Sunday, 9 November 2014

New and improved or old and revised?

Welcome back one and all to the cardhousian blog.

Being a player of many game formats i have seen a wide range of play styles. And with them, a wide range of players. Those who are in it for the glory, those who are in it for the fun and everyone in between.

One thing i have come to see is that no matter if you play the oldest cards in the book or the newest, one thing will always make you the player to remember; and that is your attitude.

Many of us have been playing cards or other games at Kevs for years and some of us only a few weeks. No matter how long you have been playing The Card House is a home for all of us.

With the ultra competitive meta and anti-meta decks being played, many of us, myself included have become lost in a lot of  the mumbo jargon that is being spewed out.

Both magic and Yugi have the same issue and aside from sifting through the countless websites on both for information and deck building help, there is little to no help from those who know the stuff (for fear of finding someone who will challenge you maybe?).

Helping Hands anyone?
Helping Hands anyone?
Well I for one am willing to give the tutoring thing a go. I have only had a few years in the MTG game on a casual basis but i am willing to help anyone who is looking to start, looking to test out a deck or even just modify one. Know that even if i don't know how to help, i can point you in the direction needed for maximum support.
Being a part of this family, for that is what it truly is, means to help each other out for no reward or gain. And that is what i am doing now.

As i will be at the card house Wednesdays and Thursdays for the time being, These days are the best to catch me for support. Be it Commander (EDH) or standard, i will help where i can and provide the persons name who can help if i can't.

Keep dueling, planswalking and fighting your way to the best of your ability. For only at the edge can you go higher.

Forever the optimist


Saturday, 11 October 2014

Rule Sharking and the Monthly Draw!

I want to use this post as a means to start the discussion on Rule-Sharking.

Or rather; what is the difference between Rule-Sharking and rule enforcement? We've all been accused of it at one point or another, so I'd like to offer some definitions that can help discuss the topic at hand. let's get some definitions out-of-the way:

a principle or regulation governing conduct, action, procedure, arrangement.

Rule sharking
(As I see it, but feel free to comment below if you wish to change/refine/clarify it): "Attempting to force an extreme rule or policy on an opponent who has made a small and repairable error."

Take last week for example; [i] (Name Redacted) Overlaid for Number 101: Silent Honor ARK. We went through battle phase, where he destroyed my Hazy Flame Gryphon and Hazy-Flame Cerberus. Then he detached 2 materials from the Ark to use the effect, chaining Breakthrough Strike, Targeting my 5-material Hazy Flame Basiltrice.

When I pointed out that Hazy Flames Basiltrice can't be targeted, and that the targeting restriction cannot be negated, (just like Obelisk the Tormentor and the Earthbound Immortals), (Name Redacted) accused me of rule sharking because I refused to allow him to change the XYZ summon to Gagaga Cowboy. [/i]

Ignorance of a Rule is not an excuse to not follow it. (Especially when I had explained the rule and handed him the card to read in that same turn when he tried to Fiendish Chain Basiltrice.) Because a player follows the rules well, does not make them a rule shark.

A player should always at any given time attempt to follow the rules as closely as possible. If you are unaware of a rule, we have veteran guys ready to answer your questions. Because what I don't know can be used against me.

This is something I have learned by playing Pathfinder, Magic, and Cards against Humanity at the Card House. Regardless of the Game, the rules are as written. If you dislike them, then you can take up the matter with customer support or choose one of the other number of games on the shelf that may better suit you.

Sorry for the rant Guys, I'll leave you with the winner of the Monthly Draw:

Troy Crossingham. (First your birthday, then you win the monthly draw!

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Epic Diem was Epic!

A picture says a thousand words... So I'm going to keep my mouth to a minimum. Just want to thank Brayden for the Pics.
Card House Stall; Where the magic happened
Liz after stealing Brayden's cosplay... We know what you did!

Add caption

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Storm's a Brewing, my thoughts not so much...

Heya fellow Cardhousians,
Did every Duelist enjoy Saturday's "Challengers and Cheaters  Champions" Yu-Gi-Oh! event?
<Looks to see who raised their hands.>
<Troy C raised his hand.>
Well Troy, if you blew off work and came, you would have!
Snarky comments asside,  The challenger's leaderboard was packed with Shaddolls and Geargia.
I wasn't playing either, instead playing the 'Concentrated Starter-Deck' (I got the starter Deck, took the pendulums and better monsters, and hope like heck.)
UPDATE Friday 19th: Just got my Hazy-Flame deck mailed back to me, minus the Kaiser Colloseum's. I'm not sure whether to say 'Cheers' or 'You stole $45 wprth of cards, and denied me my primary deck for almost a month... Curse you <expletive>!'

As promised Here's the winner of the monthly draw for September;
Logan H!
Hooray for Logan! Haven't seen him since the 1st admission to the Hospital come to think about it... Moving on to Magic: The Gathering.
This coming Saturday is the MTG pre-release for Khan's of Tarkir! Let's see what goodies I can snag in them...
"Epic Diem" is up in a few weeks, and you know what that means? Females in Provocative Cosplay A great day full of Card Games, War-Games, LARP, and generally one awesome day for Facebook pictures of yourself!

As Requested, here's 20 moar things Chad is no-longer allowed to do in D&D/Pathfinder.
  1. Expect the DM to keep a copy of that Epic-Tier Necromantic Cleric Character I rolled ages back. Especially after I assigned it an insanely high diplomacy skill to avoid combats, especially boss battles.
  2.  Throw a coin into magical Darkness: An enemy's cries after being hit ruins the suspense of what's concealed.
  3. I cannot have the voice in my head/the shadow one possess a body that is already possessed...
  4. I can not ask the Alchemist to 'accidentally' a Companion (Gelatinous) Cube.
  5. If an enemy cuts it's arm off, I cannot claim that it's disarmed.
  6. Nor will I raise the arm as an undead minion, no matter how "handy" it may be.
  7. Wielding said undead arm minion, while it holds a weapon does not work as a means to extend my weapon's reach.
  8. I will never again use the scythe as a 10-ft pole, because I'll cut myself.
  9. Contrary to popular belief, human does not taste like chicken.
  10. Even if NPC's can, I cannot trade in 'favors'.
  11. No matter what the rules say, I cannot kill my mercenary pay master, raise him from death, and then command him to give me a Raise.
  12. No matter what the rules say, I cannot kill children, then use them as a horde of undead ankle-biters.
  13. Luring an army of Goblins over a cliff is heroic, and will make me be forced to take an alignment check, even if I am only doing so to replenish my undead congregation.
  14. No matter what the rules say I cannot use 'Improvised Throwing Weapon' feats to throw an undead infant. Obviously if I raise an infant, they are supposed to be a weapon for my character.
  15. When looking for materials to make the party's Crossbow, I cannot call it 'Getting wood'.
  16. Killing the Wizard's Familiar is not acceptable as an alternative to an Atonement Spell.
  17. If a Wizard I'm playing ever resembles Dumbledore, he will use Power-Word: Kill on himself.
  18. Despite the famine in town, I cannot "Reap" the population and raise them to continue farming my newly acquired lands.
  19. Dead-Horse Tropes do not count as corpses a necromancer can raise.
  20. While funny, I will not replace the Alchemist's spell phials with Beer, then set him alight.

  1. Okay guys, I'm sorry about my mediocre post, but I will see if I can get pics from epic Diem!
  2. Chad

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Remember to add a title here.

