Thursday, 20 March 2014

Where did he Go?

Cardhousians, guess who's back?

If you are thinking of anyone else but The Chad. then you'd probably be wrong.

I'll just give an update on WTH happened, and address the rumors I heard about my 'disappearance'.

Q 1. "Were you butt-hurt that you got pwned the last week, and ragequit forever?"

 A. No, I don't know how a paraplegic could be 'butt-hurt', no feeling, and while I got pwned the last time I went, I haven't rage-quit forever. As the Terminator says: 'I'll be back...'

Q2. Were you Abducted by aliens and probed?

A. No, the UN-Grey "Extra-Terrestrial Research Sampling Treaty" strictly forbids the abduction of retards and/or cripples, as they aren't representative samples of the human population, so no.

Q3. Did you finally get a Date?

A. Where does this talk of 'finally' come from? I met a few more interesting women, (tip to female Cardhousians apart from Fallon; You need to be Pretty bright as well as pretty to hook up with me.) but they aren't the reason I didn't make it last Saturday.

Q4. Were you in hospital?

Ding, Ding, Ding! We have a WinRAR here! I actually got sick after a rough-bus ride home.

Get to hospital, and I have Stones in both Kidneys that broke up like we wish One Direction would.

The Urology Unit in Nambour Hospital are still planning on going in and playing a game of "Where's Rocky" in the next few weeks, but for now I'm (physically) stable and right to go back to doing what I do best;
  1. Nothing.
  2. Playing Children's Card Games.
  3. Getting Shot Down By Women.
  4. Writing about Playing Children's Card Games.
 See you at the KO tournament Tomorrow!

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