Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Weird decks and why this is such a strange concept

"Oh, I'll just leave the weird decks to you."

In recent times I've had this comment (or a variation of it) when someone's looked at a couple of my Yu-Gi-Oh! decks. Now I'm a little confused as to why people would think that, so I'll go through my current deck on here and see if any of you know why someone would call my deck weird.

Let's see, it's a deck of 40 cards with an extra deck of 15 cards, all from the Yu-Gi-Oh! trading card game. Nothing weird about that, the main deck being of the minimum amount in order to make drawing required cards less of a chance. Cards in my main deck also assist in searching out other cards I need and the summon of the high powered monsters that live in my extra deck. Nope, still not seeing what's weird about it. Those are all the main elements of a deck, right? Then what is it that makes my Gimmick Puppet deck so weird?

"Whoa, you play Gimmick Puppets? That's such a weird deck. Why don't you play Geargia/Bujin/Fire Fist/Mermails?"

Oh. That's why you think it's a weird deck.

If that's why you think someone's deck is weird, I'd like to suggest that you take a step back and reconsider that mindset. Just because someone plays a deck that doesn't make up more than half the field at a YCS event that doesn't mean their deck is weird. Each Yu-Gi-Oh! booster set, much to your surprise, actually contains cards in it that aren't part of a top tier deck!

Yes I know, shocking. I'll let you calm down for a minute and try to digest that fact.

Ready? Good. Now if you think that's how "weird" it gets, here's some more news for ya. In my Gimmick Puppet deck, I use the Rank-Up-Magic cards in order to summon out the more powerful Chaos Number Gimmick Puppets. Breathe, you'll pass out if you don't.

Now, I want to know why you don't play a deck that isn't a top tier deck. I know there are plenty of Cardhousians that don't, so I do apologise for the blanket generalisation. But don't you ever feel that itch to make a different deck? To make something that stands out from among the crowd?

Maybe you should give it a go. Who knows, you may find it to be a fun experience. Instead of simply trying to flatten everyone with the latest power deck, why not try something more laid back and different. Of course if you find using those top tier decks fun, I won't question you. I'll just ask that you don't say anyone else's deck is weird just because they don't want to play the same deck you're playing.

I have the feeling I've contradicted myself somewhere in this blog post. Possibly it's because I tend to get annoyed when people look down on my deck because it's not a top tier deck.

I'm gonna stop typing before I say anything really stupid. Before that though, a reminder that the Pokemon Flashfire pre release is on Sunday 4th, and I look forward to seeing plenty of people there!

The Pokemon Professor, Troy

Saturday, 19 April 2014

New and upcoming cards max explains them all!

Hey guys it's Max here and today i am going to be talking about a bunch of the broken new cards in dragons of legends and primal origin! Before I jump into that i would like to apologise for my absence recently at the cardhouse truly its just because I've had a bunch of stuff on but I will try my hardest to get to nationals and perhaps the sneak peek! Without further ado lets get on to some of the dragons on legends cards!

First of and most notably we have soul charge a normal spell card, now if you haven't heard this effect before you won't believe me but I will link a source and I swear it is legit, the effect reads: Target any number of monsters in your graveyard, special summon those targets and if you do take 1000 lp for each monster special summoned by this effect. You cannot conduct your battlephase the turn you activate this card. You can only activate one soul charge per turn. WOW! Now i know your mind is spinning but lets reign it in a little. YES this card is insanely good YES it is hopefully going to be banned / limited shorty. It is also a super just so you know. However to get that plus 4 you are thinking about you have to pay 5000 lp that is the equivalent of a cyber stein! And of course no battle phase! Also there is a combo which with no set up one can get out quasar with just soul charge and lonefire! Now that that is out of the way lets continue.
the video i watched:

Secondly we have shadow impulse a nice little card that works well with quasar actually basically the card is a trap that reads: When a Synchro Monster(s) you control is destroyed by battle or bycard effect and sent to the GraveyardTarget 1 of those SynchroMonsters; Special Summon from your Extra Deck 1 Synchro Monsterwith the same Level and Type as that monster but with a different name. You can only activate 1 "Shadow Impulse" per turn.
Now yes this card does kind of seem situational and it is but let me put it this way, you get out your quasar well done (I know about its printing but hypothetically) but somehow your opponent answers it and destroys it, flip this card and you will get your majestic star guy and a red nova dragon. THAT IS NUTS. This card certainly has the potential to initiate scoop phases.ALSO A SUPER
link to wikia:
Link to video:

Finally from dragons we have this nice little seven tools of the bandit replacement, its name is wire tap and it is a counter trap and its effect reads: When a trap card is activated: Negate the activation and shuffle that target into the deck. That's it it's not broken but i will run it over seven tools any day because no life point cost (soul charge be draining my lp) and i dont mind the fact it goes into the deck to be honest. Just a nice little card that I thought I'd share. Rarity currently unconfirmed.
link to vid:

Now I am only going to do one card from primal and that is angelly because i know the most about that card. If you don't know the wombo combo with that card yet and mew you have been under a rock i swear. Regardless i shall tell you.
- normal summon mew use eff
- ss angelly tribute for eff and get hootcake
-hootcake eff banish angelly and ss messengalato get ticket / field spell
- overlay mew and hootcake for leviar and get back your angelly
- overlay angelly and messengalato for tiaramisu
- there will be a material from leviar so you can send messengalato and mew/hootcake back to deck to bounce two on opponents side and if you picked ticket you can special summon a madolche if you picked chateux you can add the two to your hand instead of back into the deck. ALL THE PLUSES MUHUHAHAHAHAHAHA .  I-I-I-I mean the card is solid.
Link to card:

I hope I have helped you all prepare for what is coming and i will have an in depth guide to beating the meta decks once these new cards come out and i can do some more research and digging. Feedback is welcome. Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

Booster sets are on FIRE!

May is looking to be big for trading card games. In fact, most of the ones which are at the Card House that we all know and love are getting brand new sets!

Before I go into any larger details, I'd also like to take a moment to plug the Pokemon tournament happening tomorrow (Sunday 20th April). I'm a little disappointed that a couple of recent events couldn't be played due to a lack of players, and I'd like to try and encourage more people to show up. I've said it before, but if you're worried about not getting a big enough crowd then you should come anyway because just by showing up you'll contribute to the numbers. "I don't want to go, there won't be anyone there..." is a dangerous attitude to have mostly because I may have a Sylveon visit your house in the middle of the night and drag you here*.

Now back onto the pre releases. First off I'm gonna talk about my personal favourite, Pokemon! Sunday 4th May sees the XY set get its second booster set, Flashfire. This set gives the last of the Kanto starters its mega evolved forms, and by that I of course mean Charizard.

ERMAGERD CHERZERD A firm favourite and one of the most recognisable pokemon ever, Charizard storms forward with his own character slot in the soon to come fourth installment in the Super Smash Bros series not only an EX card, but mega evolutions of both its X and Y forms! On top of that we'll also see the addition of Kangaskhan-EX and M Kangaskhan-EX into TCG form, and for those of you who might be competitive battlers in the X and Y video games don't worry. M Kangaskhan-EX is not nearly as broken as its video game counterpart.

Now if you can't quite handle the fact that Pokemon Catcher has required a coin flip for approximately six months now, it would seem that the card designers have decided to meet you half way by giving you Lysandre. It has the original effect of Pokemon Catcher, but in a supporter form so that you can't search for it with Skyla and use it in the same turn. The card I'm most looking forward to? Florges. For one energy, Florges will either search out any three cards in your deck or hit every one of your opponents pokemon for 20 damage. I may have to restructure my fairy deck a bit to fit them in though, but it would certainly be a welcome addition.

