Saturday, 10 May 2014

8 days and counting... No seriously!

Alright my fellow Cardhousians it is that time of year again... What time you all ask.... Well my birthday of course.

This year is nothing more special than the last but i have decided that for this birthday (especially as i am taking time off work for some RnR) I will be spending a few days at the card house building some new decks and testing them out. For that to happen however, I will need some opponents. So anyone interested in handing me a few losses i will be more than happy to be the looser as long as i get to play some cards >.<

With all the games i play, i will be looking to get in a few living card games as well (android: netrunner and StarWars LCG). These are two games that, along with patience, you need to actually read a small manual to learn how to play effectively. So todays blog will actually be an introduction to these two game (for anyone interested).

Lets start of with Android: Netrunner
.File:Android Netrunner Core Set Box.jpg

So being an updated re-release of a game produced in 1996, many people would automatically just shrug it off and go back to their staple card games. Well I decided to pick this little beauty up and give it a shot (well i actually won it so it was sort of fate i guess). Set in a futuristic setting where big corps run the world, and the "underground" is run by hackers of every variety, Netrunner takes the age old war between secret agendas of the corps and the free thinking hackers to a new level.

The main goal of this game (depending on which side you choose to play hacker or corp) is to outwit your opponent and take control of his/her corporation (hacker), or to prevent your secrets falling into the wrong hands (corp).

My experience in this game is little (due to lack of interest in my friends group, or inability to play on my part), but what I have learned and come to love about Netrunner is that no matter how locked out you may be, there is always a back door into a system. You can probably tell i love playing as a hacker :)

A little complex to explain in full, this game is one you MUST play to get a feeling for. The use of viruses and hacking tools is amazingly accurate and the artwork leaves nothing to be desired. This is a perfect combination of new meets old and for many, this game presents a new challenge to overcome.

Shall we start the countdown to destruction now?

Star Wars, our old friend, and mentor. This amazing series of books, movies and everything has been brought together into one HELL of a card game. Choose your side, the force may be strong but the dark side has cookies :D

Once your side has been decided, you then can organise your troops. Be the lowlife of the universe and control the scum and villainy of the dark side or rise in the light and support the smugglers and spies. With everything you could want from the Star Wars universe, this game provides you more.

During my brief few games of this, I have come to love the intricate battle system and the unique draw style of the game. Using your opponents hand against them is always fun in a card game.

These two games are available through Kev and I will be bringing mine along for some dusting off and testing over the next few weeks.

For those who love a new game (and yes these are two player only (for now)), and also like a challenge, come on down and give these two amazing games a go :)

Well back to my countdown and back to the kitchen I go.

From all of us here in the universes of Cray, Star Wars, Netrunner and everywhere else, we wish you happy gaming and many wins and losses. For every win is good but every loss teaches us something and is much more valuable :)

AJ out!

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