenty of shiny new cards to be picked up on the day (including a very gold and full art Reshiram!) and I'm quite interested in picking up a few more boosters of Legendary Treasures when I can. Although I'm definitely looking forward to the arrival of the first X and Y sets starting in February, and the coming mega evolution cards! Because they evolve from Pokemon-EX, that means there's going to be a Lucario-EX and a Gardevoir-EX for me to collect!
Before I head off, there is some important news. From the 8th of November (I know it's kinda late at this point, but we've only had a pre release at this point so I'm sure it'll slide) there are some rules changes to the game. I figure we need to see this because of the tourney coming up on Sunday the 17th, and I'll be enforcing these rules in all of my games. They are as follows:
Well, that's all I have to say for now. Signing off, Pokemon Professor Troy.
Unfortunately, I have to open this blog on a sour note. Those of you who played in the pre release and borrowed energy from other players, PLEASE RETURN THEM!!! I am down six grass energy and five psychic energy, and I know I'm not the only one who didn't get their loaned energy back. Next pre release, don't be surprised if I'm stingy to the point of not giving out any of my own energy for other players. I'm sure if you simply take them in Kev can hold onto them until he sees us.
With that out of the way, let's move onto the best part, shall we? New cards! Well... with a few reprints mixed in as well. I'll be honest, going into the event I was expecting to see Mewtwo-EX and Darkrai-EX everywhere since they were the two big names to be reprinted, though I didn't see very many at all. Actually, Meloetta-EX was probably one of the most commonly seen cards of the day, along with the absolutely hilarious Cedric Juniper card.
Do you fancy yourself a Pokemon Master? This card will definitely put you to the test! When played, you choose a pokemon from your hand and place it face down on the table, then tell your opponent it's name. Your opponent then has to guess its height. If they get it right they draw three cards, but if they get it wrong then you draw three cards. From a competitive stand Cheren is a much better card as it simply lets you draw three cards, but who can pass up the opportunity to make your opponent sweat a little? Oh, you guys should definitely use this against me with Lucario or Gardevoir. They're the only ones I can't remember the heights of...
I think my favourite draw of the day was Victini-EX. With its Turbo Energize attack, I can attach two energy cards from my deck onto any pokemon on my bench. Having it in my open hand along with a single fire energy meant that I could get set up very quickly, and Intensifying Burn mean that Victini-EX can punch above its weight when confronted with opposing Pokemon-EX.
The games themselves were enjoyable, mostly due to the fact that everyone was on equal footing. For starters, with the promo card being Tornadus-EX it meant that everyone had a big pokemon to play with and getting an unlucky few boosters wasn't as much of a problem. Which for the most part is what happens to me when I attend a pre release.
I'll admit that I made a huge mistake in my first game, in that I forgot to keep track of my prizes. Since we only play with forty card decks, only four prizes are used and I fed one into the grinder when I really shouldn't have. That'll learn me for making a mistake as bad as Ash thinking he would only need one pokemon to beat Elesa!
In spite of that, I somehow managed to sneak into 6th place at the end of the day. Either way, a fun day was had by all I would hope. Besides, there were plenty of shiny new cards to be picked up on the day (including a very gold and full art Reshiram!) and I'm quite interested in picking up a few more boosters of Legendary Treasures when I can. Although I'm definitely looking forward to the arrival of the first X and Y sets starting in February, and the coming mega evolution cards! Because they evolve from Pokemon-EX, that means there's going to be a Lucario-EX and a Gardevoir-EX for me to collect!
Before I head off, there is some important news. From the 8th of November (I know it's kinda late at this point, but we've only had a pre release at this point so I'm sure it'll slide) there are some rules changes to the game. I figure we need to see this because of the tourney coming up on Sunday the 17th, and I'll be enforcing these rules in all of my games. They are as follows:
- First Turn: Before drawing your opening hand, flip a coin. The winner of the coin flip decides who goes first, and the person who goes first can't declare an attack on their first turn.
- Errata - Pokemon Catcher: The new effect for Pokemon Catcher is "Flip a coin. If heads, switch 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon with his or her Active Pokémon."
- Professor Juniper and Professor Sycamore: Both Juniper and Sycamore are identical in effect, but you may not contain both in your deck. You can have up to four copies of Professor Juniper or four copies of Professor Sycamore, but you may not include copies of both in your deck even if they only add up to four between them.
Well, that's all I have to say for now. Signing off, Pokemon Professor Troy.
Sunday, 10 November 2013
Max the newbie on the block's first tourney where he has to use his own bad cards!
Hello Card-Housians, how are you today? Today I'm going to be talking about Saturday's win a box, although this is a little late as I hope to do these on the night the event takes place I was without a computer so sorry. Well as usual I woke up way to early excited and got ready and took off with 40 bucks in my pocket. Rolled up and bought my entry and 3 order of chaos packs, and a bag of tokens cause I run scape goat that's why. So I had my mix and match cards that are standing for a deck while I build wind ups unfortunately I spent all my money and couldn't buy any but I made a decent trade for some stuff I needed/ wanted. I played a practice duel and was happy to even hold my own and take 4000 lp off the battling boxer guy I was playing with and I knew what I had simply wasn't going to cut it today. (P.S I need wind ups so if anyone has them and is willing to trade/ sell I am needing them). Anyway I got on and prepared for first match and I was against ......... infernities. I got trampled in a 2-0 beat down where I got spammed and could do nothing.
2nd round I played against someone who I cant quite remember but I do remember that the game went to him really fast twice. Nothing much to say with a mix and match I needed to draw perfect and obviously that's never really going to be the case. UGH.
3rd round was against a guy named Kayden he was playing dragon rulers and smashed me game 1 so I scooped. Game two he combo'd and got out tons of dragons I drew got no outs and scooped again, he had wind ups but I had no money :/.
4th round was against constellars again got 2-0d quick, nothing I can do against them with my deck. (I cannot stress this enough I NEED WIND UPS).
