Saturday, 19 April 2014

New and upcoming cards max explains them all!

Hey guys it's Max here and today i am going to be talking about a bunch of the broken new cards in dragons of legends and primal origin! Before I jump into that i would like to apologise for my absence recently at the cardhouse truly its just because I've had a bunch of stuff on but I will try my hardest to get to nationals and perhaps the sneak peek! Without further ado lets get on to some of the dragons on legends cards!

First of and most notably we have soul charge a normal spell card, now if you haven't heard this effect before you won't believe me but I will link a source and I swear it is legit, the effect reads: Target any number of monsters in your graveyard, special summon those targets and if you do take 1000 lp for each monster special summoned by this effect. You cannot conduct your battlephase the turn you activate this card. You can only activate one soul charge per turn. WOW! Now i know your mind is spinning but lets reign it in a little. YES this card is insanely good YES it is hopefully going to be banned / limited shorty. It is also a super just so you know. However to get that plus 4 you are thinking about you have to pay 5000 lp that is the equivalent of a cyber stein! And of course no battle phase! Also there is a combo which with no set up one can get out quasar with just soul charge and lonefire! Now that that is out of the way lets continue.
the video i watched:

Secondly we have shadow impulse a nice little card that works well with quasar actually basically the card is a trap that reads: When a Synchro Monster(s) you control is destroyed by battle or bycard effect and sent to the GraveyardTarget 1 of those SynchroMonsters; Special Summon from your Extra Deck 1 Synchro Monsterwith the same Level and Type as that monster but with a different name. You can only activate 1 "Shadow Impulse" per turn.
Now yes this card does kind of seem situational and it is but let me put it this way, you get out your quasar well done (I know about its printing but hypothetically) but somehow your opponent answers it and destroys it, flip this card and you will get your majestic star guy and a red nova dragon. THAT IS NUTS. This card certainly has the potential to initiate scoop phases.ALSO A SUPER
link to wikia:
Link to video:

Finally from dragons we have this nice little seven tools of the bandit replacement, its name is wire tap and it is a counter trap and its effect reads: When a trap card is activated: Negate the activation and shuffle that target into the deck. That's it it's not broken but i will run it over seven tools any day because no life point cost (soul charge be draining my lp) and i dont mind the fact it goes into the deck to be honest. Just a nice little card that I thought I'd share. Rarity currently unconfirmed.
link to vid:

Now I am only going to do one card from primal and that is angelly because i know the most about that card. If you don't know the wombo combo with that card yet and mew you have been under a rock i swear. Regardless i shall tell you.
- normal summon mew use eff
- ss angelly tribute for eff and get hootcake
-hootcake eff banish angelly and ss messengalato get ticket / field spell
- overlay mew and hootcake for leviar and get back your angelly
- overlay angelly and messengalato for tiaramisu
- there will be a material from leviar so you can send messengalato and mew/hootcake back to deck to bounce two on opponents side and if you picked ticket you can special summon a madolche if you picked chateux you can add the two to your hand instead of back into the deck. ALL THE PLUSES MUHUHAHAHAHAHAHA .  I-I-I-I mean the card is solid.
Link to card:

I hope I have helped you all prepare for what is coming and i will have an in depth guide to beating the meta decks once these new cards come out and i can do some more research and digging. Feedback is welcome. Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

1 comment:

  1. The idea of soul charge is broke, Well its is in a factor but i think we all forget about card such as "dark hole" "heavy storm" "monster reborn" "torrential tribute" "solem judgement" "solemn warning" "rekindling" and other such cards were all at 3 and were just as broke or worse harpies have hysteric party which is a discard for a possible 5 harpies and a huge advantage with out having to lose your battle phase, to be able to pay 5000lp in a game is huge and then not being able to attack isnt always the best plays as soul charge is better to be played like a 1-2 monster reborn, most decks main solemn warning and would have taken battle damage with in the game at some point so just going on a basis of 4000lp take average a game if you dont open then nuts then its really not that broken as a card, but in saying that it is generic and can be played in every deck so really every deck has the same advantage as the next so just some food for thought on the card dont be so quick to judge it.

