Friday, 21 March 2014

This is getting serious!!

So after weeks at work, and not being able to do much but come home and sleep like a baby, a hungry hungry baby (Firefly reference for all you no believers out there), I have finally found 5 minutes to write up another blog post.

Where to begin. Well lets start off by giving Kev a big thank you for putting on the Friday night Magic events (on the Friday), and also to our own Harley, for running said nights.
Second off, let us also thank those who actually showed up after saying they would. I personally don't believe the card house would run without the die hard cardhousians that we have.

Also on that note, welcome back to The Chad from his little stint in "The big bad world of Doctors". It is good to hear you are well and traveling with us still. The house hasn't been the same in your absence.

Now back to it... My post this week is really just a big thank you post. First to those who read these (sometimes  boring, mine especially) blog posts, to the writers of the posts and also to all the unnamed faces that are always around the cardhouse trading, dueling, playing or otherwise enjoying the card house experience. I have many a friend that have come to the card house and were blown away at the warmth you all show to new comers and regulars alike.

Being one of the few who is able to just float in and out each day at the cardy, I find myself talking with all sorts of players, from those who build decks to make people cry (myself and Harley), to those who are just in it for a few laughs and a game of cards which they love. Doing so has not only allowed me to see the range of people at the cardy, but also the measure of character we have in our little community.

I know most of this will go over a lot of heads, but suffice to say, I am honored and proud to be a cardhousian, and the reason is because of all the other players (YOU) in the community. I myslef am not much, but when there are 40 odd Yugi players, and the same number again Magic players in the store, one can not help but think "I am part of something that not only means a lot to me, but also means a lot to each and every person here",

Lastly i will say this for all those reading still;

We do not stop playing because we get older; We get older because we stop playing.

May the spirit of the card house empower you all

Ride the Vanguard!

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