Heya fellow Cardhousians,

It's been a long time since I posted last. Being in-and-out of Hospital (and a reliable internet connection) makes it hard to post. Still, I'll do another post with the winners of the monthly draw soon, but until then here's some more of my thoughts and ramblings to tide you over.
The saying goes; "The more things change, the more they stay the same." Whether we are talking about Yu-Gi-Oh!, Magic: The Gathering, or even Pathfinder/Dungeons and Dragons.

Cerialy guys, I have a point to this, I promise.*

We are always learning, always having to evolve our tactics, for Magic with the release of every new core-set or block pushing a previous one out of Standard, or the Ban-Lists of Yu-Gi-Oh! (ignoring the later additions of Synchro, xyz, and Pendulum Summoning,) we are constantly growing and adapting as players.

 Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who challenges me, especially those who kick my parked rear so hard I am unable to stand. Seriously, you show me what doesn't work, so I can find what does! When I find a way to best you, I'll be ready to roll!

Anyway, as I've been playing D&D as well at the cardie, here's;

20 things Chad is no-longer allowed to do in D&D/Pathfinder.
  1. As a Neutral-Good Cleric, I cannot flip the table to start a bar-fight.
  2. Buying drinks for everyone as said Neutral-Good Cleric and then coping a feel of the bar-wench and then grabbing her <Censored> will not cause a bar-fight to break out.
  3. I will not ask if the town has running water, or if they use chamber-pots.
  4. If playing a naruto-themed rpg starting as a low-level, I will not ask why we are being charged with saving the world instead of our seniors.
  5. I will not call a catfolk's claws their 'Fists of Furry".
  6. Nor will I call the Cat-Folk a 'Pussy' if he flees combat, it's specist apparently.
  7. I cannot call a Scythe "Hanlon's/Occam's Razor" no matter how easily it cuts through encounters.
  8. Yelling /talking is a free-action, but I can't spend 3 minutes screaming into the spider-lair to bring the spiders out of hiding.
  9. A conjured Giant-Squid(Kraken) familiars cannot rise from under an enemy in the middle of the desert. (even if the sand is looser then my grasp of RP physics.)
  10.  If someone is offering me free 'favors', it's a trap. Doubly so if we are at a Magic School, a Temple, or any Political Office.
  11. I can no longer use an insanely high diplomacy skill to avoid combats, especially boss battles.
  12. An Atropal Scion cannot be killed by my spare coat-hanger. They are an aborted god and if a god's coathanger couldn't do it, my mortal one can't either.
  13. I cannot mercy kill starving children in a blighted community discretely. Someone will figure it out an blab about it. Especially if I raise them as an undead child army.
  14. If I want to use Holy Urine,  I cannot cast my 'Bless Water' spell on my bladder. I have to buy bottles and fill them myself first.
  15. When looking for materials to make the party's Crossbow, I cannot call it 'Getting wood'.
  16. Unlike Housecats, Catfolk cannot be bribed with catnip.
  17. If my Mercadian-Crusade Cleric is revealed to be based on Nick Fury, the Fresh Prince, Morpheus, Eli, or any other character played by notable non-white actors; They are retroactively vetoed from the game.
  18. Despite the water-shortage in town, I cannot ever again ask the town to 'do their part' and fill their chamberpots with 'liquid Gold'.
  19. I cannot just ask the librarian or use the index-cards to locate a paticular book is instead of rolling percentile.
  20. While funny, I will not replace the Alchemist's spell phials with phials of any holy liquid.
'Til next time everybody!

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Small Horse Brigade

Man, it's been a while since I've written a blog post, eh? I reckon it's about time I let you in on some of the happenings that have, well, happened lately.

A couple of weeks back saw the pre releases of both Furious Fists for Pokemon and Duelist Alliance for Yu-Gi-Oh!. Oddly enough, I didn't end up going to any of them but I assume that everyone had a good time anyway. I know Warren did at least, given that he felt the need to message me pictures of the full art Lucario-EX and M Lucario-EX that he got in the pre release (I still haven't forgiven him). Rather, I was off playing My Little Pony CCG in order to practice for the first Queensland regionals that happened today. I'd like to say that I did well, and while that's true for the tournament that was on the 10th I'm afraid that I can't say the same for regionals, only just managing to get 11th our of 12 players. See picture above for an accurate description of my face.

Well, not really. I demonstrated the Cardhousian spirit and shrugged off my losses, recognising some things I could have done better and realising that sometimes Lady Luck just wants to flip you the bird. After all, not only is it pointless to get upset over a card game but I also felt like I gave a good account of myself in the games I lost.

Anywho, I'll give you a bit of a run down as to my four games of the day. I was playing an Orange/Purple troublemaker deck which focuses on blocking the problems from being solved by putting high powered troublemakers in front of them such as Queen Chrysalis, Ahuizotl and Red Dragon. Essentially, the idea is to be an anti-meta deck and slow down faster decks which normally rely on lower powered friends. Basically, MLP's version of a control deck.

My first game was against a Pinkie Pie Pokey Pony/Friend Swarm deck, which unfortunately for me resulted in a loss. I tend to attribute this to poor luck on my part, as the swarms of cheap friends could have been dealt with if I'd managed to draw any of my higher powered troublemakers (in a 45 card deck with 12 troublemakers of power 5 or higher, you'd think this would happen). Pokey Pony compounded this with her effect, which allows her to dismiss one of my friends if she confronts a problem and retires one of her own friends. My friends are generally expensive and losing them is a bit harder on me than most decks, especially losing cards like Spring Forward who is the answer to swarm tactics. So a loss to me, but it was an interesting deck to face.

Second game was against a mostly stock standard White/Yellow theme deck, which was generally hamstrung by not drawing any yellow friends with no play requirements. This one went my way, fairly convincingly.

Third game was against a very aggressive Blue/White deck, which also seemed to negate the point of my deck by simply ignoring the frightening impact of my villains and just playing even more friends. I simply couldn't slow it down enough, which lead to another loss.

The last game was against what is considered to be one of the nastiest decks around, Fluttershy Friend to Animals/Critter Swarm. Now this game was probably my favourite of the day, as even though I lost it was a very close match and could easily have gone my way. Luck played a major factor here, as he managed to defeat my Queen Chrysalis early in the game for a hefty 3 point boost. To decide the game however was something of a misjudgement on my part, as while I managed to stall him from winning a turn earlier with a well timed Plum Tuckered Out I made an error in the following turn. When moving cards around to try and scrape together enough points to bring the game back in my favour, I opted to move a Bright Bulb to the opposite problem instead of a Night Watch to the problem we were both focussed on. My reasoning was that he would try for the unguarded points and Bright Bulb could send a friend home to prevent that from happening, but unfortunately it turned out that having Night Watch would have won me the game. Benefit of hindsight, I guess (and finding out that the second card Night Watch would've allowed me to flip in the face off was a Red Dragon didn't help).

Now that the tournament is done, would I change anything? I can't say that I would, as I feel the deck works quite fine as is. However, with the upcoming releases of Celestial Solstice (MLP's version of the fat pack) and The Crystal Games booster set in October/November that could very easily change. A new villain, King Sombra will be in the new set, which may be something to swap out either Chrysalis or the Red Dragons for, not to mention a whole host of new orange and purple friends that may work better than the ones I already have. Who knows what the future will hold?

At the moment though, I'm almost finished building my fighting deck for Pokemon. Lucario happens to be my favourite pokemon, and with the new Lucario-EX as well as several new powerful cards for fighting types the deck should serve me well. I have practically all the cards I need except one, so I might even be able to play the deck tomorrow with a single substitute.