Went into game 5 pretty beaten I didn't feel on top of the world that's for sure but I was still having fun and gaining exp, and this is where I ran into...... SPELLBOOKS and guess what I had opening hand of game 1 MISTAKE, that's right baby now adding spellbooks for you get owned buddy. Then I opened well and he didn't so I got a lead and I held it till time for game! He needs some more cards and I have one so yeah but I did get a win!
So I walked away with 1 shadow pack and 4 order of chaos packs and no holos were pulled that day UGH :(. Anyway guys thanks for reading and I want to just back up what chad said me and the winner were the only ones in the draw come on! don't you guys want free packs just join. Hey you never know you might get a tachyon and in turn a free dracosacc! Well that's quite enough of my rambling for one night. Have a nice day!
2nd round I played against someone who I cant quite remember but I do remember that the game went to him really fast twice. Nothing much to say with a mix and match I needed to draw perfect and obviously that's never really going to be the case. UGH.
3rd round was against a guy named Kayden he was playing dragon rulers and smashed me game 1 so I scooped. Game two he combo'd and got out tons of dragons I drew got no outs and scooped again, he had wind ups but I had no money :/.
4th round was against constellars again got 2-0d quick, nothing I can do against them with my deck. (I cannot stress this enough I NEED WIND UPS).
Went into game 5 pretty beaten I didn't feel on top of the world that's for sure but I was still having fun and gaining exp, and this is where I ran into...... SPELLBOOKS and guess what I had opening hand of game 1 MISTAKE, that's right baby now adding spellbooks for you get owned buddy. Then I opened well and he didn't so I got a lead and I held it till time for game! He needs some more cards and I have one so yeah but I did get a win!
So I walked away with 1 shadow pack and 4 order of chaos packs and no holos were pulled that day UGH :(. Anyway guys thanks for reading and I want to just back up what chad said me and the winner were the only ones in the draw come on! don't you guys want free packs just join. Hey you never know you might get a tachyon and in turn a free dracosacc! Well that's quite enough of my rambling for one night. Have a nice day!
Sunday, 3 November 2013
Winner of first Monthly Draw!
Firstly I appologise for posting the pre-release article yet. I am still working night-and-day with my elven assistants to get a full round-up of the new archetypes!
I gave my word; I promised that on the 3rd of every month, there would be a 3-pack prize draw.
So keeping my word, the draw has been done.
Before I announceAaron Ford as the Winner, here is a copy-pastable infographic demonstrating how I did the draw;
I'm going to be straight-up honest and say this: I'm surprised that Only 2 Cardhousians are willing to go into the running to win 3 booster-packs of their choice... What the actual Hell?
We are supposed to be mostly gen X/Y, self-entitled [[inset choice profanity here]] who won't turn down free stuff!?
While I thank you for restoring some of my faith in humanity, with your reluctance to take my free stuff, It would still be great if you can add yourself as a cardhousian, then I will set you up with the option to post whatever musings you guys have. That way if you wake up at 2am in the morning and want to make your first post, you need not wait for me to be dragged out of my bed like I was by my mother (kicking and screaming).
Without Further Ado; the Winner is Aaron! Hooray for Aaron!
Feel free to pick-up the 3 packs of your choice when you go in next mate! (I paid Kev for them already, so take your pick.)
So we have almost a whole month til the next draw; are you going to be in it to win it?
Firstly I appologise for posting the pre-release article yet. I am still working night-and-day with my elven assistants to get a full round-up of the new archetypes!
I gave my word; I promised that on the 3rd of every month, there would be a 3-pack prize draw.
So keeping my word, the draw has been done.
Before I announce
I'm going to be straight-up honest and say this: I'm surprised that Only 2 Cardhousians are willing to go into the running to win 3 booster-packs of their choice... What the actual Hell?
We are supposed to be mostly gen X/Y, self-entitled [[inset choice profanity here]] who won't turn down free stuff!?
While I thank you for restoring some of my faith in humanity, with your reluctance to take my free stuff, It would still be great if you can add yourself as a cardhousian, then I will set you up with the option to post whatever musings you guys have. That way if you wake up at 2am in the morning and want to make your first post, you need not wait for me to be dragged out of my bed like I was by my mother (kicking and screaming).
Without Further Ado; the Winner is Aaron! Hooray for Aaron!
Feel free to pick-up the 3 packs of your choice when you go in next mate! (I paid Kev for them already, so take your pick.)
So we have almost a whole month til the next draw; are you going to be in it to win it?
Saturday, 2 November 2013
Hallow's Eve game night!
Halloween was a fun night, crazy decks, crazier costumes and all that.
Anyway, not much more needs saying; so I'll begin the photo dump and witty captions!
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This pic demonstrates that Anonymous is on par to god-hood, sitting and chilling with Thor and Odin. |
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Was getting rowdy, and not a drop of 'happy juice'. |
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some poor Anon learning the hard way that Graham is a Wizard! |
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More gamer girls then you can shake a deck at. :-) |
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two turtles, a barbarian and Odin/Thor... sounds like a great sit-com premise! |
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The girls got more into the costuming then what the guys did... unless you count the blonde trap on the right... |
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You can only save one: Either warn Satan about Freddy, or Finn about the Splicer! |
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I don't really need to caption this, do I? |
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Splicer no splicing! You've had enough ADAM today! |
Max the newbie on the block's first tournament!
Hey guys, me again and this time I have the tiniest amount of competitive experience under my belt and I'm here to talk about how good and fun the Shadow Specters pre-release was. So let's start at the beginning shall we? Woke up too early simply because of excitement and nervousness :(. I woke up at 6 AM. That's ridiculous but anyway I sat on my Ipad and scrolled on the internet and before I knew it, it was 8 o'clock and time to move! I got ready and me and my mum set on our merry way, dropped in to the 7/11 to grab a coke and a sausage roll (we needed change for a 50) then we made it to the card house. I signed in and my mum was off I was on my own and it was time to duel! In about 40 minutes. While waiting I met Jacob a guy roughly my age maybe younger and we had a practice duel with what we had just in case (his warrior deck and my mix and match). The results were inconclusive as time ran out and we were all dealt our packs and promo cards. I opened my packs and pulled rather nicely with plenty of ghost tricks, a secret mistake, a super Celestial wolf lord of blue Sirius and a super Ghost trick alucard. I was pretty happy with this but thus made the mistake of putting too many cards in my deck :/. Rookie mistake. Anyway I was getting questions of am I trading the mistake and celestial but I said maybe afterwards although I wasn't ready to give them up today, maybe next week! I was pumped and ready for match 1. I played against someone (sorry I forgot name) and lost game one, won game two, and lost game three.
