Wednesday, 12 February 2014

That was Unprecidented...

The Winner of the Monthly Draw is entry 5: Logan H. Congratulations and apologies for the delay in the drawing, they will be there ready for you to get the next time you're in.

I know I promised that I'd post sooner, but I needed a few more days for my emotions to cool.
I would begin by congratulating the winners, but I can't for the life of me remember who to congratulate. I'll update this post when I hear back from Kev.

No "Triumph" for The Chad this year... No-one took the hint and stayed home... The Chad is still Great, but The Chad wasn't great enough

Anyway, the question remains, "How will I avoid problems next year? "

1. Plan further then a month in advance, and buy double the number of cards you need. While the Card House usually has everything worth having, I will remember to buy all the extra copies of cards I need when I see them. Case in point, I saw 5 Malefic Stardust Dragons at $3 2 months ago, and someone bought them all when I needed to buy some. (I know, but can't prove that Blake 'borrowed' my 3 copies for a Back-Up of his deck... Not sure whether to kill him, or hi-five him for such cunning.)

    2. If you are going to buy cards online, buy them from multiple sources, pay for faster postage,  and do so way ahead of time. I ordered 3 Malefic Stardusts from a seller on ebay, and didn't recieve them until Monday, despite being an Aussie seller who promised to deliver on the 6th of Febuary at the latest... when I ordered on the 7th of January. Needless to say, they didn't arrive in time, so god-damn it!.

    3. Make sure you have enough of the cards that  any scabs your siblings who may need the cards for their own decks. Even if you ask them, and they say no, BUY THEM ANYWAY! They are just waiting for you to drop your guard, and then they will swipe them. They did ask, and I explained to blake that the cards were specifically for my deck, and they said they didn't need them when I asked whether to order more. I also explained that I already blew invested $300 in their previous decks, and have been making do with a $45 deck.

    4. If I have the bribe for Kev to match me up with push-overs in a boogey-board bag, don't be suprised if it goes missing Shapelle Corby-Style. Disregard the struck-out statements, I isn't legit, I swear.

Now leaving Saturday where it belongs; as a distant Memory where we all laugh nervously, before I change the subject, and move onto Pokemon:

Yes it's been a long time, but I'm back in the game!

So many fairies, and I'm allergic to their pixie dust!

Seriously, it was an awesome session, and because I still have no clue about the Pokemon game, I will have to defer to Professor (Troy) Crossingham's expert oppinion, and remind you that he's waiting on a grant to test his hypothesis that a Pikachu can be used in ways even I get squemish thinking about...

I'm done like the Pizza I ate after the Tourney;

The Chad (has watched too much Charlie's Angels for his own good.)

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