I mean, look at that card! Is there any reason why I wouldn't want to play it? Of course not!

The Pokemon Professor, Troy

Saturday, 2 August 2014

We have Tumblr now!

Hi Guys, Chad Here.

I admit, it's taken me a while to set this up, but I'm hoping it's worth the wait.

We’re here amongst the hordes of Social Justice Warriors, Game Designers, Armchair Enthusiasts and … Well I just ate so I’m going to smoothly change the subject. We have Tumblr Here at!

Anyway, I've had to abandon the old posts here, and this blog will serve as an archive and mirror to the Tumblr, and I will continue to copy every new post over there as well as here.

Contributing is now far easier then ever before! You merely need to send an email to Further Info on how can be found Here.

Basically, you use the Email Address above, the Subject as your Post Name, the Blog-post as the Text, and then use the attachments to include pics/videos to your posts.

I also set up a Dedicated email cardhousians@gmail,com so if you are having problems with formatting, I can do it for you!

The 'Pack-a-Post' deal is still in effect. Contribute, and I get you a booster pack from off the shelf. Magic, Yugioh, Sports Collector Cards, My Little Pony, Pokemon, whatever Booster Pack, if it's for sale, I'll hook you up with one.

LESSON: If you are good to Chad, The Chad is good for You!

Monday, 7 July 2014

M15 - Rated for Violent scenes; Reader discrestion advised.

Greetings Cardhousians!

<Crickets chirp> I'll be honest, I was hoping to have a bit first-up about yugioh's Pendulum monsters but I still have no idea what they are, or how to use them. It's tuesday night, and I am at a loss as to what it means for the game.

Oh Man, if you weren't there for Magic on Saturday... well you missed out on one hell of an event! I'm still at a loss for words to fully explain how epic it was! I'll Give it my best shot anyway.

Over 70 planes-walkers in a single room, many there for the first time, each of us was vying for the top place, to be King or Queen of the Hill!

Magic Core Set 2015 brought back many favorites such as Fugitive Mage (I like her, therefore she's listed), Ornithopter, Selfless Cathar, Typhoid Rats, Elvish Mystic, Gargoyle Sentinel, several Kithkin, brought back a load of Wall creatures, and added more to the (I-lore-raped-the-once-great-tribe-of) Slivers.

I'm sorry WoTC, but the "Sliver Hive" art with a classic sliver still doesn't ease the pain of what you did to them, and continued with the new Sliver Creatures. I'm going to have to commision more alt-art, especially if I wish to use Sliver Hivelord as my EDH Commander...

I will say this though, I love how we have "Battlefield Forge", "Caves of Koilos", "Darksteel Citadel", "Evolving Wilds", "Llanowar Wastes", "Radiant Fountain", "Shivan Reef", "Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth", and "Yavimaya Coast" making a come-back to standard play! The Shocklands and the other nasties are must haves for EDH and Legacy, so heres to hope that we can add fresh faces to the formats.

But then you have “That Guy” who shows up, smashes up shit, and leaves ruins in his wake...

Let's review the evidence, shall we?

All I will say is I'm glad to have gone before then!
The Chad 
(Is Great!) 

Monday, 16 June 2014

Max's (most likely incorrect) metagame analysis

Hello cardhousians first thing's first my sincerest apologies for my neglect to my part of the blog. My internet went down went on holidays had crap to do yadayadayada but I'm back and ready to analyse the meta, WOOOOO. So first thing's first most predictions thought we'd say madolche artifact and slyvan wrecking everything. What ended up happening will be discussed in the later paragraphs with little discussions on each deck and where I think said deck is going. Also stick around because at the end of the post I will give off my banlist predictions (rather early i guess) and predictions for after the next set! Without further ado lets kick it off with possibly the best deck this format.

H.A.T this name stands for hands artifacts traptrix if you didn't know, it may be just me but the deck reminds me of firefists in the way they dominate the grind game and simplify the game state. Why is this deck going so well? In my opinion is that it rarely bricks due to its searching and almost always has a play, this deck has so many plus 1's its not even funny and there's not that much you can do game one other than otk or win in the first couple of turns. How to beat this deck? Soul drain dominates the hands and veiler and breakthrough and fiendish dominate the traptrix and the artifacts are not focussed upon enough in the deck to the point where if you protect your effect negation you will be able to push through. Pretty much effect negation for days!

Madolche my personal favourite, we originally saw this deck released in return of the duelist with magiline and mew and the field spell among other small support cards, in abyss rising we saw messengelato and other cards tachyon we saw hootcake and with all these madolche still wasnt great. Then we saw angelly and it made the deck tier 1/1.5 we have been seeing them win and top some top events. This deck is going well because it stuns and plusses with its best combo with mew and anjelly returning two cards to the deck and getting a great set up with follow up plays for days. How can i counter this deck. VEILER THE MEW OR STOP THE NORMAL SUMMON. If you can do this they don't have much they can do so stop the normal stop the deck.

Geargia is still slipping its way into the top on a consistent basis with its insane consistency and ability to drop rank 4's all duel. Geargia focusses on flipping and setting geargiarmor which leads it to get accelerator and making rank 4 plays. Add this with their consistent recycling and explosiveness and you have a duel on your hands. Why is it doing well? It has possibly the best rank 4 toolbox in the game and plusses as well as any other deck. How to combat it? Stop armor destroy armor win. Effect negation is key and also not letting it get its effect off.

Those in my opinion are the three top decks due to checking tops personal experience and research. Now we can lead on to my banlist predictions!

1. ban nothing i can think of that needs to be banned instantly
2. limit geargiaccellerator and madolche angelly
3. semi limit the hands and soul charge
4 put dmoc and relinquished to one
Thanks for listening to my most probably flawed  opinion. Have a great day and keep on dueling!

P.S Chad i need to get that angelly off you on Saturday!

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Shhh... It's a Secre- SHUDDUP!

    The pursuit of power is a deadly game. To survive the machinations of the Card House, you need strength as well as leverage. The right allies can bring riches, but the throne is only a well-timed betrayal...

    Oh, and do remember that your allies can do the same to you.

    Conspiracy is a new set based around drafting and multiplayer Magic. Wizards of the Coast is literally banking on the popularity of EDH/Commander's free-for-all multiplayer. So like any other money-hungry corporation they of course created an entire set of multiplayer-focused mechanics, including a gimmiky cards that affect the draft itself!

    Chris described it as 'drafted EDH lite', and I see no reason to disagree with his call.
How this works?
  • Each player starts the game with 20 life.
  • In multiplayer games, you draw seven cards rather than six the first time you take a mulligan.
  • The game uses Free-for-All rules, so you can attack multiple players and/or Planeswalkers during combat.
  • Last man standing, Wins! (Damn it wizards, requiring me to stand, just like with the National Anthem!)

Draft Abilities

    Conspiracy includes something no Magic set ever has: cards that have abilities that affect the draft itself.

    Cards with draft abilities have a wide range of effects, so read each carefully so you know what to do. If you're using a draft ability, speak up! There's an large opening below your nostrils that you can use to generate sound along with muscle groups in your neck and tongue. Use them to let the table know what's going on. Blake, i'm looking at you here for not doing so.

    During the draft, there's no stack, turn order, or priority. If two or more players want to use a draft ability at the same time, then the order is decided by the only means available: A bloody round of no-hold-barred street brawl where the order is decided by who lives. I will take the drafts of the fallen while no-one is looking! First in, first serve!

    You may find it helpful during the draft to make sure all players draft and pass booster packs at the same time. That is, don't let booster packs "pile up" behind any player. Blake Manning, I'm looking at you here again!

