DISCLAIMER: This page is an independent blog collective, where The Cardhouse gaming community can share their thoughts on anything to do with the gaming community. The views expressed here are the individual bloggers' alone, and as such are in no way representative of or endorsed by either The Cardhouse store, or any of the other bloggers who post on Keeping up with the Cardhousians.
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Max the newbie on the block
Hello fellow players of card games, I am Max. A new blogger around these parts so please excuse my complete infidelity compared to chad's :P. I am 13 and I am based in Currimundi so yes it can on occasion be a stretch to get out to the cardie. I am a semi veteran of Yu-Gi-Oh I played back before GX but I left second episode of GX. I still had all my cards though most of them fake because I didn't play competitively and I didn't care I just wanted the best cards. A few months ago perhaps 3 I was messing around on the internet when I saw Bam Yu-Gi-Oh on Kongregate and I thought "hell why not for the nostalgia" so I played and got addicted, as Yu-Gi-Oh tends to do. Then I got more interested and decided I'd look on Youtube and before I knew it I was on duelling network playing with a deck I used to play. Needless to say I lost a lot. So I decided to do research and saw all these decks and saw how they played I didn't really like the way with all the special summons and synchro's and xyz's in one turn as the meta does. That pushed me to look harder and I came across frog monarchs, I liked that they could win and I didn't special excessively a lot of normal is what I like. I guess that's just me being old fashioned. So I was on DN and winning quite a bit and having fun and that's where I thought it would stay DN. However that got turned on its head when Epic Diems came around and I thought it looked awesome so I went. I spent most of my time at The Card House area looking at magic and Yu-Gi-Oh and window shopping. Then the day after diems I decided I wanted to get out my cards and go play but alas they were no where to be found, so I had to start all over again so I bought three tachyon galaxy (only thing Kmart had) and I unboxed those babies and I pulled ..................... a secret .................... pinpoint guard (insert disappointment here). I also pulled a super something or other. Then I was hungry for more. I also taught my sister on just those cards and we were playing religiously. However I wanted more so we bought the V victory starter deck and kept playing. Alas that only added fuel to the flame and I was on the look for my frog monarchs so I asked at a local Amazen's and they told me to look up The Card House which I had forgot about since diems. I took the advice and I found the store though somehow I don't know why I was scared to ask my mum to take me I don't know why. So on DN I would stay or so I thought until I saw Legendary Collection 4 Joeys world for free on the website and I knew this was my chance/excuse so I rang and they said it was a glitch and would be fixed. I checked an hour later it wasn't so I rang again and got the same promise. Next day still not fixed so I talked to Kev directly and he told me to come in. So I did and he gave my mum the run down on the tournies etc. So this once again got me hungry as I bought a binder deck box sleeves and some bp epic dawn's. Got some helpful stuff. Then I was at Mr Toys Toy World and I saw Abyss rising so I bought one pack and pulled a secret grand spellbook tower so yeah I get all the luck so far. Any way I am coming to the Shadow Specters pre release and I cant wait it will be my first tourney and all. Anyway my posts will be about my I guess you could say newbies travels as I try to build my frog monarchs and get more into Yu-Gi-Oh. Have a nice day!
Sunday, 27 October 2013
Gotta be In It to Win It!
First off cardhousians, I have an infographic to show you!
Now that I've explained how to get in the draw/ Contribute, here's today's post.
That's right boys and girls!
The team-play event is done like a sunday roast. We take the raw meat of our weekly Yugioh match-ups, season with the adding of a team-mate with his own deck and strategy; this recipe leads to either one of two things: The savory smell and taste of Victory, or the charred remains of burned bridges and bitter defeats.
The games seemed to be far more relaxed then, and I am actually in my element. the sharp speed and scalpel precision of Super competitive decks are often blunted by the random pairings.
In my previous team events, I've had the misfortune of being paired with someone either too good a duelist and non-team player, or a great team-player who is using a deck from 2010.
Supprisingly, I was paired up with Alex N's Darkworld. My Hazy Flames in a dark-world deck seemed oxymoronic IMO, but screw the fluff, we have Duels to Duel!
