Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Where's Blue Duston?

Hey Cardhousians!

I just finished my 3-day e-course on writing through writer's block; so I'm just following through with what I should have been learning, instead of chatting on Omegle. Apparently lesson 1 is just to type whatever random stuff that comes to mind, so here goes:

Fluffy pink unicorn getting a shave and horn filing... (Lesson 2 is to delete the crap that has nothing to do with the subject matter.

WANTED: Blue Duston, REWARD to be Negotiated.
I saw that several players were making new Yu-Gi-Oh decks, so like a black sheep I am following the crowd and doing the same.

I have chosen to do a Duston Deadbeat deck, where I special-summon Dustons to fill both sides of the field, and have them sit around and wait for Goblin King to get off his throne... But I'm still short 2 Blue Duston, despite having bought 3 packs of Shadow Spectres last week, and it's a gods-be-damned common no less! I found Wally with less trouble then this!

I'm going to break the unwritten rule, as well as swallow my pride like a can of coke: If you have any you can spare, and want anything that Kev doesn't have in exchange, please FB me.

Yes, I know the unwritten rule of no trading because it hurts the Card-House, our refuge in daylight hours; that's why I specified that Kev can't have it in stock. He was out of Blue Dustons as well, and I can't source them from any online seller to get one of the girls to pick them up for me. Even if the wording is violated like the Public's Trust in the Government, I believe that I'm working in the spirit of the rule.

Unfortunately, I can't offer to name my first-born, second-born, third-born, fourth-born, etc up to 24th- born in exchange, I already offered them as payment / betting collateral, and I keep my word... even if it means that my first-born's name is to be "Gaylor DeMathafocker Manning"... Why I agreed to that bet, even I'll never know...

I also want to remind you that the next draw is in 5 days time; In 5 Days time, one lucky cardhousian will be rewarded just for following.

Some content created by other Cardhousians would be nice too, but we gotta walk before we run, and I haven't done much of either in a while.  

1 comment:

  1. I should probably write an article at some point.

    Also, just so you are aware, all Dustons are short-printed, which means even though they are commons, they will be harder to find than your run of the mill non-foils.

    Good luck.