    If an ability tells you to draft a card face up, leave it face up in front of you, next to your face-down pile of drafted cards (no jokes about this being like the way I stack coins here).  It stays face up until you turn it face down (the card will tell you when to do this) or it goes somewhere else, like back into a booster pack.

    If an ability tells you to reveal a card as you draft it, you show everyone you're drafting the card. The card may have additional instructions. Many of them tell you to note some information, like a number, the name of a card, or a player.  So at the draft, get your crayons, pens, pencils and something to write on. This noted information will be used in the game.


    <drops his voice down to a whisper>

    Conspiracy (the card set) introduces a new card type called 'conspiracies' to play in these Conspiracy drafts (the format). Sadly, they aren't legal even in 'vanilla' edh, or any other format for that matter. I was dissapointed to learn that conspiracies aren't able to be included in your deck. Here's why I'm disappoint;.

  • Conspiracies start the game in the command zone (much like your commander in a Commander game). You put every conspiracy you drafted into the command zone as the game begins.  They can't be countered/destroyed because like emblems, there aren't cards that can target them.
  • They don't count toward your deck size, so you still need a deck with a minimum of forty cards for a Conspiracy Draft deck. I was hoping that conspiracies would/could become a new 'ante' deck filler. ('Ante' were cards that made you Wager/Gamble cards from your deck in exchange for game-breaking power. In games that didn't allow 'Ante' meant you could remove them/thin out your deck without penalty.
    TBH, I was hoping to add one of every Conspiracy to my deck as a way to thin my Relentless Rat deck.

    The abilities of conspiracies work from the command zone. And those abilities can affect the game in some wacky ways. For example, with Power Play, there's no need to roll for starting player... Unless your rivals also have it. I was hoping to add it,  so I always go first. The Relentless Rats would gain +1/+1 ala 'Muzzio’s Preparations', -1 from their mana cost ala 'Brago’s Favor', gain haste ala 'Immediate Action', become a mana source ala 'Secrets of Paradise'. (Also start the game with a 1/1 Construct with Defender ala Sentinel Dispatch.)

Hidden Agenda
    Some conspiracies have an ability called hidden agenda.

    These conspiracies have you secretly name a card before the game begins. Perhaps the easiest way to do this is write the name on a piece of paper and keep it with the face-down conspiracy. Hopefully, you can name a card you've drafted multiples of. Any time you have priority during the game, you can turn the conspiracy face up and reveal the chosen name and what bonus the conspiracy gives cards with that name.

Imagine the looks on your opponents' faces when they discover your creatures actually have haste or... um, other secret abilities.


    If you want to assume the throne, start with removing the person already there... <normal volume> Actually there is really no reason to add this, because I'm a benevolent ruler. I'm sure if you were to meet me and my ... ah... shadow advisor, we can find a solution to your complaints.

    Anyway, I will recount this for the sake of 'transparency'. Dethrone triggers whenever a creature with dethrone attacks the player with the most life or tied for the most life. When the ability resolves, you put a +1/+1 counter on the creature. This happens before blockers are declared. Once the ability triggers, it doesn't matter what happens to anybody's life total. If the defending player doesn't have the most life when the ability resolves, the creature will still get the +1/+1 counter. Note that dethrone won't trigger if the creature attacks a Planeswalker. You're going after the crown, after all, not the royal advisors. If you have the most life, your dethrone abilities won't trigger, but you may find a few choice ways to avoid that situation.

Will of the Council

    New 'will of the council' abilities let the table determine what's going to happen. I see no reason why we need 'democracy' when I already act in the best interests of my fellow cardhousians.

    This is the means that I was stabbed in the back;  My 'ally' Rachel cast my Stasis-Pod'ed, tapped Heartless Hidetsugu and defensive constructs as more dangerous then her flying and trampling horde, before dropping the Voting card down when I sought to save my Vent Elemental.

    Each will of the council ability calls for the players to vote. Starting with you and proceeding in turn order, each player announces his or her vote. Everyone has to vote—no abstaining! Sometimes you'll be voting between two effects, like the grace or condemnation effects of Magister of Worth. Other cards may have you voting on different creatures, or colors, or... um... other things. Once everyone has voted, tally up the results to see what happens. Players can't do anything once the vote has begun. That is, you can respond to Magister of Worth's ability, but once it starts resolving, you can't interrupt the vote by casting a spell or activating an ability.
    Everyone gets one vote. I thought I didn't sign the Magna Carta precisely for this reason!
    If you somehow have multiple votes, for whatever special favor you did for me, you make them all at the time you'd normally vote. As the reminder text reminds us, you could spread the votes around or you can load them all up on one choice that benefits me. Some older cards, like Archangel of Strife, have players make choices but don't use the word "vote." Keep in mind that Brago's Representative applies only to abilities that use the word "vote" (that is, just will of the council abilities... for now MWAHAHAHAH!).


    Sometimes, opening dialogue with others is the best answer.

    Parley abilities instruct each player to reveal the top card of his or her library. Then, an additional effect happens based on the number of nonland cards revealed this way. Finally, each player draws a card (the one that was just revealed). Just as we saw with will of the council abilities, you can respond to most parley abilities (Selvala, Explorer Returned has a parley mana ability that can’t be responded to) , but once one starts resolving, no one can do anything until the ability completely finishes resolving.

    Alright, there's the round-up on the Conspiracy Format. I was only able to buy a single box ATM, but Ideally I want to get my hands on another 3 more and create a 'Conspiracy Cube', (or second 'Conspiracy Cube' as that's what I named my room/flat.)

    I just want to remind you of the Saturday 12th July Pre-release of M15. Whether you are a veteran Planeswalker, a novice planeswalker, or a yugioh duelist who is still reading this for some reason, you better get your arse in on this action! 8 boosters per player, bonus items for all players, free pizza, random prizes, and if I can get Chelsea lined up to do photography, a chance to hit on my Legal-aged sister!.
    Don't know how to play Magic? I'm sure I have a spell for that The Magic players: eH's a pretty cool guys. They taught an idiot/me to play and who doesn't afraid of anything. First time for everything!

Friday, 6 June 2014

An Appology.

Fellow Cardhousians, I need to apologize for quite a few things, and say a pre-emptive "shut-up" to Harley and Tim who would chime in with "Only a Few?":

1. I'm sorry that this blog has been more neglected then that poor goldfish I had when I was 6 years old.

The Sunday after the pre-release, I was sent back to hospital for being 'too hot'... An Infection from the previous surgery.

When I tried to post, my computer said 'No' while in hospital (again), and refused to connect to the internet.

I probably could have used my mobile, but alas just couldn't be stuffed re-writing the entire entry on my mobile. Tiny buttons and a tiny screen are a pain in the ... (wait can't feel it,) ahem to be perfectly frank with you all.

And let's not forget about the young student Nurses... Had one give me a foot-rub, who became more concerned when I didn't feel it. Poor girl didn't get the memo that I'm a paraplegic! Good times.

2. I'm sorry that part of the neglect includes the 3rd of the month draw.

Let's rectify that by me rolling for the winners of the last 3 monthly draws now:

Troy C, Gumby, and Matt. Congrats guys, 3 packs each, just as normal.

3. I'm also sorry for being more pissy then a Daddy's girl who got the wrong-colour car at the Yu-Gi-Oh pre-release.

I actually have trained in using psychic powers... psycho powers for the more skeptical cardhousian.