Everything went better then expected: Darkworlds destroying the opponent's side of the field, using their anti-meta for their own protection, while the Hazy Flames used any openings made to attack, and used their anti-meta to aid the Dark-World's efforts. (does help when Hazy Flames can not be targeted by card effects.)
Okay, I'll be honest: Alex dragged us to victory, I merely made sure to have his back, and protect my field.
For the most part, the games went quite smoothly. There were a few times where I thought things were going to go pear shaped, but having someone else to back you up certainly helps. You also need to remember the turn order, for example destroying a defence position monster the next opponent has instead of just going for a direct attack so that the mystery monster doesn't contribute to a comeback. This is just one thing to think about when playing teams, rather than just focussing on one field there are two to consider.
Another thing is blindly using mass destruction cards. What happens if your team mate is trying to set up a big monster and you use Dark Hole?
Alex and I agreed before the first round that if the situation called for something to be used, do it. Hazy Flames are Expendable, especially with Rekindling. Darkworlds generally have a limited presence on the field. So Flush Away!
What did I learn? Check the Rulings! DCM said I couldn't use Rekindling while his partner's Kaiser Colosseum and 1 monster were on the field. I checked that evening, and it turns out that the Rekindling special summons happen simultaneously and separately because I had no creatures, and would have none until after resolution check. so my opponent's Kaiser Colosseum would not have stopped me from summoning all 5 materials required for Hazy-Flame Basiltrice as DCM thought.
Alex and I still beat them due to time-out, but it's good to know.
Saturday, 26 October 2013
Insert Téa-style Friendship Speech Here
Well, maybe not quite that drastic and one track minded as one of Téa's speeches, but I am gonna have a little talk about today's teams event for Yu-Gi-Oh! I used a Zexal image because I wasn't game to google search images of Yugi and Kaiba. Fangirls... fangirls everywhere.
I, for one, really enjoy playing in teams events. First and foremost, it seems to have a much more relaxed atmosphere than a standard event. Admittedly I don't spend hours tweaking my decks until they're perfectly optimised to crush everyone's dreams of winning, instead being happy as long as it functions more or less the way it's supposed to. While it's certainly no issue bringing your super competitive deck to the event, it can be balanced out by being randomly paired up with someone who isn't quite at your speed. In that way the event is somewhat balanced, though with random teams can always throw a spanner in the works.

Having only just returned to the game at the end of 2011/beginning of 2012 after an almost three year break I hadn't seen a Scrap deck in action before. It was quite an interesting experience to play alongside them (and get bailed out on more than one occasion). Did the two decks compliment each other well? I wouldn't say that they did as such, but they didn't take away from one another so I would consider the partnership a more or less successful one. More so seeing as I heard tales about Zombie World screwing up another team's overall tactics, and yet another good reason why one should try to at least bring a team friendly deck when looking to join in. There is such a thing as the good sports award, you know!
For the most part, the games went quite smoothly. There were a few times where I thought things were going to go pear shaped, but having someone else to back you up certainly helps. You also need to remember the turn order, for example destroying a defence position monster the next opponent has instead of just going for a direct attack so that the mystery monster doesn't contribute to a comeback. This is just one thing to think about when playing teams, rather than just focussing on one field there are two to consider.
Another thing is blindly using mass destruction cards. What happens if your team mate is trying to set up a big monster and you use Dark Hole? This is one of those things where you really need to talk with your team mate beforehand about the policy. Fabio and I agreed before the first round that if the situation called for Needle Ceiling to be used, don't hesitate on it. I was willing to sacrifice my Galaxy-Eyes if the situation called for it, as a good team mate should. Not to toot my own horn or anything (Fabio's monsters were busy tooting the Horn of the Phantom Beast anyway, and that's enough horn tooting for the day).
Do I have any regrets for today? Just one. Every time I summoned Starliege Lord Galaxion, he wasn't able to activate his effect for one reason or another. That's the only petty regret I have, as the rest of the time was a blast win or lose. I hope to be able to attend more team events in the future, and would urge everyone else to have a go as well.
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Don't Hate the Player... + GIVEAWAY DRAW!
