Thursday, 20 February 2014

Funchy talks about new summon and new rules and i broke the curse!

Oh wow, would you look at the time! Must be time for me to bang my head against a keyboard and edit write another blog post! Now this one will be different than my usual tourney report because I'm also going to explain the ocg rule changes and pendulum summoning if you don't know how it works. Of course I'll still have my signature report but it will be shorter and at the end. Now quickly before we kick off may I apologise for my lack of posting about regionals, basically i lost my first three and came back to end it off 3-3 no invite oh well what can I do? On top of that I thought Chad would do a better job and it wouldn't be worth it.

On to the first order of business the two rule changes implemented into the OCG. Rule change numero uno is that the player who goes first MAY NOT draw on that turn, this includes hobaning so no upstart. Now the first thing i thought was HA take that exodia. Anyway I believe this is a step in the right direction as going first was super unfair but now I think players will go first I mean an extra card plus you can  upstart etc, why wouldn't you take that for the meager price of grinding through potential backrow? Thoughts? Second rule change is that there can be two I repeat TWO field spells on the field at the same time. Now I didn't think much of this except it kinda helps those who really need their field spell and kinda hurts those who have an alright  one but a big reason of using it is its a +0 and your opponent goes -1 so it hurts them but not too much on that one. Thoughts?

Now for the elephant on the post. The pendulum summon! Basically here it is in a nutshell
1. there are two new places on mats on the right and left hand sides between the deck and grave and extra and field zones the new zones are called "pendulum zones"
2. There are new pendulum monsters which you can use as normal monsters but when placed in the pendulum zone get an effect
3. When you have both zones filled once per turn you can special summon as many monsters from your hand and or pendulum monsters from your extra deck in between the pendulum levels of those monsters for example I have a level 1 and a level 8 i can special any amount of 2's 3's 4's etc up to sevens.
4. When the pendulum monsters get destroyed they go to the top of the extra (this doesnt count in your extra deck count)
5. You can overly and synchro with these guys and when they are in the pendulum zones they are treated as continuous spells.
If you want to check out these cool new guys for yourselves check this out

On to the tournament report, imma keep it quick because I'm getting a sore head tired. Basically i was piloting sams for the first time and i managed to beat my previous curse and come out 3-2 owing my losses -to bad draws and whatnot and i must say x-sabers are by no means a push over i never thought them that difficult but they are pretty good i got 2-0d and i won 2-1 but it was hard i contribute the 2-0 loss to a bad hand and i couldnt draw one single kage musha and he opened stardust and naturia beast followed up by a barkion. Have a nice day!

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