Tuesday, 10 December 2013

December Prize Draw

Greetings Cardhousians;
For this post, The Chad shall refer to The Chad in 3rd person. How long will it take for The Chad to annoy you by The Chad referring to The Chad as The Chad in 3rd person?

Only one way for The Chad to find out. >:-)
Firstly, The Chad wants to thank Troy, and Max for posting on the blog. Couldn't keep this blog traffic moving faster then The Chad's D.V.T clot without their contributions.

The Chad promised prizes on the third day of the month... While 8 days late, The Chad couldn't pre-pay our Overlord Kev, King of Cardhousia, for prizes while he was on well-earned holiday. 
TL:DR The Chad will announce the draw now, but the winner will have to wait 'til Saturday to claim his prize. 
So keeping my word, the draw has been done. but first, look at the infographic The Chad made below below...

The Chad knows you scrolled right past The Chad's infographic. The Chad is hurt that you wouldn't look, especially after the 1/2 hour The Chad spent making it.
Now you looked, or pretended to look, The Chad is Happy to announce the winner now.
The Winner is Adam! Hooray for Adam! The Chad would ask everyone to applaud him, but no-one would hear you except people in next room... They might show more concern about your sanity.

The Chad wishes to remind Adam that Saturday is the earliest day to pick them up. The Chad have yet to pay off "The King" after all...

The Chad looks forward to seeing all of you on Yu-gi-oh break-up Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. The Chad didn't annoy me at all until he didn't announce my name nah just kidding good on ya adam!