Then I compared with Jacob he too had lost that game so I didn't feel to bad at least :). Game two rolled around and again I forgot who I was versing but sadly I got 2-0'd pretty quickly and that was pretty discouraging, but he was a very nice guy and we played a game three for fun (which I lost again!)
I compared with Jacob and I think he lost too I cant remember exactly. But onto me I versed Chad and we had a very good game one and grinded hard until I only just came out victorious. Game two and I beat him within 2 turns! that was a huge confidence boost and I felt really happy then he complimented me on my blog and bought me a booster (tachyon nothing good pulled).
I compared with Jacob he too had won. My match 4 was a good one and against none other than.......JACOB! It was on like Donkey Kong. I grinded out and won game one. he did the same for game two. Therefore we didn't have barely any time on the game three and I just pulled ahead when time was called. Another huge confidence boost
Match 5 was against someone I forgot name sorry and I summoned pumpkin and just used it for 7 turns until he scooped. Then we grinded out game two and I had game..... then I misplayed and didn't set my monsters back and they got destroyed and I got gamed :(. Game three again barely any time and he came out on top and I must say he played well.
Unfortunately I didn't get a mat but I placed 19th out of I think 26 and I got an extra booster (so did Jacob) so I ended up getting another specters and a tachyon. Nothing from the specters but from the tachyon I pulled a secret............. Torrential reborn (insert more disappointment here). Then my ride was there and I had to leave but I had so much fun and everyone was so nice! I am coming back another week and trying to build wind ups. Have a nice day!
Then I compared with Jacob he too had lost that game so I didn't feel to bad at least :). Game two rolled around and again I forgot who I was versing but sadly I got 2-0'd pretty quickly and that was pretty discouraging, but he was a very nice guy and we played a game three for fun (which I lost again!)
I compared with Jacob and I think he lost too I cant remember exactly. But onto me I versed Chad and we had a very good game one and grinded hard until I only just came out victorious. Game two and I beat him within 2 turns! that was a huge confidence boost and I felt really happy then he complimented me on my blog and bought me a booster (tachyon nothing good pulled).
I compared with Jacob he too had won. My match 4 was a good one and against none other than.......JACOB! It was on like Donkey Kong. I grinded out and won game one. he did the same for game two. Therefore we didn't have barely any time on the game three and I just pulled ahead when time was called. Another huge confidence boost
Match 5 was against someone I forgot name sorry and I summoned pumpkin and just used it for 7 turns until he scooped. Then we grinded out game two and I had game..... then I misplayed and didn't set my monsters back and they got destroyed and I got gamed :(. Game three again barely any time and he came out on top and I must say he played well.
Unfortunately I didn't get a mat but I placed 19th out of I think 26 and I got an extra booster (so did Jacob) so I ended up getting another specters and a tachyon. Nothing from the specters but from the tachyon I pulled a secret............. Torrential reborn (insert more disappointment here). Then my ride was there and I had to leave but I had so much fun and everyone was so nice! I am coming back another week and trying to build wind ups. Have a nice day!
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Max the newbie on the block
Hello fellow players of card games, I am Max. A new blogger around these parts so please excuse my complete infidelity compared to chad's :P. I am 13 and I am based in Currimundi so yes it can on occasion be a stretch to get out to the cardie. I am a semi veteran of Yu-Gi-Oh I played back before GX but I left second episode of GX. I still had all my cards though most of them fake because I didn't play competitively and I didn't care I just wanted the best cards. A few months ago perhaps 3 I was messing around on the internet when I saw Bam Yu-Gi-Oh on Kongregate and I thought "hell why not for the nostalgia" so I played and got addicted, as Yu-Gi-Oh tends to do. Then I got more interested and decided I'd look on Youtube and before I knew it I was on duelling network playing with a deck I used to play. Needless to say I lost a lot. So I decided to do research and saw all these decks and saw how they played I didn't really like the way with all the special summons and synchro's and xyz's in one turn as the meta does. That pushed me to look harder and I came across frog monarchs, I liked that they could win and I didn't special excessively a lot of normal is what I like. I guess that's just me being old fashioned. So I was on DN and winning quite a bit and having fun and that's where I thought it would stay DN. However that got turned on its head when Epic Diems came around and I thought it looked awesome so I went. I spent most of my time at The Card House area looking at magic and Yu-Gi-Oh and window shopping. Then the day after diems I decided I wanted to get out my cards and go play but alas they were no where to be found, so I had to start all over again so I bought three tachyon galaxy (only thing Kmart had) and I unboxed those babies and I pulled ..................... a secret .................... pinpoint guard (insert disappointment here). I also pulled a super something or other. Then I was hungry for more. I also taught my sister on just those cards and we were playing religiously. However I wanted more so we bought the V victory starter deck and kept playing. Alas that only added fuel to the flame and I was on the look for my frog monarchs so I asked at a local Amazen's and they told me to look up The Card House which I had forgot about since diems. I took the advice and I found the store though somehow I don't know why I was scared to ask my mum to take me I don't know why. So on DN I would stay or so I thought until I saw Legendary Collection 4 Joeys world for free on the website and I knew this was my chance/excuse so I rang and they said it was a glitch and would be fixed. I checked an hour later it wasn't so I rang again and got the same promise. Next day still not fixed so I talked to Kev directly and he told me to come in. So I did and he gave my mum the run down on the tournies etc. So this once again got me hungry as I bought a binder deck box sleeves and some bp epic dawn's. Got some helpful stuff. Then I was at Mr Toys Toy World and I saw Abyss rising so I bought one pack and pulled a secret grand spellbook tower so yeah I get all the luck so far. Any way I am coming to the Shadow Specters pre release and I cant wait it will be my first tourney and all. Anyway my posts will be about my I guess you could say newbies travels as I try to build my frog monarchs and get more into Yu-Gi-Oh. Have a nice day!
