Monday, 11 February 2013

Regional Anti-Meta Strategy Ideas

The time is slipping away: Regionals is less then 2 weeks away, and every Yu-Gi-Oh player is getting ready for it! The 'Friendly' duels the last few weeks have shown us the 3 top deck types that players are currently using: Wind-up OTK, Atlantean-Mermail OTK and Six-Samurai Anti-Meta. They are not unbeatable, and I thought I'd share some of my ideas on how to beat them.

'Effect Veiler' - is amazing against Wind-ups. It can be played from the hand, particularly on "Wind-up Magician" before he plays "Wind-up Shark" that turn. This makes Wind-Up Shark miss the timing for it's Special Summoning effect. You give yourself one turn to lay down a 'Breakthrough Skill' / 'Black Horn of Heaven' / 'Solemn Warning' / 'Solemn Judgement'.

Atlantean-Mermails can be slowed by using it on 'Atlantean Heavy Infantry', and then destroy it next turn in the Battle Phase. 'Atlantean Heavy Infantry' has o Attack, so attacking it will do damage to their LP! Obvious, yes, but still worth remembering.

[EDIT: there was a paragraph that was moved from here, back to it's proper place back under 'Breakthrough Skill', Cheers to Ben for pointing that out.]

'Breakthrough Skill' - is almost as good as 'Effect Veiler', and while it can't be played from the hand, and can be destroyed before activating the 1st time, it allows you to to use the effect of 'Effect Veiler' twice. Set and use in  the same way as Effect Veiler.

Six Samurai's lock-down can be broken by using this on 'Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En' or 'Naturia Beast' so you can dispose of them using 'Dark hole' or 'Lightning Vortex'.

Black Horn of Heaven – Just about every deck should have 2 of these in the side deck. Use these on the XYZ's with nasty effects and Effect Monsters that are SS in a loop. 'Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En' and 'Naturia Beast' in Six Samurai decks are especially vulnerable here, as Spell Speed 3 Traps cannot be negated by Spell Speed 2 Monster Effects. [EDIT: Ben brought up a great point that while 'Solemn Warning'/'Solemn Judgement' are Staples in most people's decks, it is still an idea to have more anti-Special Summon cards within the current Meta-game.)  

Hopefully I've given you some ideas on how to slow/stop the meta-game long enough for you to break your opponent's strategy into a million pieces, breaking their hopes of Regional victory and making it easier for me to drive to top-spot.

Anyone have some other ideas on how to beat these decks, let's get a discussion on it going in the comments.

Let's Continue Playing

   The Chad

1 comment:

  1. Yeah slowing down Wind-ups will really be the key. If you can't beat them you have absolutely no chance lol. And Six Samurai, well, they either have Gateway first turn or they don't/you go first I guess. It's pretty hit or miss but I'm still siding for the sucker.

