Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Free Land, and D-Day looms.

*Puts on his robe and wizard's hat, and keeps his wand in it's Frog.*

Yes ladies, gentlemen, and weirds that pass as the former, the Dragon's Maze pre-release has come and gone.

The skill level was from the grandest Archmage, to Planeswalking Neophytes like myself and Blake.

Okay Maybe "Planeswalking isn't the best word for my case, but that's close enough to how I roll.

Back to the overview, Neophyte Blake and I took a Proverbial Leap of Faith, and joined the fray with little to no experience.

To the other players from that day: Thanks for bearing with me while I "got to my Feet".

Needless to say, my experiments blew up in my face, leaving singed eyebrows and a good time all around. Yes I said it anyway, so suck it up and Deal with it.

Now, I just need to finish my deck, and convince everyone to call me "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named", and I'll be halfway to conqering the known world!

*Takes off his robe and wizard's hat, putting them in his invisible bag of holding he stole from Dungeons and Dragons*

Anyway, onto The Yu-Gi-Oh front.


There are only 9 days until D-Day: The Yu-Gi-Oh Lord of The Tachyion Galaxy sneak-peak! Spots are limited so if you aren't signed up, do it NOW!

I signed up without getting off my bludging backside, so the only excuse is; "I tried to book, but there is no spots left..." :-)

Anyway, word from Konami is that the Atlantean, Constellar, Duston, Elemental Lord, Evilswarm, Fairy, Fire Fist, Fire King, Gagaga, Geargia/Geargiano, Harpie, Noble Knight, Madolche, Mermail, Prophecy, Shark and Spellbook Archetypes are getting a boost, as well as the first of the Battlin' Boxer, Elemental Dragon and Mecha Phantom Beast Archetypes are being unleashed for the 1st time with this set...

Don't know about you guys, but I'm going to side a Dragon Capture Jar or 2 to counter Elemental Dragons if they take off.

Again, it is only 9 days until the Yu-Gi-Oh Lord of Tachyion Release event! Be there or Miss out of the Duelin' fun.

The Chad Is Out...

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