Sunday, 27 October 2013
Gotta be In It to Win It!
First off cardhousians, I have an infographic to show you!
Now that I've explained how to get in the draw/ Contribute, here's today's post.
That's right boys and girls!
The team-play event is done like a sunday roast. We take the raw meat of our weekly Yugioh match-ups, season with the adding of a team-mate with his own deck and strategy; this recipe leads to either one of two things: The savory smell and taste of Victory, or the charred remains of burned bridges and bitter defeats.
The games seemed to be far more relaxed then, and I am actually in my element. the sharp speed and scalpel precision of Super competitive decks are often blunted by the random pairings.
In my previous team events, I've had the misfortune of being paired with someone either too good a duelist and non-team player, or a great team-player who is using a deck from 2010.
Supprisingly, I was paired up with Alex N's Darkworld. My Hazy Flames in a dark-world deck seemed oxymoronic IMO, but screw the fluff, we have Duels to Duel!
Everything went better then expected: Darkworlds destroying the opponent's side of the field, using their anti-meta for their own protection, while the Hazy Flames used any openings made to attack, and used their anti-meta to aid the Dark-World's efforts. (does help when Hazy Flames can not be targeted by card effects.)
Okay, I'll be honest: Alex dragged us to victory, I merely made sure to have his back, and protect my field.
For the most part, the games went quite smoothly. There were a few times where I thought things were going to go pear shaped, but having someone else to back you up certainly helps. You also need to remember the turn order, for example destroying a defence position monster the next opponent has instead of just going for a direct attack so that the mystery monster doesn't contribute to a comeback. This is just one thing to think about when playing teams, rather than just focussing on one field there are two to consider.
Another thing is blindly using mass destruction cards. What happens if your team mate is trying to set up a big monster and you use Dark Hole?
Alex and I agreed before the first round that if the situation called for something to be used, do it. Hazy Flames are Expendable, especially with Rekindling. Darkworlds generally have a limited presence on the field. So Flush Away!
What did I learn? Check the Rulings! DCM said I couldn't use Rekindling while his partner's Kaiser Colosseum and 1 monster were on the field. I checked that evening, and it turns out that the Rekindling special summons happen simultaneously and separately because I had no creatures, and would have none until after resolution check. so my opponent's Kaiser Colosseum would not have stopped me from summoning all 5 materials required for Hazy-Flame Basiltrice as DCM thought.
Alex and I still beat them due to time-out, but it's good to know.
Saturday, 26 October 2013
Insert Téa-style Friendship Speech Here
Well, maybe not quite that drastic and one track minded as one of Téa's speeches, but I am gonna have a little talk about today's teams event for Yu-Gi-Oh! I used a Zexal image because I wasn't game to google search images of Yugi and Kaiba. Fangirls... fangirls everywhere.
I, for one, really enjoy playing in teams events. First and foremost, it seems to have a much more relaxed atmosphere than a standard event. Admittedly I don't spend hours tweaking my decks until they're perfectly optimised to crush everyone's dreams of winning, instead being happy as long as it functions more or less the way it's supposed to. While it's certainly no issue bringing your super competitive deck to the event, it can be balanced out by being randomly paired up with someone who isn't quite at your speed. In that way the event is somewhat balanced, though with random teams can always throw a spanner in the works.

Having only just returned to the game at the end of 2011/beginning of 2012 after an almost three year break I hadn't seen a Scrap deck in action before. It was quite an interesting experience to play alongside them (and get bailed out on more than one occasion). Did the two decks compliment each other well? I wouldn't say that they did as such, but they didn't take away from one another so I would consider the partnership a more or less successful one. More so seeing as I heard tales about Zombie World screwing up another team's overall tactics, and yet another good reason why one should try to at least bring a team friendly deck when looking to join in. There is such a thing as the good sports award, you know!
For the most part, the games went quite smoothly. There were a few times where I thought things were going to go pear shaped, but having someone else to back you up certainly helps. You also need to remember the turn order, for example destroying a defence position monster the next opponent has instead of just going for a direct attack so that the mystery monster doesn't contribute to a comeback. This is just one thing to think about when playing teams, rather than just focussing on one field there are two to consider.
Another thing is blindly using mass destruction cards. What happens if your team mate is trying to set up a big monster and you use Dark Hole? This is one of those things where you really need to talk with your team mate beforehand about the policy. Fabio and I agreed before the first round that if the situation called for Needle Ceiling to be used, don't hesitate on it. I was willing to sacrifice my Galaxy-Eyes if the situation called for it, as a good team mate should. Not to toot my own horn or anything (Fabio's monsters were busy tooting the Horn of the Phantom Beast anyway, and that's enough horn tooting for the day).
Do I have any regrets for today? Just one. Every time I summoned Starliege Lord Galaxion, he wasn't able to activate his effect for one reason or another. That's the only petty regret I have, as the rest of the time was a blast win or lose. I hope to be able to attend more team events in the future, and would urge everyone else to have a go as well.
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Don't Hate the Player... + GIVEAWAY DRAW!
Holy Cardstock...
Over 40 Cardhousians showed up for yugioh! That's like four tens! That is Awesome!
Sad that we don't all get together more often, I love you guys all comming in and pwning my paraplegic rump!
Of course we have our top-tier deck masters, national and regional champions. Although we may begrudge their 'win at all cost attitudes', we 'fun' players can use those opportunities to refine our decks so we can pwn each other like a Boss.
Take my Hazy Flames, for example. I am still toying with the "Staple Spells and Traps", trying to cram in extra anti-meta with the sheer fun value of being able to pull off ballsy plays like getting "Hazy Flame Basiltrice" out by turn 4 and burning my opponent's life-points like my RL attempts at cooking. If I end up getting roasted myself, it's always great to see how they do it.
