Thursday, 23 January 2014

Time flys or so they say.

Welcome to Cray once more my fellow Cardhousians.

My journey continues to find my ultimate clan and therein, family. My searches have brought me back to square one and i am slowly looking at each and every clan again. My soul yearns for the family i belong with. My only hope is to once more converse with my cards and find what they have to say on the matter.

Excuse me, I got lost in a dream... or was it... hmmm, lets put that into the 'too hard basket' for now.
Are we all having fun with Vanguard? or any other system we play? I for one am having a blast organising my cards... again... for the 20millionth time... hmmm, maybe blast is not the right word to use...

Ok back onto the topic at hand, Febuary 12 is the release of the 12th booster set (in english) entitled "Binding Force of the Black Rings" which features Support for the Pale Moon, Dark Irregulars, Shadow Paladins and a few other clans.

Now for those who are still a little confused as to what the hell i am talking about, well look no further than TV!!!! << >> just copy and paste this link into your browser and find yourself on the doorstep of the official Vanguard youtube page. full with episodes of the show and your one way ticket to Cray.

Now as i have said in previous posts, the easiest way to get into the game is to grab a started deck, and give it a go. make sure to read the rule book (only the important bits of course) or just read one of my previous posts explaining the game play. Then once you have your deck, give it a go against a friend or even myself (if i am at the cardy). I am more than willing to give tutorials on the game and how to play.

One thing i must ask, HAVE FUN, no matter what, always enjoy yourself. Cards is about making friends, and having a great time learning a system of game play.

I will endeavor to make my way into the card house to play some games over the next week (hopefully most if not all days). AAnd i will have my Vanguard cards for all to see :D

So for now, i leave you with a bit of philosophy;

“Hardship often prepares an ordinary person for an extraordinary destiny.” - C.S. Lewis

Ride the Vanguard!

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