Thursday, 30 January 2014

This ain't a Scene...

"Kev is an Arms Dealer, Arming you with weapons in the form of Cards..."

Hey Cardhousians,

I'll keep this short and sweet, just like I love my ladies.

While the Pre-Release was just incredible! So many Duelists vying for new power ahead of the Regional Tournament this next week. Who called this arms race 1st?! That's right! You earned yourself a Cookie!

The Regional Tournament Chad's Triumph is on the 8th of February. Now as much as I would love to see you all there, there a pang of something called a Conscience that compels me to warn you;

There's No Point In Showing Up... I have this in the Bag, along with a very angry kitten.


Or I could be talking more Carp, knowing that I can call anyone who demands I walk the walk an insensitive Jerk!

Moral of the Story: A cripple should never be relied on, especially if they claim to have 'Good Standing"...

 On the Magic Front, I'm disappointed... Building 3 Yugioh decks means I'll have to pass on the next Magic Release. Sucks to be me, pull out the violin for a trapped Planeswalker.

I hope that like the others, I can by the release packs, but if not, It's reason enough for me to buy a Box of the new MTG set...

I found this whine and moan rather therapeutic, so thanks again for sticking with me.

Till next week, when I Post the Pre-Regional Round-Up, and where I can speak more about Pokemon abusers Trainers enjoying the X and Y Pre-Release.


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