Same with the Up and Coming badasses we have rising up in the ranks. Ashton used creature swap to steal my "Hazy-Flame Basiltrice", then charr me with one attack with my pet!
Shame I had to meet Fallon's 'boyfriend', I'd have liked to have done the Magic tourney, but such is life.
Anyway, the offer's out for new posters to post on here. Just send me a message on Facebook with an email address you can access; I'll send the invitation to post here in your own name, and then you can follow the prompts and be showered in the praise from your fellow Cardhousians!
That, and I'll reach into my bottomless black hole of moneys to buy you a booster pack of your choice. And you get to reap in the Cred of your peers!
Also, please subscribe to the Blog: There will be a draw on the third of the month for all followers here, where you will get 3 booster packs of your choice, on me.*
TLDR: Subscribe for prize draw on the 3rd of each month! Write an article for a pack.
* - If Kev has it in stock. It should go without saying, but I'd like to preempt some smart-Alec saying that they want 3 Alpha/Beta booster packs.
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
A Good Deed Never Goes Unpunished.
Seriously you guys? I try and do a nice thing for Troy's birthday, and it back-fired! All right, lemme back up and start from the beginning.
My birthday was October the 5th. Troy's was the 7th. So like a bro', I thought I'd buy him a cake.
Anyway, it turned out to be a bigger flop then "John Carter". If I learned anything from The Sims, it is that Birthday Cake = Age Up.
Therefore with this logic, because you all made me use the cake in Troy's place, he remains young and pretty, and I get older!
WTH guys? Are you trying to kill me with old-age?
Half-assed rant skirting on Poe's law aside, I want to wish Troy once again a Happy Birthday. Before discussing Halloween.
Costumes? What to wear? They say that Halloween is the one night of the year where women can dress down, and act like devils and no-one can call them out on it. I disagree, feminism means Friday and Saturday nights are this, especially if you hit the town with me.
So looking at it this way, what are you going to miss out on by going into the Card House this Halloween? Come in for the Cards, trick your opponent for victory, and then go hit the town to treat yourself to the Candy! (If you are younger, then get a friend/brother/sister to carry a bag around for you when they go trick-or-treating, and then your own sweet tooth is satisfied as well.)
Seriously, I dunno what to dress up as TBH, so please post some suggestions?!
My birthday was October the 5th. Troy's was the 7th. So like a bro', I thought I'd buy him a cake.
Anyway, it turned out to be a bigger flop then "John Carter". If I learned anything from The Sims, it is that Birthday Cake = Age Up.
Therefore with this logic, because you all made me use the cake in Troy's place, he remains young and pretty, and I get older!
WTH guys? Are you trying to kill me with old-age?
![]() |
Here's the photo of me more annoyed then when my Girl of the Now tries to talk about 'Us'. |
Costumes? What to wear? They say that Halloween is the one night of the year where women can dress down, and act like devils and no-one can call them out on it. I disagree, feminism means Friday and Saturday nights are this, especially if you hit the town with me.
So looking at it this way, what are you going to miss out on by going into the Card House this Halloween? Come in for the Cards, trick your opponent for victory, and then go hit the town to treat yourself to the Candy! (If you are younger, then get a friend/brother/sister to carry a bag around for you when they go trick-or-treating, and then your own sweet tooth is satisfied as well.)
Seriously, I dunno what to dress up as TBH, so please post some suggestions?!
Saturday, 28 September 2013
Epic Diem Photo Dump
As we know, Epic Diem was truely epic! I promised photo's, and I delivered!
Within the rabble of the geek hordes, great warriors pitted their combat skill in the arena, each vying for martial glory. The doors opened for the markets; joined by the theater showing some of the greatest anime known to man/furry/pony-kind, and a brawling ring where unarmed combatants tested their mettle.
Within the Market district, finest armorers and common traders sold their wares. The markets became a back-drop for a story yet to be told: The epic tale of Theros began...
I am no storyteller, and I spent too much time under the sandal of both the Gods' and Colossus of Akros to weave a tale that does them justice.
I am opening the floor, so if you are willing to recount your Epic saga of the day, I'll give you a booster pack of your choice.
Now I present to you the Epic Diem photo-dump: The photo's all done by Chelsea Manning...
Shame she left the lens cap on when taking the other photo's... Including myself heckling the Scientology stand in a Guy Fawkes Mask, me being beaten by the Infinity Wars demo, and Chelsea's knight in shining Armour...
Within the rabble of the geek hordes, great warriors pitted their combat skill in the arena, each vying for martial glory. The doors opened for the markets; joined by the theater showing some of the greatest anime known to man/furry/pony-kind, and a brawling ring where unarmed combatants tested their mettle.
Within the Market district, finest armorers and common traders sold their wares. The markets became a back-drop for a story yet to be told: The epic tale of Theros began...
I am no storyteller, and I spent too much time under the sandal of both the Gods' and Colossus of Akros to weave a tale that does them justice.
I am opening the floor, so if you are willing to recount your Epic saga of the day, I'll give you a booster pack of your choice.
Now I present to you the Epic Diem photo-dump: The photo's all done by Chelsea Manning...
Shame she left the lens cap on when taking the other photo's... Including myself heckling the Scientology stand in a Guy Fawkes Mask, me being beaten by the Infinity Wars demo, and Chelsea's knight in shining Armour...
Our own Aaron cosplaying as Cloud |
Our own Aaron cosplaying as Cloud... again. |
Heroes in pitched battle. Notice the Guy staring at chelsea's chest. |
More of the Struggle. 1 |
The Greater Battleground. |
Notice the ring in the background; the battle their pales in comparison to the epic of Theros! |
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Vegas Photo's and pre-EPIC DIEM!
Hi Every body.
(A hi Dr Chad would be appreciated.)
