Sunday, 14 September 2014

Storm's a Brewing, my thoughts not so much...

Heya fellow Cardhousians,
Did every Duelist enjoy Saturday's "Challengers and Cheaters  Champions" Yu-Gi-Oh! event?
<Looks to see who raised their hands.>
<Troy C raised his hand.>
Well Troy, if you blew off work and came, you would have!
Snarky comments asside,  The challenger's leaderboard was packed with Shaddolls and Geargia.
I wasn't playing either, instead playing the 'Concentrated Starter-Deck' (I got the starter Deck, took the pendulums and better monsters, and hope like heck.)
UPDATE Friday 19th: Just got my Hazy-Flame deck mailed back to me, minus the Kaiser Colloseum's. I'm not sure whether to say 'Cheers' or 'You stole $45 wprth of cards, and denied me my primary deck for almost a month... Curse you <expletive>!'

As promised Here's the winner of the monthly draw for September;
Logan H!
Hooray for Logan! Haven't seen him since the 1st admission to the Hospital come to think about it... Moving on to Magic: The Gathering.
This coming Saturday is the MTG pre-release for Khan's of Tarkir! Let's see what goodies I can snag in them...
"Epic Diem" is up in a few weeks, and you know what that means? Females in Provocative Cosplay A great day full of Card Games, War-Games, LARP, and generally one awesome day for Facebook pictures of yourself!

As Requested, here's 20 moar things Chad is no-longer allowed to do in D&D/Pathfinder.
  1. Expect the DM to keep a copy of that Epic-Tier Necromantic Cleric Character I rolled ages back. Especially after I assigned it an insanely high diplomacy skill to avoid combats, especially boss battles.
  2.  Throw a coin into magical Darkness: An enemy's cries after being hit ruins the suspense of what's concealed.
  3. I cannot have the voice in my head/the shadow one possess a body that is already possessed...
  4. I can not ask the Alchemist to 'accidentally' a Companion (Gelatinous) Cube.
  5. If an enemy cuts it's arm off, I cannot claim that it's disarmed.
  6. Nor will I raise the arm as an undead minion, no matter how "handy" it may be.
  7. Wielding said undead arm minion, while it holds a weapon does not work as a means to extend my weapon's reach.
  8. I will never again use the scythe as a 10-ft pole, because I'll cut myself.
  9. Contrary to popular belief, human does not taste like chicken.
  10. Even if NPC's can, I cannot trade in 'favors'.
  11. No matter what the rules say, I cannot kill my mercenary pay master, raise him from death, and then command him to give me a Raise.
  12. No matter what the rules say, I cannot kill children, then use them as a horde of undead ankle-biters.
  13. Luring an army of Goblins over a cliff is heroic, and will make me be forced to take an alignment check, even if I am only doing so to replenish my undead congregation.
  14. No matter what the rules say I cannot use 'Improvised Throwing Weapon' feats to throw an undead infant. Obviously if I raise an infant, they are supposed to be a weapon for my character.
  15. When looking for materials to make the party's Crossbow, I cannot call it 'Getting wood'.
  16. Killing the Wizard's Familiar is not acceptable as an alternative to an Atonement Spell.
  17. If a Wizard I'm playing ever resembles Dumbledore, he will use Power-Word: Kill on himself.
  18. Despite the famine in town, I cannot "Reap" the population and raise them to continue farming my newly acquired lands.
  19. Dead-Horse Tropes do not count as corpses a necromancer can raise.
  20. While funny, I will not replace the Alchemist's spell phials with Beer, then set him alight.

  1. Okay guys, I'm sorry about my mediocre post, but I will see if I can get pics from epic Diem!
  2. Chad

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