Friday, 24 January 2014

Max returns to where it all started (sneak peeks)

Hear ye, hear ye! One and all, players of cards and people who enjoy the Card House, Max's fabulous sneak peek report is about to begin! HEAR YE!

Here I am ladies and gentlemen after that nice olden intro i shall proceed in what old mate said above me, this is indeed my sneak peek report. Some of you may remember that sneak peeks hold a special place in my heart because i started at the cardie with a sneak peek, shadow specters sneak peek to be exact. Since then i believe i have come some way however (spoiler alert) I still can NOT break my 2-3 curse. Oh well maybe when the next e dragons come around i'll get them and be that one guy. Nah I am too next level meta for normal meta. Anyways I shall commence with my report!

I woke up late this time and had to rush out the door and just made it in time, good thing I booked ahead. I went in all pumped up and ready to go. Side story I reached a personal goal today and i made it past my previous record of table 5 and made it to table 3 which was my goal to make it to table 1, 2 or 3, so that was nice.

Opened up my packs and pulled pretty bad I got the inzektron synchro guy as a super and nothing else shiny sad face. Anyway i had a pretty good idea of what deck i wanted to build already so i got straight to making it. I was done before most people and ready for the first round.

Round 1
I draw for turn set a monster and end, this is where i was really shocked by this round, my opponent draws sets one monster and 5 backrow and ends, I was sitting there thinking there is no way there is anything there that could really hurt me. And i was correct as i steam rolled to a 2-0 victory.
Record 1-0-0

Round 2
I versed a very good opponent he was very good in his swarming plays but i was able to take game one after some clutch plays. Game two he opens the nuts and just goes off and completely over runs everything i set to defend me. Game three is very grindy but he eventually gets advantage and i cant come back.
Record 1-0-1

Round 3
I cant remember too much about this round all i remember is that i won i think it was against "ninja"and i was able to take game 1 and 3
Record 2-0-1

Round 4
I got seated at my table TABLE 3 now that may not sound like anything special to most of you but I am usually around 10-15 so i was really happy with myself and just in general feeling good. Game one he sets a monster which i promptly destroy with my 1800 beat stick, then he goes off gilgialancer and overlay booster sack both for the caribiou which i have no outs to and i lose. Game two took longer but the same outcome and I lost

Round 5
Against Blake he won game one with the caribou again. Game two i stalled him out so his gillgia lancer killed himself. Game 3 he activates the first monarch which i attack with swordsman from a different land then on the exact turn it would end time is called and i lose GOD DAMN
Record SUPRISE SUPRISE 2-0-3 the salt levels are rising

Anyway i ended up picking up the mat which was nice and of course envied the people who could afford boxes. Anyway i had fun and I hope you all did too. Have a nice day!

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