Good news for Yugioh! Kev finally sent me the pictures. Unfortunately I can only post a few here because, well "What happens in Vegas..." That and I didn't burn the Place Down with the Hazy flames! We still have a Venue to play at, so Huzzah for that.
Here's the photo's, with witty captions:
The Dueling Grounds, note the Statue of "Utopia Ray" |
Here's Kev with Yuma Tsukumo. Obviously Yuma's ego is hugely Inflated. |
It's SRS business Guys, check out their Game Faces! |
Do they get those shirts there, or do they buy them somewhere? |
The Photo's were taken, and a custom token made immortalizing them through the ages is made... Well until the card disintegrates... |
EPIC DIEM is on Saturday, so Troy's only running the Yugioh tournaments in the Morning at the Card-House. But Constructed Yugioh Tournaments are happening at Epic Diem at 10:30am, and again at 4:30pm. The Vanguard has a constructed tournaments at 1:00
Magic Planeswalkers who heeded my advice and booked in for the Theros Pre-Release already have a free ticket, with only paying to compete. For those who haven't (poor sod), you need to pay for admission and entry, and the tourney times are: 11:00am, 3:00pm and 6:00pm at the times
A set based on Greek Mythology; details about the set, and the EPIC DIEM day are here:
See ya there :-)
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
I totally had an awesome title, but I misplaced it like Kev misplaced the Vegas photo's :0D
What's going on?
Good News: I'm starting back to Yugioh! I finally finishedham-fisting a bunch of cards into a deck-box rebuilding my "Hazy Flame BBQ" deck. All going well, this saturday is the day I burn the Card-House Down (figure of speech). How do you want your loss, char grilled or served as raw perfection? Joking aside, I missed the Yugioh, and while the MTG guys are great, it's like comparing a banana to a dog-toy steak... So different.
2ndly I want to get your opinion on something: I'd like to get a mini-series up and running for a "Yugioh IRL" on youtube, and I want to get some idea of how many of you guys want in, who'd you want to play the Protagonist (apart from yourself, popular vote gets it), and any ideas for plot-lines.
Also what skills do you guys have? I mean apart from strategic insight in card-games, encyclopedic knowledge of Anime/Manga and the ability to talk more trash then a politician, without the state-changing fallout?
One things for certain: I'm toosexy asymmetrical for the lens...
Oh! before I forget: As a Planeswalker, you out to get a pass for Epic Diem! I've been cautioned from saying that you'll probably see more Ass there than an Unhinged Pre-Release, so I will just say that Theros is going to be Legendary, and the rest of the convention almost as Mythic!
Later Guys.
Good News: I'm starting back to Yugioh! I finally finished
2ndly I want to get your opinion on something: I'd like to get a mini-series up and running for a "Yugioh IRL" on youtube, and I want to get some idea of how many of you guys want in, who'd you want to play the Protagonist (apart from yourself, popular vote gets it), and any ideas for plot-lines.
Also what skills do you guys have? I mean apart from strategic insight in card-games, encyclopedic knowledge of Anime/Manga and the ability to talk more trash then a politician, without the state-changing fallout?
One things for certain: I'm too
Oh! before I forget: As a Planeswalker, you out to get a pass for Epic Diem! I've been cautioned from saying that you'll probably see more Ass there than an Unhinged Pre-Release, so I will just say that Theros is going to be Legendary, and the rest of the convention almost as Mythic!
Later Guys.
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
Epic Diem
Greetings fellow Cardhousians.
What's everyone been up to? Your Feedback on the new look for the blog would be greatly appreciated.
I was hoping to get back to Yu-Gi-Oh on Saturday, but apparently I need to do something called "Voting" for the "National Election". I Finally finished adapting the deck, So all going well, the Saturday after.
I must admit: There comes a time in everybasement dweller's Geeky/Nerdy life where we have to consider facing our worst enemy:
The Sun!
But willI we face it? (I need to remember that despite the consensus in my head, the world does not revolve around me, but my arch nemesis the Sun...)
Anyway the Theros Pre-Release coincides with Epic Diem (Big Moment) Saturday 21st at 9 am. This means that we fellow Planeswalkers have no choice but to leave the Realms of the Basement/the Card House.
Consider it an adventure: Bustling Crowds,Scantily Clad Cosplay Girls vying for our attention, fight sequences with boffers, unique Shinies trinkets to buy, and maybe, just maybe Victory at the Pre-Release!
Get ready by buying tickets from Kev, our friendly neighbourhoodspiderman Purveyor of Win, and Book now for Theros!
Chad, fearing Sun's wrath...
NB: Still reading through the Theros Spoilers, I will post more about it when I know more.
What's everyone been up to? Your Feedback on the new look for the blog would be greatly appreciated.
I was hoping to get back to Yu-Gi-Oh on Saturday, but apparently I need to do something called "Voting" for the "National Election". I Finally finished adapting the deck, So all going well, the Saturday after.
I must admit: There comes a time in every
The Sun!
But will
Anyway the Theros Pre-Release coincides with Epic Diem (Big Moment) Saturday 21st at 9 am. This means that we fellow Planeswalkers have no choice but to leave the Realms of the Basement/the Card House.
Consider it an adventure: Bustling Crowds,
Get ready by buying tickets from Kev, our friendly neighbourhood
Chad, fearing Sun's wrath...
NB: Still reading through the Theros Spoilers, I will post more about it when I know more.
Thursday, 22 August 2013
KONAMI Is the DOVAKIIN! (How they slew the Dragon Rulers with the September 1st banlist!)
Alright guys, are you all excited as I am right now?
I'll contain myself for a few minutes; and give you a rundown of the changes for the September ban-list.
Ban-List Changes Effective September 1st:
"Alright Chad, How does this affect me?"
Well, for once, Konami defecated on every major player in the meta-game.
