Thursday, 30 January 2014

This ain't a Scene...

"Kev is an Arms Dealer, Arming you with weapons in the form of Cards..."

Hey Cardhousians,

I'll keep this short and sweet, just like I love my ladies.

While the Pre-Release was just incredible! So many Duelists vying for new power ahead of the Regional Tournament this next week. Who called this arms race 1st?! That's right! You earned yourself a Cookie!

The Regional Tournament Chad's Triumph is on the 8th of February. Now as much as I would love to see you all there, there a pang of something called a Conscience that compels me to warn you;

There's No Point In Showing Up... I have this in the Bag, along with a very angry kitten.


Or I could be talking more Carp, knowing that I can call anyone who demands I walk the walk an insensitive Jerk!

Moral of the Story: A cripple should never be relied on, especially if they claim to have 'Good Standing"...

 On the Magic Front, I'm disappointed... Building 3 Yugioh decks means I'll have to pass on the next Magic Release. Sucks to be me, pull out the violin for a trapped Planeswalker.

I hope that like the others, I can by the release packs, but if not, It's reason enough for me to buy a Box of the new MTG set...

I found this whine and moan rather therapeutic, so thanks again for sticking with me.

Till next week, when I Post the Pre-Regional Round-Up, and where I can speak more about Pokemon abusers Trainers enjoying the X and Y Pre-Release.


Sunday, 26 January 2014

Kalos Inbound

Well it has been a while since I've written a blog post on here. In between Team Fortress 2, Pokemon X and simply being forgetful I simply didn't find any time to tap away at the keyboard for a bit even though I had certainly been thinking about it after one or two days down at the Card House. Well, I'm gonna do something about that.

First of all, I want to thank everyone who came in for many of the numerous Pokemon TCG events that were hosted over the school holidays. We may not have had the turn out that Yu-Gi-Oh! or Magic gets, but the more the merrier! I even managed to snag a few first places during that time with my Gardevoir/Gallade/Mewtwo deck, though after the third time I started to feel like I was being a little unfair to some of the other players by playing such a nasty deck. What fun would it be for everyone else if a couple of people turn up each time playing ridiculous decks to the point of winning all the time?

So, what does one do about that? Play a different deck, of course! After the third win, I tried playing a dragon deck that I had put together a while ago. While I didn't win, it still gave a pretty decent showing with fourth place. Still, I wanted to build something completely different.

This led me to having a look through my folder, searching for that one card which I could build upon. Eventually I came across a Gigalith which had the attack revenge cannon, an attack which does 10 damage plus another 10 for every damage counter on my benched pokemon. Nearby was a Sandslash which boaster the attack earthquake, which not only hits for 80 damage but also damages all of my own benched pokemon for 10 damage. This is a example of where something may not look very good at all, but in actual fact can be expanded on by other cards. Gigalith just turned the negative of hitting my own pokemon into a positive!

Sadly, while the theory of how the deck was supposed to work was sound putting it into practice turned out to be something of a disappointment. The majority of the pokemon in that deck were weak to water attacks, and Cardhousians seem to like using water pokemon. The end result was that my deck was far too fragile against the most common pokemon type, and while I'm sure it would have been much more successful otherwise the deck simply wasn't living up to my expectations.

So, the solution? Since I'm not finding this deck to suit how I want to play, it's time to plan another one. Fortunately for me the XY pre release is happening two weeks from now (on the 9th February), and with it comes some very new cards. First up it sees the debut of the Fairy type in the TCG (excluding the very popular Chespin deck and the Sylveon collection), introducing both some of the new 6th gen fairy types as well as retyped version of classic pokemon such as Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff. Secondly, it sees the addition of the Mega Evolutions in the form of M Venusaur-EX and M Blastoise-EX. Both pokemon are certainly powerhouses, boasting over 200HP each and some very vicious attacks. They do come with some serious drawbacks though, with high energy costs for their attacks and the fact that not only to they have to be placed on top of a Pokemon-EX, but that mega evolving your pokemon automatically ends your turn. It's debatable as to just how viable mega evolution will be in game, but they will definitely be a force to be reckoned with.