I touched the pack, felt that it was full of more artefacts then my adopted-grandmother's room at the home when we were cleaning it out... (Rest in peace, Bunty)

Needless to say, I cracked open the packs after Kev wouldn't let me trade the bundle in after it didn't 'Feel right'. Lo-and-Behold, it was full of as much filler as my blog-posts!

Sadly I got mostly Artefacts, which proved more useless then me without my wheels. Someone at Konami, in their Wisdom, decided to only include in the set 1 card that removes traps only...

I would say "That's the Japanese for you", but then the calls of "Dat's Wacist" would be deafening, and I like how they improved chinese paper-folding.

At least I have my play-set of Hazy-Flame Hydra from it, so that's something. 
Just want to say congrats to Troy, and offer my condolences to Warren in the MLP:FiM pre-release. I totally wanted to hit that up, and bring more glitter then any male with self respect ought to have...

Now hopefully I can say without Jinxing it once again "It's good to be Home."

Saturday, 31 May 2014

Harley thinks I'm bad at pre releases

After today, he couldn't be more wrong.

Today, myself and Warren went down to Guf Brisbane for the pre release of the latest set for the My Little Pony CCG, Canterlot Nights. There were quite a few familiar faces down there as well for a Magic tournament, though I didn't hear any of the details. I'm sure if you're interested you could ask Harley how things went and he'd be happy to vent about how badly he did tell you all about it.

People tend to refer to pre release tournaments as great equalisers, but no other pre release I've been to has given such a vibe as this one did. For starters, every participant was given one of the two theme decks and required to use that for the day. Naturally many a mirror match was in store, but everyone was on the most equal ground possible by using the same decks. That mean the results came down to equal parts skill and luck, and not who has the best cards.

I myself chose to use the Princess Luna/Rainbow Dash deck, more for the fact that my pre ordered Princess Celestia/Rarity deck showed up in the mail yesterday and I didn't want two copies than any actual tactical choice (admittedly some of the more competitive players there believed Luna was better anyway). I used Luna herself as my mane character in the first round and switched to Rainbow Dash for the second, deciding that RD seemed to fit my play style better and opted to keep her in charge for the remainder of the four rounds.

By the end of the day, I had three wins out of four. Lady Luck didn't want to give Warren the same treatment though, unfortunately seeming to prefer a swift kick in the nuts with four losses. In true Cardhousian spirit though he kept up the sportsmanship, having fun regardless of results.

Lady Luck seems to want me to play this game more though, at least in comparison to other games. Not only did I manage a solid 4th overall for the day, one of my prize boosters contained an ultra rare Granny Smith card (pictured above) and I even won the prize raffle for a bag of extra goodies. Now if only Primal Origin would behave in a similar manner and give me that last Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon instead of my umpteenth Bujinki Amaterasu...

All in all a great day was had by every participant, including several newcomers to the game. I'll admit that it didn't seem to run quite as smoothly as if it were a Card House held event, but that's only a small matter. Remember if anyone is interested in learning how to play you can always ask me, and I'll be happy to show you.

On that note I'll probably not have to say much about ponies for a while now (and I'm sure most of you are tired of me waffling on about it anyway), so I'll leave this post here. I don't expect too many people who are gonna be at the Card House tomorrow for the Pokemon event at 11am are reading this anyway, but anyone who is I'll likely see you all there if work doesn't decide to call me in.

The Pokemon Professor, Troy

Monday, 26 May 2014

Pre releases, pre releases everywhere!

Pony warning for those of your who simply can't stand the sight of diminutive technicolour equines. If you can, you're welcome to read on.

As I said about this time last month, May was going to be big for card games. Late April saw the pre release of Journey Into Nyx for Magic, while early May saw both Flashfire for Pokemon and Primal Origin for Yu-Gi-Oh! pre release events. Finally, on the very last day of May we will be able to see a pre release event for Canterlot Nights, of the My Little Pony CCG.

"But hang on Troy, the Card House isn't running a pre release for Canterlot Nights!" I hear you cry. Well, this is true. However, that doesn't mean that there isn't going to be one anywhere. Saturday 31st May will see Guf Brisbane in Fortitude Valley host two pre release events for Canterlot Nights. If you're keen to go, both the 11am and 4pm events still have places open and you can see the details here. Don't worry Kev, we still have something special here.

The Premiere set laid the groundwork for the game, and Canterlot Nights will add quite a bit more to it. Not only will brand new variants of the Mane 6 Mane Character cards be added to the game, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are also given Mane Character cards as well as their own theme decks to come. Celestia will be a yellow card the same as Fluttershy, sharing her deck with Rarity and her white colour while Luna is a purple card just as Twilight Sparkle and comes with Rainbow Dash and her blue support.

Canterlot Nights will also see a few new keywords added to the game. Magic players will be familiar with the use of keywords, but in this case keywords are usually given to a colour which allows it to behave differently to other colours. I'll give you a quick rundown on the current keywords and their uses:

Blue - Swift (You may move this card for 1 fewer action tokens)
Orange - Stubborn (This card can still apply its power during faceoffs and the Score Phase even if exhausted)
Pink - Random (During a faceoff involving this card, if you flip a card with 1 power, you may ignore it and flip a new card)
Purple - Studious (When you wind a faceoff involving at least one of your characters with this keyword, gain 1 action token)
White - Inspired (At the start of your Main Phase, look at the top card of an opponent's deck and put it on either the top or bottom of that deck)
Yellow - Caretaker (+1 power while at a Problem with at least one of your Critter friends)

Canterlot Nights has given us the addition of a few generic keywords, which can be on any friend of any colour. The first one is mentioned above on the Twilight Velvet card, called Supportive. What it does is give the Supportive card a bonus equal to the number next to the keyword when that friend is at a problem with a Mane Character that shares its colour. In Twilight Velvet's case, she would gain that bonus while at a problem with either Twilight Sparkle or Princess Luna.

The next keyword to mention is Pumped. This one is rather interesting, as it doesn't give a constant bonus like Supportive but rather access to a cost ability that could definitely change how a game goes. If a character with Pumped is involved in a faceoff, you may choose to banish a card you flipped during that faceoff underneath it rather than put it on the bottom of your deck. Once you have cards underneath a Pumped character, you may then spend those cards at certain times to trigger an effect such as Chief Thunderhooves frightening an opponent's character. This can give you a great time advantage as it costs a further two action tokens to unfrighten a friend, which will slow your opponent significantly.

Unique is a concept that Magic players will recognise again. Unique works in the same way as Legendary does, in that while you can have multiple copies of such a card in your deck you may only have one of such a card on the field at any given time. There really isn't much else to say about Unique, so onto the last word.

Epic is the final new keyword, and it is used to denote a much more powerful troublemaker. In fact, two troublemakers from the Premiere set have been errata'd to have the Epic keyword (Nightmare Moon and Ahuizotl), most likely due to their Villain status. So far the only card that has made any use of this status is a new card in Canterlot Nights called Soothe the Savage Beast, which will cause an opponent's non-Epic troublemaker to lose all of its abilities and cannot gain further abilities during your Troublemaker Phase. While Epic doesn't seem to do much at this point, it is possible that further sets will build on that.

What cards am I looking forward to getting? At this point I am definitely liking Princess Celestia, Protector of Equestria as well as Sunset Shimmer. Princess Celestia is a great way of getting rid of an opponent's low powered troublemakers simply by playing her to a problem with a troublemaker there, paving the way to moving forward in the game as well as scoring extra points. On the opposite end, Sunset Shimmer is a troublemaker with the ability to banish an opponent's friend or resource beneath her until she leaves the field (at which point that card is returned to the opponent's hand). She is an excellent disruptive card as well as a high powered troublemaker with a power of 5. There are plenty of other cards that also add to the the current strengths of each colour, and I'm definitely wanting to reshape my deck to accommodate them.

