Saturday, 2 November 2013

Max the newbie on the block's first tournament!

Hey guys, me again and this time I have the tiniest amount of competitive experience under my belt and I'm here to talk about how good and fun the Shadow Specters pre-release was. So let's start at the beginning shall we? Woke up too early simply because of excitement and nervousness :(. I woke up at 6 AM. That's ridiculous but anyway I sat on my Ipad and scrolled on the internet and before I knew it, it was 8 o'clock and time to move! I got ready and me and my mum set on our merry way, dropped in to the 7/11 to grab a coke and a sausage roll (we needed change for a 50) then we made it to the card house. I signed in and my mum was off I was on my own and it was time to duel! In about 40 minutes. While waiting I met Jacob a guy roughly my age maybe younger and we had a practice duel with what we had just in case (his warrior deck and my mix and match). The results were inconclusive as time ran out and we were all dealt our packs and promo cards. I opened my packs and pulled rather nicely with plenty of ghost tricks, a secret mistake,  a super Celestial wolf lord of blue Sirius and a super Ghost trick alucard. I was pretty happy with this but thus made the mistake of putting too many cards in my deck :/. Rookie mistake. Anyway I was getting questions of am I trading the mistake and celestial but I said maybe afterwards although I wasn't ready to give them up today, maybe next week! I was pumped and ready for match 1. I played against someone (sorry I forgot name) and lost game one, won game two, and lost game three.

Then I compared with Jacob he too had lost that game so I didn't feel to bad at least :). Game two rolled around and again I forgot who I was versing but sadly I got 2-0'd pretty quickly and that was pretty discouraging, but he was a very nice guy and we played a game three for fun (which I lost again!)
I compared with Jacob and I think he lost too I cant remember exactly. But onto me I versed Chad and we had a very good game one and grinded hard until I only just came out victorious. Game two and I beat him within 2 turns! that was a huge confidence boost and I felt really happy then he complimented me on my blog and bought me a booster (tachyon nothing good pulled).
I compared with Jacob he too had won. My match 4 was a good one and against none other than.......JACOB! It was on like Donkey Kong. I grinded out and won game one. he did the same for game two. Therefore we didn't have barely any time on the game three and I just pulled ahead when time was called. Another huge confidence boost
Match 5 was against someone I forgot name sorry and I summoned pumpkin and just used it for 7 turns until he scooped. Then we grinded out game two and I had game..... then I misplayed and didn't set my monsters back and they got destroyed and I got gamed :(. Game three again barely any time and he came out on top and I must say he played well.
Unfortunately I didn't get a mat but I placed 19th out of I think 26 and I got an extra booster (so did Jacob) so I ended up getting another specters and a tachyon. Nothing from the specters but from the tachyon I pulled a secret............. Torrential reborn (insert more disappointment here). Then my ride was there and I had to leave but I had so much fun and everyone was so nice! I am coming back another week and trying to build wind ups. Have a nice day!


  1. Well written Max. Anyone reading your account would follow your progress clearly. I am glad you are finding your feet here at the Cardie. You are a welcome addition, and your efforts on the Cardhousian site are superb.

    1. thanks its a very nice welcoming and accepting community and theyre pretty punny too! (see what I did there?)