Saturday 10th May sees Yu-Gi-Oh! get further reinforced with the pre release of Primal Origin, the final booster set in the Zexal series. Primal Origin introduces only a single new archetype into the game, known as Artifacts. Their monsters are generally level/rank 5, and the main deck monsters can be set in the spell/trap zones where if they're destroyed, they're instantly special summoned.

Quiet down Evilswarm Ophion and let me finish. I'm sure anyone who wants to play them will sorely wish for Heavy Storm to be unbanned, but I'm sure you'll make do with Malevolent Catastrophe. The rest of the set focuses on adding to existing archetypes, including fan favourites like Dark World and Gladiator Beasts. What I'm most excited for is that it gives the Photon/Galaxy archetypes several very new and powerful weapons. Number 101 giving you grief because you special summoned Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon? Let me just Photon Stream of Destruction that away. Opponent activating some nasty spells and traps? Tachyon Transmigration will take care of pesky cards like Solemn Warning and Dark Hole. Not to mention one I'm keen to try out... empty field and I just drew Rank-Up-Magic The Seventh One? Watch me pull a 4500 attack monster with a field negating effect out of nowhere courtesy of the arrival of Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon!

Before either of those hit though, planeswalkers will be happy to know that on the 26th and 27th of April you guys will be getting four pre release events for the latest addition to the Theros block, Journey into Nyx. Now I don't play a lot of Magic except for commander format, but I do have a cat deck for that and when I first saw that Ajani was getting a new card I was pretty excited... until I noticed they ruined it with the addition of a horrible little tree picture. Everyone knows green is for noobs! I won't say too much about Nyx because I haven't really been following it, maybe Chad or Aaron will pop in at some point to give their thoughts on the set.

Oh no, it's a pony! Now your day is ruined!

That aside, get used to it since the My Little Pony CCG is here and will hopefully be here for a while. If you really can't stand the sight of diminutive technicolour equines feel free to skip ahead, but I do play the game myself and I am going to talk about the second set which will also be released sometime in May, named Canterlot Nights.

What does one do in the MLP CCG? Well, instead of having creatures battle against one another in deadly combat (I can hear the cries of disappointment from some of you), instead all manner of ponies and other critters use their power to solve problems and score points. The objective is to be the first one to reach 15 points. Each player gains a specific number of action points each turn, determined by the person who has the highest current score, and these action points are used to play friends, resources, events and even a troublemaker or two to get in the way of your opponents efforts to score points. You will always have at least one character on the field which is known as your Mane Character (yes, that is how it's spelled), which will usually determine what kind of deck you're playing as there are six different colours and you'll need at least two different ones to score at a problem (normally some power of a specific colour and some of any other colour). It's not a particularly hard game to pick up, and if you're interested in learning how to play Kev has the current starter decks in and I'd be happy to show you how to use them. I'm afraid if you want to play with Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie as your Mane Character though you'll need to try and pick up a two player starter set elsewhere (similar to the duel decks for Magic). Otherwise you can grab a Twilight Sparkle/Applejack or a Rainbow Dash/Rarity deck which has all the necessary cards and a rulebook in it to play.

Whew, that was a long post. I'm getting tired just reading it! If you managed to read all the way down to here I'm kinda impressed that you stuck with my waffling on for so long. If you're curious as to any happenings with Cardfight!! Vanguard, go and pester Aaron about it. He knows way more than I do, and actually plays the game more than once in a blue moon (or the pink one we had recently, apparently) unlike me. If you really want to play against me though I normally have my fanservice Angel Feather deck with me. In fact, the only card game that I don't have a deck for that was sold at the Card House in recent times is World of Warcraft (although I do have a rather nice Leeroy Jenkins card in my folder).

I hope you're having a great Easter, and that you're not riding your bike indoors because that isn't the time to use that!

The Pokemon Professor/Number Hunter/Crazy Cat Guy/Pegasus Pony, Troy

*Whether you think that means the Card House or my house is entirely up to you. I'm sure bondage equipment can be found at either place if you know where to look.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Simple Deck-Building for Simple Duelists.