With the pre release, I'm going to be starting up my own fairy deck. A couple of the smaller fairy types are very effective supporters, while they get a heavy hitter in the form of Xerneas-EX. I have the feeling that I'll enjoy playing this deck, especially since it'll combine some of the tactics I've used in the past. XY set, why can't you be here already?

Now I just need to get my hands on a couple of those Sylveons from the collection... anyone got any they might want to trade?

The Pokemon Professor, Troy

Friday, 24 January 2014

Max returns to where it all started (sneak peeks)

Hear ye, hear ye! One and all, players of cards and people who enjoy the Card House, Max's fabulous sneak peek report is about to begin! HEAR YE!

Here I am ladies and gentlemen after that nice olden intro i shall proceed in what old mate said above me, this is indeed my sneak peek report. Some of you may remember that sneak peeks hold a special place in my heart because i started at the cardie with a sneak peek, shadow specters sneak peek to be exact. Since then i believe i have come some way however (spoiler alert) I still can NOT break my 2-3 curse. Oh well maybe when the next e dragons come around i'll get them and be that one guy. Nah I am too next level meta for normal meta. Anyways I shall commence with my report!

I woke up late this time and had to rush out the door and just made it in time, good thing I booked ahead. I went in all pumped up and ready to go. Side story I reached a personal goal today and i made it past my previous record of table 5 and made it to table 3 which was my goal to make it to table 1, 2 or 3, so that was nice.

Opened up my packs and pulled pretty bad I got the inzektron synchro guy as a super and nothing else shiny sad face. Anyway i had a pretty good idea of what deck i wanted to build already so i got straight to making it. I was done before most people and ready for the first round.

Round 1
I draw for turn set a monster and end, this is where i was really shocked by this round, my opponent draws sets one monster and 5 backrow and ends, I was sitting there thinking there is no way there is anything there that could really hurt me. And i was correct as i steam rolled to a 2-0 victory.
Record 1-0-0

Round 2
I versed a very good opponent he was very good in his swarming plays but i was able to take game one after some clutch plays. Game two he opens the nuts and just goes off and completely over runs everything i set to defend me. Game three is very grindy but he eventually gets advantage and i cant come back.
Record 1-0-1

Round 3
I cant remember too much about this round all i remember is that i won i think it was against "ninja"and i was able to take game 1 and 3
Record 2-0-1

Round 4
I got seated at my table TABLE 3 now that may not sound like anything special to most of you but I am usually around 10-15 so i was really happy with myself and just in general feeling good. Game one he sets a monster which i promptly destroy with my 1800 beat stick, then he goes off gilgialancer and overlay booster sack both for the caribiou which i have no outs to and i lose. Game two took longer but the same outcome and I lost

Round 5
Against Blake he won game one with the caribou again. Game two i stalled him out so his gillgia lancer killed himself. Game 3 he activates the first monarch which i attack with swordsman from a different land then on the exact turn it would end time is called and i lose GOD DAMN
Record SUPRISE SUPRISE 2-0-3 the salt levels are rising

Anyway i ended up picking up the mat which was nice and of course envied the people who could afford boxes. Anyway i had fun and I hope you all did too. Have a nice day!

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Time flys or so they say.

Welcome to Cray once more my fellow Cardhousians.

My journey continues to find my ultimate clan and therein, family. My searches have brought me back to square one and i am slowly looking at each and every clan again. My soul yearns for the family i belong with. My only hope is to once more converse with my cards and find what they have to say on the matter.

Excuse me, I got lost in a dream... or was it... hmmm, lets put that into the 'too hard basket' for now.
Are we all having fun with Vanguard? or any other system we play? I for one am having a blast organising my cards... again... for the 20millionth time... hmmm, maybe blast is not the right word to use...

Ok back onto the topic at hand, Febuary 12 is the release of the 12th booster set (in english) entitled "Binding Force of the Black Rings" which features Support for the Pale Moon, Dark Irregulars, Shadow Paladins and a few other clans.