That's all I have to say about Canterlot Nights. If you read through it, I really appreciate you doing so since I know not many people will enjoy this topic. Canterlot Nights will see its proper release on the 6th of June. Myself and Warren will be headed down there for the pre release, and we'll be sure to show what we call the Cardhousian Spirit and doctors insist is a mild form of intestinal cancer!

The Pokemon Professor, Troy

Saturday, 10 May 2014

8 days and counting... No seriously!

Alright my fellow Cardhousians it is that time of year again... What time you all ask.... Well my birthday of course.

This year is nothing more special than the last but i have decided that for this birthday (especially as i am taking time off work for some RnR) I will be spending a few days at the card house building some new decks and testing them out. For that to happen however, I will need some opponents. So anyone interested in handing me a few losses i will be more than happy to be the looser as long as i get to play some cards >.<

With all the games i play, i will be looking to get in a few living card games as well (android: netrunner and StarWars LCG). These are two games that, along with patience, you need to actually read a small manual to learn how to play effectively. So todays blog will actually be an introduction to these two game (for anyone interested).

Lets start of with Android: Netrunner
.File:Android Netrunner Core Set Box.jpg

So being an updated re-release of a game produced in 1996, many people would automatically just shrug it off and go back to their staple card games. Well I decided to pick this little beauty up and give it a shot (well i actually won it so it was sort of fate i guess). Set in a futuristic setting where big corps run the world, and the "underground" is run by hackers of every variety, Netrunner takes the age old war between secret agendas of the corps and the free thinking hackers to a new level.

The main goal of this game (depending on which side you choose to play hacker or corp) is to outwit your opponent and take control of his/her corporation (hacker), or to prevent your secrets falling into the wrong hands (corp).

My experience in this game is little (due to lack of interest in my friends group, or inability to play on my part), but what I have learned and come to love about Netrunner is that no matter how locked out you may be, there is always a back door into a system. You can probably tell i love playing as a hacker :)

A little complex to explain in full, this game is one you MUST play to get a feeling for. The use of viruses and hacking tools is amazingly accurate and the artwork leaves nothing to be desired. This is a perfect combination of new meets old and for many, this game presents a new challenge to overcome.

Shall we start the countdown to destruction now?

Star Wars, our old friend, and mentor. This amazing series of books, movies and everything has been brought together into one HELL of a card game. Choose your side, the force may be strong but the dark side has cookies :D

Once your side has been decided, you then can organise your troops. Be the lowlife of the universe and control the scum and villainy of the dark side or rise in the light and support the smugglers and spies. With everything you could want from the Star Wars universe, this game provides you more.

During my brief few games of this, I have come to love the intricate battle system and the unique draw style of the game. Using your opponents hand against them is always fun in a card game.

These two games are available through Kev and I will be bringing mine along for some dusting off and testing over the next few weeks.

For those who love a new game (and yes these are two player only (for now)), and also like a challenge, come on down and give these two amazing games a go :)

Well back to my countdown and back to the kitchen I go.

From all of us here in the universes of Cray, Star Wars, Netrunner and everywhere else, we wish you happy gaming and many wins and losses. For every win is good but every loss teaches us something and is much more valuable :)

AJ out!

Friday, 9 May 2014

Simple Side-Deck-Building for Simple Duelists

Alright Boys and Girls, after a long break due to medical issues, I am back with my side-Decking Tutorial. I also have pre-release articles for both the Theros MTG and tomorrow's Yugioh Primal Origin Pre-release.

Thanks to Troy, Max and Aaron for covering for me for the last 5 weeks, and I will have to do a bumper month draw for next month.

Anyway, I'll get through the backlog, but first-off the promised;

Part 7 - Side-Decking

It's a week after you needed it for Nationals, but as the case may be, luck of the draw.

I was also disappointed because I rang ahead and the organizers told me that the wheelchair wouldn't fit with their seating plans at the venue... I wrote a very strongly worded letter by hand and via email expressing my disappointment.

Oh, where was I? That sounds Right; For your side-deck, you want to add cards that will foil your opponents, but not you (too much).

Let's go through the 2 hardest Decks I have faced with my Blue-Eyes Deck (while my Hazy Flames sat on the Shelf), why they managed to make my experience hard, and what options I can add to the side-deck to stop it from slowing this cripple down!

 Kaiden's  Spellbook Prophecy - His decks have 3 x advantages: Spellbooks are a fast toolbox deck (using spells to search and recycle their deck),  they can lock down your ability to use spells unless you have a spellcaster on the field, and thirdly, The Priestess of Prophesy can target-remove anything on the field using her effects that discard spells.

For this, I'd need to counter spell lock-down by adding some side-able spellcasters, cards that counter deck searching, and traps/monster effects that counter his monster effects.

I believe Effect Veiler would work to stop 1 and 3, helping as a spellcaster and tuner like Maiden with Eyes of Blue as well as being a great hand-trap. Deck Lock-down would also buy me up to 3 turns each of Kaiden not searching his deck, (provided he hasn't locked down my ability to play spell cards). Last day of Witch and Breakthrough Strike are also alternatives that can help break the lock-down and stop priestess' effects respectively.

Totally Wish Tribe-Infecting Virus wasn't banned...

Fallon's Exodia Deck - I created that monster of a deck, and week after week she reminds me of the monster I created.

Exodia Decks rely on drawing the 5 pieces, or cards to help them get all 5 pieces like Card-car D. They can negate damage, and often use cards like Winged Kuriboh, Kuriboh, Kuribon, Waboku, Scapegoat and Marshmallon to stall me like nothing else. I would side Morphing Jar, but that's banned.

I need discard ability, to try and force her to discard a piece of Exodia from her hand, a means to negate card effects in the Graveyard. I already have the means to negate/destroy many of her draw cards, with the dark bribe for spells, and MST for any traps she may have set. Azure eyes also makes my dragons immune for a turn to trap effects, so that's another boon.

Breakthrough Strike can stop monster effects in the grave, like Card-car D's draw ability, Kuriboh's and Winged Kuriboh's damage nullifying effects. Effect Veiler would work against Marshmallon and as bonus protection from her counter-traps, I will chuck in a 3rd Dodger Dragon into the side deck.

What Will be side-decked?

3x Breakthrough Strike
3x Deck Lockdown
1x Dodger Dragon
3x Effect Veiler

Of course, as you face more opponents that trouble you, the side deck may eventually hit the maximum of 15, which means tough choices as to what to cull for more diversity, vs targeted counters for your opponent's deck. Finding the balance isn't easy, but it could mean the difference between 2nd and 9th or lower. (I am planning on the Top any time I want it. Mwahahahahahah!)

I'll see you all when I see you!


Sunday, 4 May 2014

Crash and Flashfire

First thing's first. If Harley tells you anything, don't listen to him. He's a damn dirty liar.

Not really. At least there was no way he could've really known what I would get in my boosters for the Flashfire pre release. Six boosters, and not one really nice card. The picture on the right is indicative of my face both before and after opening my boosters.

Anywho, let's keep going. As far as a set goes, Flashfire isn't a bad one. In my personal opinion there aren't a whole lot of really good cards in it, but then again I'm not seeing any that will do much for my own decks so I'm a little biased. If you want my picks for it, they would have to be M Charizard-EX (Y Version), Protection Cube, Trick Shovel and Lysandre.