Alright Cardhousian Boys and Girls, here's a post I've been working on for Yugioh for a while.

The New Banlist, means that the Hazy-Flames are as impotent as I am on a Saturday morning, so you know what time it is then?

Time to build another Deck! I am opening up my book of tricks, and showing you how I fail at building-new-decks!   This isn't the only way to build a deck, but I like to KISS (Keep it Simple, Sucess!)


  Step 1: Choose your "Staples".

You want roughly 10 from these lists. From my interpertation of the format, the Staple choices are will be (by Catagory):

Choose =<4 Anti-Monster cards:

Mirror Force x 2 (Destroy all attack-position monsters!)

Dark Hole X 1 (A slightly less useful version of the card above, but it still Flushes the field well enough)

Torrential Tribute x 1 (This card cannot be overstated; it's like Dark-Hole, but you can wait until your opponent summons the last XYZ material, then Flush them!)

Dimensional Prision x 2 (A bottomless trap hole that requires your opponent to attack with the monster.)

Fiendish Chain x 3 (Don't really like this because monsters you chain can still be used for tribute/xyz, but still a solid choice.)

Solemn Warning x 1 (Can negate Special Summons and effects that Special Summon, but at a price of 2000lp)

Bottomless Trap-Hole x 1 (Good Targeted Removal)

<=6 Anti-Spell/Traps:

Dark Bribe x 3 (Can counter almost any spell/trap clean up, but your opponent's hand goes up by 1)

Mystical Space Typhoon x3 (The one Free Spell/Trap clean-up, doesn't counter though.)

Seven Tools of the Bandit x 3 (Counters traps only, 1000 lp seems a bit hefty though.)

For this deck, I chose 3x MST, 3 Dark Bribe, 1 Torrential Tribute, 2 Mirror Force, 1 Dark Hole, and 1 Bottomless Trap hole. 11 is one higher then I like, but no matter.

Step 2: Choose your Monsters.

You will want around 20 monster cards. The More Synergy they have with each other, the better! I'm sounding like a Human Resources manager with this talk of Synergy, but what can you do?

For this Deck, I chose 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragon, 3 Darkstorm Dragon, 2 Dodger Dragon, 3 Maiden with Eyes of Blue, 3 Radius, the Half-Moon Dragon, 1 x Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, 3x Schwarzchild Limit Dragon, and 3 The White Stone of Legend. 21 cards is a bit high, but only Step 5 can show me what's redundant.

21 monsters... one too many IMO, but Step 5 and 6 will give us opportunity to fix it.

Step 3: Choose extra Spell and Traps that will work in synergy with your other choices.

These cards will fill out the remainder of your deck. If you chose a particular archetype, there are often support cards that will help you here.

For this deck, I chose 3 x Silver's Cry, 3 Dragon Shrine, 2 Mausoleum of the Emperor and 2 Trade-In. Dragon Shrine allows me to send a Darkstorm Dragon, and then The White Stone of Legend. (activating it's effect, adding Blue-Eyes White Dragon to my hand) from my deck to the graveyard. Then Silver's Cry allows me to special-summon Darkstorm Dragon from my graveyard, and then use Mausoleum of the Emperor to Normal Summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon for 2000lp.

10 cards is perfect here.

Step 4: Choose your Extra-Deck Monsters.

You can have <= 15 cards in your extra-deck, made up of Fusion Monsters, Synchro Monsters and XYZ monsters. The More Synergy they have with all your previous selections, the better!

For this Deck, I chose 3 Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon, 1 Mist Wurm, 2 Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis, 2x Number 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon, 1x Number 82: Heartlandraco and 3x Thunder-End Dragon.

  Step 5: Test and Refine it!

 This is the fun part Boys and Girls. This is also the only way to make sure what looks great on paper, works efficiently on the game-mats. After each session, pick-over your performance with a fine tooth comb, just like I will be doing come Saturday!

Next Week, I will discuss Step 7: Choose your Side Deck.

The Chad Is done!