Now for those who are still a little confused as to what the hell i am talking about, well look no further than TV!!!! << >> just copy and paste this link into your browser and find yourself on the doorstep of the official Vanguard youtube page. full with episodes of the show and your one way ticket to Cray.

Now as i have said in previous posts, the easiest way to get into the game is to grab a started deck, and give it a go. make sure to read the rule book (only the important bits of course) or just read one of my previous posts explaining the game play. Then once you have your deck, give it a go against a friend or even myself (if i am at the cardy). I am more than willing to give tutorials on the game and how to play.

One thing i must ask, HAVE FUN, no matter what, always enjoy yourself. Cards is about making friends, and having a great time learning a system of game play.

I will endeavor to make my way into the card house to play some games over the next week (hopefully most if not all days). AAnd i will have my Vanguard cards for all to see :D

So for now, i leave you with a bit of philosophy;

“Hardship often prepares an ordinary person for an extraordinary destiny.” - C.S. Lewis

Ride the Vanguard!

Legacy of the Valiant: An overview from where I'm sitting.

Attention Duelists!

My hair is getting a bald spot at the back... Or that what Fallon tells me anyway.

Alright Cardhousians, with 2014 Regionals almost here, we have one week to buy up as many "Legacy of the Valiant" Yugioh packs as possible for that day. Why?

Because of Dark Artist, White Duston, Rainbow Kuriboh, the Gorgonic archetype, and the Sylvian archetypes, that's why.

Let me run you through them all, and discuss why these untested cards can win me (or you if I have another shocking day like last year) the Regionals this year!

Dark Artist

Remember Tour-Guide of the Underworld? Well, here we are, another level 3 dark fiend that can be targeted by Tour-Guide's effect.

White Duston

Duston Decks have one hiccup currently: You need to summon as many Dustons to your field as you do to your opponents. All of the other Dustons have nasty side-effects that can hurt you. With three of these badasses rather plain and harmless fellows, you'll be able to inflict maximum hurt with minimal backfire.

Also, overlay 2 of them for Utopia Roots for great justice!

Utopia Roots

I will just go over his effect, but can be awesome in a Duston deck.

"When any player's monster declares an attack: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; negate the attack, and if you negated an Xyz Monster's attack, this card gains ATK equal to that monster's Rank x 500."

Rainbow Kuriboh

Let me 1st copy-pasta the effect, just in case the card effect isn't clear enough on the picture.

[i]You can only activate each effect of "Rainbow Kuriboh" once per turn.
● When an opponent's monster declares an attack: You can target that monster; equip this card from your hand to that target. It cannot attack.
● When an opponent's monster declares a direct attack: You can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. If Summoned this way, banish this card when it leaves the field.[/i]

So basically, this card is a Quick-Play spell card that can lock down one of your opponent's heavy-hitters. Then it saves you again when the card's destroyed. When your opponent declares an direct attack, you can Special Summon the little guy in defense as an ultimate "Screw you" to your opponent. Me, I'd rather banish him for Chaos Sorceror, but YMMV.

Sylvan Archetype

 They use a new mechanic called 'excavate'.

What is it? as Copy-pasta'ed from the wiki "When a card says to "excavate" cards from your Deck, you reveal those cards to both players. Cards that are being excavated are still treated as being in the Deck until sent elsewhere by the card instructions. "Excavate" and "reveal" are not always the same thing. Some cards will "reveal" cards but not "excavate" them. Unless a card specifically refers to "excavating", then it doesn’t excavate."

Needless to say, cards with Excavate + Convulsions of Nature would be an interesting combo.

I won't spoil the suprises this archetype can yield, but trust me, You want these ...

Gorgonic Archetype

While the archetype is still early, I'm seeing a load of potential with Gorgonic Guardian. (Still, even if they don't help you this year, stash them for after the next release.)

She can easily be summoned with Rescue Rabbit => 2 Giant Soldier of Stone.