We have lost many former Staples, (CARD DESTRUCTION, HEAVY STORM, MONSTER REBORN,
SOLEMN JUDGEMENT are now Forbidden, THUNDER KING RAI-OH, GOLD SARCOPHAGUS, ROYAL TRIBUTE, BOTTOMLESS TRAP HOLE, COMPULSORY EVACUATION DEVICE limited, and DIMENSIONAL PRISON as semi-limited.) The reduction from 18-22 stap;es down to 12-15 Staples, not just allows us to build more varied and pro-active decks (instead of the March 13's Anti-Everything being the meta), We also have less chance of being shaken down by airport security for carrying our deck in hand-luggage!
Here are my staples? What are your thoughts? Anything I missed?
3 x Mystical Space Typhoon
3 x Negate Attack
2 x Dimensional Prison
1 x Bottomless Trap Hole
1 x Compulsary Evacuation Device
1 x Mirror Force
Not everyone wins though, and with a mix of sympathy for Dave (he spent a ton of cash on his dragon-ruler deck) and sheer glee, I can say that konami killed Dragon Rulers, and drained the soul from the deck! (losing the lynch-pin BURNER, LIGHTNING, REACTAN, and STREAM renders the deck as impotent as I am without some 'magic pills'. Six samurai players have lost their Gateway. Mermail-atlantians have gone down to one Diva and Dragoon. Also, Macro-Rabbit decks (including evilswarm-Macro-Rabbit) have been killed off, Rescue Rabbit being limited to 1.
At least Blackwings get back their BLACK WHIRLWIND, Heiratic's get their HIERATIC SEAL OF CONVOCATION, and E-Heroes get their A HERO LIVES and E - EMERGENCY CALL (they lose stratos, but shit happens.)
All in all, my only cause to whine about the Ban-List is that LEGENDARY SIX SAMURAII - SHI EN has dodged the ban-list again!
Ahhh... C'est la vie
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
New Banlist
Well, the latest ban list for Yu-Gi-Oh! has been officially released, and it seems everyone is taking a hit. I imagine it's to slow down some of the nastier decks out at the moment, and while I know I'm gonna miss a couple of cards there are some that most of us will be grateful to see gone.
One big change is that all of the baby Dragon Rulers are now banned completely. I don't think any of us will be surprised by this, what with Dragon Rulers dominating the previous format. By getting rid of the baby dragons, this should slow them down by a significant amount. What may be the killer for them though is the banning of Super Rejuvination and limiting of Gold Sarcophagus. Admittedly, I'd hate to be the guy who bought more than one copy of Dracossack and Number 11: Big Eye at the moment.
Speaking of Xyz monsters, the only new one on the ban list is Number 16: Shock Master. Here's another one who I think we'll be glad to see the last of for a while. I know more than once when I've been playing Harpies and started swarming my opponent has expressed a sigh at the sudden appearance of Shock Master, although I'll admit to not having played one in my deck even before this ban list.
Here's a surprise for me in that Elemental HERO Stratos is now banned. I have a friend in England that I play against on Dueling Network who plays HEROes, and having had experience against him I would've thought that Stratos was fine being limited. I'll assume there was a decent reason for it and move onto the next cards now, so don't worry about that.
However, it's the toolbox cards that took the biggest hit. As of September 1st, we are no longer allowed to have copies of Monster Reborn, Heavy Storm, Pot of Avarice and Solemn Judgment in decks. Card Destruction is also gone, so just about every one of us will have to do some thinking about what we're gonna fill those holes with. Reborn is an easy one for me, as I can substitute Galaxy Zero in my Photon deck and Hysteric Party for my Harpies.
Another couple of banned cards that caught my attention are Gateway of the Six and Spellbook of Judgment. I haven't seen too many Six Samurai decks lately, which I have the feeling that Evilswarm Ophion is responsible for, and this could very well be the final nail in the coffin for them. The banning of Judgment will definitely serve to slow down Prophecy/Spellbook decks, although they might still be able to remain competitive since it looks like none of their other cards got hit.
Onto the limited stuff, and we will no longer be seeing more than one of the Wascaly Wabbits due to being limited. This will hit quite a few decks, slowing down Dino Rabbit, Noble Rabbit, Evilswarm and Fire Fists. I know I won't be sorry to see him at one for a while.
Speaking of limits, I seem to remember Mermails, Fire Fists and Bujin being thought to be the big decks for the upcoming format. It would seem that Konami agrees, limiting several cards that slot in with them. Among those hit are:
- Atlantean Dragoons
- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Spirit
- Deep Sea Diva
On that topic, it's worth mentioning that Fire Formation - Tenki got the semi-limited treatment, probably in anticipation of Fire Fists and Bujin decks. We shall see if it's enough to keep the balance over the next few months.
The last one I'm going to talk about for now is the complete removal of Black Whirlwind from the list. As someone who has played Blackwings (in the form of Black Harpies), I'm honestly shocked by this. One really good starting hand can result in a massive swarm of the field in a single turn, especially with Heavy Storm gone. Whether or not it will be enough to make Blackwings competitive again is something we'll find out over the next few months, just like how well the fan favourites will be I mention in the last part.
Actually, there is one other really big change to the ban list I want to mention. This ban list will only be in effect for the period of September 1st to December 31st, giving it only half the life span of previous ban lists. I have the feeling that this is to stop cards that come out early into a format from dominating it for extended periods, making this a welcome change in my eyes. Hopefully it will also result in some more diverse decks, and we won't be seeing only a few decks in the top sixteen results for tournaments worldwide. I can dream, can't I?
For the full ban list, see the following link:
The Pokemon Professor, Troy
One big change is that all of the baby Dragon Rulers are now banned completely. I don't think any of us will be surprised by this, what with Dragon Rulers dominating the previous format. By getting rid of the baby dragons, this should slow them down by a significant amount. What may be the killer for them though is the banning of Super Rejuvination and limiting of Gold Sarcophagus. Admittedly, I'd hate to be the guy who bought more than one copy of Dracossack and Number 11: Big Eye at the moment.
Speaking of Xyz monsters, the only new one on the ban list is Number 16: Shock Master. Here's another one who I think we'll be glad to see the last of for a while. I know more than once when I've been playing Harpies and started swarming my opponent has expressed a sigh at the sudden appearance of Shock Master, although I'll admit to not having played one in my deck even before this ban list.