Holy Cardstock...
Over 40 Cardhousians showed up for yugioh! That's like four tens! That is Awesome!
Sad that we don't all get together more often, I love you guys all comming in and pwning my paraplegic rump!
Of course we have our top-tier deck masters, national and regional champions. Although we may begrudge their 'win at all cost attitudes', we 'fun' players can use those opportunities to refine our decks so we can pwn each other like a Boss.
Take my Hazy Flames, for example. I am still toying with the "Staple Spells and Traps", trying to cram in extra anti-meta with the sheer fun value of being able to pull off ballsy plays like getting "Hazy Flame Basiltrice" out by turn 4 and burning my opponent's life-points like my RL attempts at cooking. If I end up getting roasted myself, it's always great to see how they do it.
Same with the Up and Coming badasses we have rising up in the ranks. Ashton used creature swap to steal my "Hazy-Flame Basiltrice", then charr me with one attack with my pet!
Shame I had to meet Fallon's 'boyfriend', I'd have liked to have done the Magic tourney, but such is life.
Anyway, the offer's out for new posters to post on here. Just send me a message on Facebook with an email address you can access; I'll send the invitation to post here in your own name, and then you can follow the prompts and be showered in the praise from your fellow Cardhousians!
That, and I'll reach into my bottomless black hole of moneys to buy you a booster pack of your choice. And you get to reap in the Cred of your peers!
Also, please subscribe to the Blog: There will be a draw on the third of the month for all followers here, where you will get 3 booster packs of your choice, on me.*
TLDR: Subscribe for prize draw on the 3rd of each month! Write an article for a pack.
* - If Kev has it in stock. It should go without saying, but I'd like to preempt some smart-Alec saying that they want 3 Alpha/Beta booster packs.
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
A Good Deed Never Goes Unpunished.
Seriously you guys? I try and do a nice thing for Troy's birthday, and it back-fired! All right, lemme back up and start from the beginning.
My birthday was October the 5th. Troy's was the 7th. So like a bro', I thought I'd buy him a cake.
Anyway, it turned out to be a bigger flop then "John Carter". If I learned anything from The Sims, it is that Birthday Cake = Age Up.
Therefore with this logic, because you all made me use the cake in Troy's place, he remains young and pretty, and I get older!
WTH guys? Are you trying to kill me with old-age?
Half-assed rant skirting on Poe's law aside, I want to wish Troy once again a Happy Birthday. Before discussing Halloween.
Costumes? What to wear? They say that Halloween is the one night of the year where women can dress down, and act like devils and no-one can call them out on it. I disagree, feminism means Friday and Saturday nights are this, especially if you hit the town with me.
So looking at it this way, what are you going to miss out on by going into the Card House this Halloween? Come in for the Cards, trick your opponent for victory, and then go hit the town to treat yourself to the Candy! (If you are younger, then get a friend/brother/sister to carry a bag around for you when they go trick-or-treating, and then your own sweet tooth is satisfied as well.)
Seriously, I dunno what to dress up as TBH, so please post some suggestions?!
My birthday was October the 5th. Troy's was the 7th. So like a bro', I thought I'd buy him a cake.
Anyway, it turned out to be a bigger flop then "John Carter". If I learned anything from The Sims, it is that Birthday Cake = Age Up.
Therefore with this logic, because you all made me use the cake in Troy's place, he remains young and pretty, and I get older!
WTH guys? Are you trying to kill me with old-age?
![]() |
Here's the photo of me more annoyed then when my Girl of the Now tries to talk about 'Us'. |
Costumes? What to wear? They say that Halloween is the one night of the year where women can dress down, and act like devils and no-one can call them out on it. I disagree, feminism means Friday and Saturday nights are this, especially if you hit the town with me.
So looking at it this way, what are you going to miss out on by going into the Card House this Halloween? Come in for the Cards, trick your opponent for victory, and then go hit the town to treat yourself to the Candy! (If you are younger, then get a friend/brother/sister to carry a bag around for you when they go trick-or-treating, and then your own sweet tooth is satisfied as well.)
Seriously, I dunno what to dress up as TBH, so please post some suggestions?!
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