Icing on the Rock-Cake? The Effect. "Once per turn, during either player’s turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; its ATK becomes 0, and if it does, its effects are negated. These effects last until the end of this turn. Once per turn: You can target 1 monster on the field with 0 ATK; destroy it."

I'm sure there is a few possible OTK's with the Chronomaly Archetype... But I won't spoil the discoveries for you here either.


Alright Guys, I admit I didn't write about the New Monarchs or Graveskeepers, but where's the fun in me spoiling the set? I can give you tips, but I like to ensure I'm still staying on top.

The Chad, (and his bald-spot)
have left the Building!

Friday, 17 January 2014

Quick Update

Hey Cardhousians Everywhere!

First-off, I was hoping to have had some good news about my '14 decks. Sadly I'm waiting on 2 "Montage Dragon", 2 "Thunder End Dragons", and 3 "Goblin Kings". There's always next week!

Secondly, I just realized that I Forgot the Prize Draw.
The Random Number Generator came up with 12: NessaUndressa.
Congrats 'Nessa. You won the 3 packs of your choice, and I shall have them tomorrow.

Thirdly, I Want to thank DCM for the Blue Duston. That was the Last Card I needed foe my Duston decks. A Scholar and a Gentleman, even if we often clash over ruling interpretations.

Finally, I had an Epithany: "Outside of a Dog, a Cardhousian is the Best Friend a man can have. Inside of a Dog, a midget is a better friend..."

See ya when I see ya!


Saturday, 4 January 2014

Max is no longer Newbie? JK still got same wins

Hello internet users! It's me again! Today I am going to talk about the first new format tourney at the Card House our hangout spot and money hole.

Now first I am going to try and most likely fail once more to bring the comments on this post up I only want a few from the viewers, is that so much to ask so I am going to try to ask something people want to brag about. What did you pull or what did you get yugi or just tcg in general for Christmas, I myself got a judgement deluxe and got a crappy ultra herald of pure light and a wolf bark so I was pretty happy. Along with that I got 50 dollars of gift card to the card house which I spent today, along with that I got a new deck box!

So I have come to a decision and I also want you guys thoughts, should I put my pack and what not buying and opening before the actual report or during like real time other than the packs at the end of course. Anyway I am going to do the first option once we get there so for now kick back, and enjoy the ride.

The usual woke up to early youtube etc. Went and picked Leroy up who I have nicknamed lucky loser because he has come last in his only two times and ended up getting extra packs, so yeah Leroy = lucky loser. So I picked him up and we showed up and I bought (throughout the day) my entry, shadow specters special edition, new sleeves,  2 packs of return of the duelist, 1 pack of judgement of the light, one duelist pack and one redox tin and the pulls are as follows  1 stardust dragon, 1 secret ignoble knight of laundlallyn, , one trash super that I gave to Leroy to build his collection 5 promos, 1 c39 utopia ray victory, 1 mpb megaraptor and some other holo I think I gave to Leroy.

Ok so moving on round one! Name: (sorry if I get things wrong) Byron Deck: bujins
Ok we had a very grindy game one in which damage was traded and we kept at each other until he just gained to much advantage with his yamato and got over all my stuff. Game two was quicker and he dealt with me quickly

Round two Name: have a blank sorry I forgot Deck: I have no idea it was like lava golemn maiden blue eyes.
We had an extremely long game one and he just came out on top. game two we had almost no time before time was called and he was higher than me by 50 lp not 500, 50 friggan lp. Needless to say there would need to be quite a lot of pepper to balance my salt but it was still fun talking and playing

round 3 was a bye changed sleeves and chilled

round 4 Name: forgot ugh I am so bad deck: yugi deck
the deck isn't that great he was just playing the structure deck and I was too good too powerful.

Round 5 name: naruto?? deck: battling boxers
very grindy game one in which I came out on top game two and three I got destroyed but I came close on several occasions to bringing it back UGH

I was hoping to get top 20 out of thirty just for personal reasons but oh well came 21st what can you do I still had fun and picked up young player of the day granting me another special edition pulling labradoite dragon and a ghostrick ghoul so that was cool! Anyway remember to comment and have a nice day!