Here's a surprise for me in that Elemental HERO Stratos is now banned. I have a friend in England that I play against on Dueling Network who plays HEROes, and having had experience against him I would've thought that Stratos was fine being limited. I'll assume there was a decent reason for it and move onto the next cards now, so don't worry about that.
However, it's the toolbox cards that took the biggest hit. As of September 1st, we are no longer allowed to have copies of Monster Reborn, Heavy Storm, Pot of Avarice and Solemn Judgment in decks. Card Destruction is also gone, so just about every one of us will have to do some thinking about what we're gonna fill those holes with. Reborn is an easy one for me, as I can substitute Galaxy Zero in my Photon deck and Hysteric Party for my Harpies.
Another couple of banned cards that caught my attention are Gateway of the Six and Spellbook of Judgment. I haven't seen too many Six Samurai decks lately, which I have the feeling that Evilswarm Ophion is responsible for, and this could very well be the final nail in the coffin for them. The banning of Judgment will definitely serve to slow down Prophecy/Spellbook decks, although they might still be able to remain competitive since it looks like none of their other cards got hit.
Onto the limited stuff, and we will no longer be seeing more than one of the Wascaly Wabbits due to being limited. This will hit quite a few decks, slowing down Dino Rabbit, Noble Rabbit, Evilswarm and Fire Fists. I know I won't be sorry to see him at one for a while.
Speaking of limits, I seem to remember Mermails, Fire Fists and Bujin being thought to be the big decks for the upcoming format. It would seem that Konami agrees, limiting several cards that slot in with them. Among those hit are:
- Atlantean Dragoons
- Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Spirit
- Deep Sea Diva
On that topic, it's worth mentioning that Fire Formation - Tenki got the semi-limited treatment, probably in anticipation of Fire Fists and Bujin decks. We shall see if it's enough to keep the balance over the next few months.
The last one I'm going to talk about for now is the complete removal of Black Whirlwind from the list. As someone who has played Blackwings (in the form of Black Harpies), I'm honestly shocked by this. One really good starting hand can result in a massive swarm of the field in a single turn, especially with Heavy Storm gone. Whether or not it will be enough to make Blackwings competitive again is something we'll find out over the next few months, just like how well the fan favourites will be I mention in the last part.
Actually, there is one other really big change to the ban list I want to mention. This ban list will only be in effect for the period of September 1st to December 31st, giving it only half the life span of previous ban lists. I have the feeling that this is to stop cards that come out early into a format from dominating it for extended periods, making this a welcome change in my eyes. Hopefully it will also result in some more diverse decks, and we won't be seeing only a few decks in the top sixteen results for tournaments worldwide. I can dream, can't I?
For the full ban list, see the following link:
The Pokemon Professor, Troy
Monday, 12 August 2013
That was a Blast
Well, the Plasma Blast pre release has come and gone, and apparently my streak of getting useless crap in my pre release boosters continued. I think that one time drawing Pyrorex the Elemental Lord got my hopes and expectations up to the point where fate just doesn't want to deal with them. Maybe it had something to do with getting some Judgment of the Light boosters before the tourney and pulling Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rooster (I traded it already, so don't molest me over it). Ah well, that didn't stop the day being enjoyable. Getting a full art Iris or a Master Ball wouldn't have hurt though.
I think Kangaskhan got card of the day for this one. Call for Family has featured on many a card stretching back a long time in the TCG, and to have it on a colourless pokemon makes Kangaskhan easily splashable, which would have accounted for its common appearance during the day. Comet Punch is a little too unpredictable for my liking, but I'd say it was quite the turning point throughout the day.
Probably some of the best news came in the form of reprints of Rare Candy and Pokemon Catcher, both of which seemed to appear fairly easily compared to earlier prints. Given that they're some of the most useful cards to have in a deck at this point in time, this is extremely good news.
For those of you who have an affinity for water types (hooray for fancy speak!), here's something you'll like. Suicune appears in the Plasma Blast set, sporting the anti-EX ability that made Sigilyph infamous. Which means you too can enjoy a measure of protection from Pokemon-EX just like psychic decks and other people who like to throw in a special energy that can count as psychic. The one thing that sets Sigilyph over the top of Suicune however, is that Sigilyph can be searched for with Level Ball which eliminates the possibility of failure Poke Ball comes with or the loss of cards to use Ultra Ball.
If I could remember the awesome line I said on the day, I would write it here. Unfortunately I can't, so I'm gonna end the blog post here. Mostly because I'm out of stuff to say that I haven't already said in a previous blog post. So have a great night everyone, and enjoy Plasma Blast!
The Pokemon Professor, Troy
I think Kangaskhan got card of the day for this one. Call for Family has featured on many a card stretching back a long time in the TCG, and to have it on a colourless pokemon makes Kangaskhan easily splashable, which would have accounted for its common appearance during the day. Comet Punch is a little too unpredictable for my liking, but I'd say it was quite the turning point throughout the day.
Probably some of the best news came in the form of reprints of Rare Candy and Pokemon Catcher, both of which seemed to appear fairly easily compared to earlier prints. Given that they're some of the most useful cards to have in a deck at this point in time, this is extremely good news.
For those of you who have an affinity for water types (hooray for fancy speak!), here's something you'll like. Suicune appears in the Plasma Blast set, sporting the anti-EX ability that made Sigilyph infamous. Which means you too can enjoy a measure of protection from Pokemon-EX just like psychic decks and other people who like to throw in a special energy that can count as psychic. The one thing that sets Sigilyph over the top of Suicune however, is that Sigilyph can be searched for with Level Ball which eliminates the possibility of failure Poke Ball comes with or the loss of cards to use Ultra Ball.
If I could remember the awesome line I said on the day, I would write it here. Unfortunately I can't, so I'm gonna end the blog post here. Mostly because I'm out of stuff to say that I haven't already said in a previous blog post. So have a great night everyone, and enjoy Plasma Blast!
The Pokemon Professor, Troy
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