Mega Evolution pokemon come with great power, but also have a few tough downsides to bring them into line. First off, once you evolve one of your Pokemon-EX into an M Pokemon-EX, your turn is finished. Second, they generally come with a high cost attack or require a great deal of specific energy to use these powerful attacks.

M Charizard-EX can circumvent most of these relatively easily. To combat its high energy cost, one of its base Pokemon-EX versions comes with a one cost attack that, on flipping a successful heads, will attach three energy from the deck to itself. Combined with cards like Blacksmith which attach energy from your discard to a fire pokemon on your field, and getting this powerhouse swinging is relatively simple.

Now, for something that hits so hard you'd think having it deal 50 damage to itself with each swing is a serious drawback. But...

Protection Cube is a thing. It's a pokemon tool so it can be attached to M Charizard-EX, and simply by being there your powerful pokemon will no longer take damage from its own attacks. So now you have a fully charged pokemon dealing 300 damage with each hit with no downside. That's all well and good for the person playing it, but what about if you have to try and take it down?

The first thing to do would be to try using water pokemon to take it down. As long as your water pokemon can deal a minimum of 110 damage, M Charizard-EX's weakness to water will finish it off for you. Even better would be if you can bring out Suicune from Plasma Blast. While it won't be able to one hit KO Charizard, it's Safeguard ability will prevent it from taking any damage from Charizard at all. Alternatively you could try for moves that paralyse or put it to sleep, or even a combination of conditions that would keep it from attacking while sapping its strength. Or, if you only have one prize card left...

I'm sure more than a few people miss the old Pokemon Catcher and how it didn't require a coin flip to work. As I've mentioned before in a previous blog post, the makers decided to meet you half way with Lysandre. Lysandre functions as the original Pokemon Catcher does in that it switches out your opponent's active pokemon for one of your choice on their bench, and doesn't require a coin flip (also I don't want to talk about coin flips as those things hate me). So if you only have to take a single prize card and you're staring down a M Charizard-EX that's raring to go, why not do the minimum amount of work for the maximum pass? Switch out something weaker and give it a beating it won't forget!

The final card I'm going to talk about today is Trick Shovel. This handy item card will allow you to look at the top card on either player's deck, and then decide whether to return it to its original position or discard it. I'm sure that I don't have to go to any great lengths to tell you how useful that card is, given that you can potentially deny your opponent a good draw or avoid a dead draw yourself. The only question is which deck do you use it on when?

Well, that's all I really have to talk about as far as Flashfire went. Despite my terrible luck in opening boosters, flipping coins and drawing useful cards I really should have just stayed home in bed it was a fun day out with a good crowd of people. I'm feeling cautiously optimistic about the Primal Origin pre release for Yu-Gi-Oh! on this coming Saturday, but by that day I will have some money and fully plan on buying myself at least one booster box if Kev is selling them on the day. If you're after anything from the set scram you vultures you'd be welcome to ask me about it, but be aware that I'm looking pretty much only for things in the set itself and I'll have a list with me. There's a decently high chance that if you don't have anything on that list then you won't have anything I want, but as long as you leave me some space to breathe there won't be any issues.

I'd offer Don Thousand my soul for the cards I want, but chances are he'd probably give me several copies of Don Thousand's Throne and be done with it. I guess that's what you get if you want to deal with a god wielding the power of chaos.

The Pokemon Professor (maybe this is why Gary Oak quit being a trainer), Troy

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Weird decks and why this is such a strange concept

"Oh, I'll just leave the weird decks to you."

In recent times I've had this comment (or a variation of it) when someone's looked at a couple of my Yu-Gi-Oh! decks. Now I'm a little confused as to why people would think that, so I'll go through my current deck on here and see if any of you know why someone would call my deck weird.

Let's see, it's a deck of 40 cards with an extra deck of 15 cards, all from the Yu-Gi-Oh! trading card game. Nothing weird about that, the main deck being of the minimum amount in order to make drawing required cards less of a chance. Cards in my main deck also assist in searching out other cards I need and the summon of the high powered monsters that live in my extra deck. Nope, still not seeing what's weird about it. Those are all the main elements of a deck, right? Then what is it that makes my Gimmick Puppet deck so weird?

"Whoa, you play Gimmick Puppets? That's such a weird deck. Why don't you play Geargia/Bujin/Fire Fist/Mermails?"

Oh. That's why you think it's a weird deck.

If that's why you think someone's deck is weird, I'd like to suggest that you take a step back and reconsider that mindset. Just because someone plays a deck that doesn't make up more than half the field at a YCS event that doesn't mean their deck is weird. Each Yu-Gi-Oh! booster set, much to your surprise, actually contains cards in it that aren't part of a top tier deck!

Yes I know, shocking. I'll let you calm down for a minute and try to digest that fact.

Ready? Good. Now if you think that's how "weird" it gets, here's some more news for ya. In my Gimmick Puppet deck, I use the Rank-Up-Magic cards in order to summon out the more powerful Chaos Number Gimmick Puppets. Breathe, you'll pass out if you don't.

Now, I want to know why you don't play a deck that isn't a top tier deck. I know there are plenty of Cardhousians that don't, so I do apologise for the blanket generalisation. But don't you ever feel that itch to make a different deck? To make something that stands out from among the crowd?

Maybe you should give it a go. Who knows, you may find it to be a fun experience. Instead of simply trying to flatten everyone with the latest power deck, why not try something more laid back and different. Of course if you find using those top tier decks fun, I won't question you. I'll just ask that you don't say anyone else's deck is weird just because they don't want to play the same deck you're playing.

I have the feeling I've contradicted myself somewhere in this blog post. Possibly it's because I tend to get annoyed when people look down on my deck because it's not a top tier deck.

I'm gonna stop typing before I say anything really stupid. Before that though, a reminder that the Pokemon Flashfire pre release is on Sunday 4th, and I look forward to seeing plenty of people there!

The Pokemon Professor, Troy

Saturday, 19 April 2014

New and upcoming cards max explains them all!

Hey guys it's Max here and today i am going to be talking about a bunch of the broken new cards in dragons of legends and primal origin! Before I jump into that i would like to apologise for my absence recently at the cardhouse truly its just because I've had a bunch of stuff on but I will try my hardest to get to nationals and perhaps the sneak peek! Without further ado lets get on to some of the dragons on legends cards!

First of and most notably we have soul charge a normal spell card, now if you haven't heard this effect before you won't believe me but I will link a source and I swear it is legit, the effect reads: Target any number of monsters in your graveyard, special summon those targets and if you do take 1000 lp for each monster special summoned by this effect. You cannot conduct your battlephase the turn you activate this card. You can only activate one soul charge per turn. WOW! Now i know your mind is spinning but lets reign it in a little. YES this card is insanely good YES it is hopefully going to be banned / limited shorty. It is also a super just so you know. However to get that plus 4 you are thinking about you have to pay 5000 lp that is the equivalent of a cyber stein! And of course no battle phase! Also there is a combo which with no set up one can get out quasar with just soul charge and lonefire! Now that that is out of the way lets continue.
the video i watched:

Secondly we have shadow impulse a nice little card that works well with quasar actually basically the card is a trap that reads: When a Synchro Monster(s) you control is destroyed by battle or bycard effect and sent to the GraveyardTarget 1 of those SynchroMonsters; Special Summon from your Extra Deck 1 Synchro Monsterwith the same Level and Type as that monster but with a different name. You can only activate 1 "Shadow Impulse" per turn.
Now yes this card does kind of seem situational and it is but let me put it this way, you get out your quasar well done (I know about its printing but hypothetically) but somehow your opponent answers it and destroys it, flip this card and you will get your majestic star guy and a red nova dragon. THAT IS NUTS. This card certainly has the potential to initiate scoop phases.ALSO A SUPER
link to wikia:
Link to video:

Finally from dragons we have this nice little seven tools of the bandit replacement, its name is wire tap and it is a counter trap and its effect reads: When a trap card is activated: Negate the activation and shuffle that target into the deck. That's it it's not broken but i will run it over seven tools any day because no life point cost (soul charge be draining my lp) and i dont mind the fact it goes into the deck to be honest. Just a nice little card that I thought I'd share. Rarity currently unconfirmed.
link to vid:

Now I am only going to do one card from primal and that is angelly because i know the most about that card. If you don't know the wombo combo with that card yet and mew you have been under a rock i swear. Regardless i shall tell you.
- normal summon mew use eff
- ss angelly tribute for eff and get hootcake
-hootcake eff banish angelly and ss messengalato get ticket / field spell
- overlay mew and hootcake for leviar and get back your angelly
- overlay angelly and messengalato for tiaramisu
- there will be a material from leviar so you can send messengalato and mew/hootcake back to deck to bounce two on opponents side and if you picked ticket you can special summon a madolche if you picked chateux you can add the two to your hand instead of back into the deck. ALL THE PLUSES MUHUHAHAHAHAHAHA .  I-I-I-I mean the card is solid.
Link to card:

I hope I have helped you all prepare for what is coming and i will have an in depth guide to beating the meta decks once these new cards come out and i can do some more research and digging. Feedback is welcome. Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

Booster sets are on FIRE!

May is looking to be big for trading card games. In fact, most of the ones which are at the Card House that we all know and love are getting brand new sets!

Before I go into any larger details, I'd also like to take a moment to plug the Pokemon tournament happening tomorrow (Sunday 20th April). I'm a little disappointed that a couple of recent events couldn't be played due to a lack of players, and I'd like to try and encourage more people to show up. I've said it before, but if you're worried about not getting a big enough crowd then you should come anyway because just by showing up you'll contribute to the numbers. "I don't want to go, there won't be anyone there..." is a dangerous attitude to have mostly because I may have a Sylveon visit your house in the middle of the night and drag you here*.

Now back onto the pre releases. First off I'm gonna talk about my personal favourite, Pokemon! Sunday 4th May sees the XY set get its second booster set, Flashfire. This set gives the last of the Kanto starters its mega evolved forms, and by that I of course mean Charizard.

ERMAGERD CHERZERD A firm favourite and one of the most recognisable pokemon ever, Charizard storms forward with his own character slot in the soon to come fourth installment in the Super Smash Bros series not only an EX card, but mega evolutions of both its X and Y forms! On top of that we'll also see the addition of Kangaskhan-EX and M Kangaskhan-EX into TCG form, and for those of you who might be competitive battlers in the X and Y video games don't worry. M Kangaskhan-EX is not nearly as broken as its video game counterpart.

Now if you can't quite handle the fact that Pokemon Catcher has required a coin flip for approximately six months now, it would seem that the card designers have decided to meet you half way by giving you Lysandre. It has the original effect of Pokemon Catcher, but in a supporter form so that you can't search for it with Skyla and use it in the same turn. The card I'm most looking forward to? Florges. For one energy, Florges will either search out any three cards in your deck or hit every one of your opponents pokemon for 20 damage. I may have to restructure my fairy deck a bit to fit them in though, but it would certainly be a welcome addition.

Saturday 10th May sees Yu-Gi-Oh! get further reinforced with the pre release of Primal Origin, the final booster set in the Zexal series. Primal Origin introduces only a single new archetype into the game, known as Artifacts. Their monsters are generally level/rank 5, and the main deck monsters can be set in the spell/trap zones where if they're destroyed, they're instantly special summoned.

Quiet down Evilswarm Ophion and let me finish. I'm sure anyone who wants to play them will sorely wish for Heavy Storm to be unbanned, but I'm sure you'll make do with Malevolent Catastrophe. The rest of the set focuses on adding to existing archetypes, including fan favourites like Dark World and Gladiator Beasts. What I'm most excited for is that it gives the Photon/Galaxy archetypes several very new and powerful weapons. Number 101 giving you grief because you special summoned Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon? Let me just Photon Stream of Destruction that away. Opponent activating some nasty spells and traps? Tachyon Transmigration will take care of pesky cards like Solemn Warning and Dark Hole. Not to mention one I'm keen to try out... empty field and I just drew Rank-Up-Magic The Seventh One? Watch me pull a 4500 attack monster with a field negating effect out of nowhere courtesy of the arrival of Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon!

Before either of those hit though, planeswalkers will be happy to know that on the 26th and 27th of April you guys will be getting four pre release events for the latest addition to the Theros block, Journey into Nyx. Now I don't play a lot of Magic except for commander format, but I do have a cat deck for that and when I first saw that Ajani was getting a new card I was pretty excited... until I noticed they ruined it with the addition of a horrible little tree picture. Everyone knows green is for noobs! I won't say too much about Nyx because I haven't really been following it, maybe Chad or Aaron will pop in at some point to give their thoughts on the set.

Oh no, it's a pony! Now your day is ruined!

That aside, get used to it since the My Little Pony CCG is here and will hopefully be here for a while. If you really can't stand the sight of diminutive technicolour equines feel free to skip ahead, but I do play the game myself and I am going to talk about the second set which will also be released sometime in May, named Canterlot Nights.

What does one do in the MLP CCG? Well, instead of having creatures battle against one another in deadly combat (I can hear the cries of disappointment from some of you), instead all manner of ponies and other critters use their power to solve problems and score points. The objective is to be the first one to reach 15 points. Each player gains a specific number of action points each turn, determined by the person who has the highest current score, and these action points are used to play friends, resources, events and even a troublemaker or two to get in the way of your opponents efforts to score points. You will always have at least one character on the field which is known as your Mane Character (yes, that is how it's spelled), which will usually determine what kind of deck you're playing as there are six different colours and you'll need at least two different ones to score at a problem (normally some power of a specific colour and some of any other colour). It's not a particularly hard game to pick up, and if you're interested in learning how to play Kev has the current starter decks in and I'd be happy to show you how to use them. I'm afraid if you want to play with Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie as your Mane Character though you'll need to try and pick up a two player starter set elsewhere (similar to the duel decks for Magic). Otherwise you can grab a Twilight Sparkle/Applejack or a Rainbow Dash/Rarity deck which has all the necessary cards and a rulebook in it to play.

Whew, that was a long post. I'm getting tired just reading it! If you managed to read all the way down to here I'm kinda impressed that you stuck with my waffling on for so long. If you're curious as to any happenings with Cardfight!! Vanguard, go and pester Aaron about it. He knows way more than I do, and actually plays the game more than once in a blue moon (or the pink one we had recently, apparently) unlike me. If you really want to play against me though I normally have my fanservice Angel Feather deck with me. In fact, the only card game that I don't have a deck for that was sold at the Card House in recent times is World of Warcraft (although I do have a rather nice Leeroy Jenkins card in my folder).

I hope you're having a great Easter, and that you're not riding your bike indoors because that isn't the time to use that!

The Pokemon Professor/Number Hunter/Crazy Cat Guy/Pegasus Pony, Troy

*Whether you think that means the Card House or my house is entirely up to you. I'm sure bondage equipment can be found at either place if you know where to look.
