Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Side-deck ideas March 2013 banlist

It's been almost a month since the March 2013 banlist came into effect. Yet I've been a "Slifer-slacker" and haven't written any nugget of pure blogging gold. I could write more, but my writing and fact-checking eats up my gaming time, if someone could write some guest posts... *hint hint* But anyway, here's another content-filled blog post, and once again, feedback is greatly appreciated.

Back to business: The Spellbook Prophecy OTK, Atlantean-Mermail OTK, Macro-X-Rabbit and Six-Samurai Anti-Meta decks are the major 'top-tier' decks, who's reliance on Spells and Traps makes them all glass cannons. I will explain a 2 3 cards I found that can be used to slow down the meta-loops, and even included pictures of the cards from Yugioh wikia, so you can get some from Kev/ some daft cardhousian who hasn't read the blog/a non-cardhousian who hasn't read the blog. Disclaimer: As to their real-world effectiveness, YMMV. This is written for entertainment purposes only, and by using it in the real world, you accept all responsibility for both forseeable and unforseeable damages that may occur as a result. You have been warned...

'Anti-Spell Fragrance'

This card can be used to delay the activation of Spell cards for one turn, and giving you a one-turn reprieve from Trap cards that are Played [EDIT: Thanks to Troy for pointing out my stuff up, Traps aren't effected, he also reminded me about our number 3, I think I owe him a star-pack.]. Great for Dark World decks that use monster effects to discard from their hand in particular, but Dark World Dealings would just be delayed.

'Chain Energy'

The effect: - "Each player must pay 500 Life Points per card to Normal Summon, Special Summon, Set or activate cards from his/her respective hand."

This card effectively makes the base cost of playing a card from your hand to the field 500 points. Combo it with Anti-Spell Fragrance, and your opponent's Spell and Trap Loops are slowed to a crawl. This is one way to slow Meta opponents, Because if they play any more then 8 cards, their Life-points are halved, even before battle-phase and effect burn damage is considered.  (Malefic's in particular could abuse this for an early Turn Kill).

'Dark Simorgh'

The effect: - "While face-up on the field, this card is also WIND-Attribute. You can banish 1 DARK monster and 1 WIND monster from your Graveyard; Special Summon this card from your hand. You can banish 1 DARK monster and 1 WIND monster from your hand; Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. Your opponent cannot Set any cards on the field."

Dark Sirmogh is a badass, and if you were to combo it with Anti-Spell Fragrance, then all traps not on the field are effectively locked out of the game. Will work with the "Harpy Lady" deck, which is to get reinforced with the release of Lord of The Tachyon Galaxy.

Hopefully I've given you some ideas on how to slow/stop the meta-game long enough for you to pull off a loop-breaking combo, or for meta-players to plan a way to avoid these pitfalls. breaking their hopes of Regional victory and making it easier for me to drive to top-spot.

Anyone have some other ideas on how to beat these decks, let's get a discussion on it going in the comments.

Let's Play on!

   The Chad

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Where the Magic Happens...

Okay, it's Friday... Friday... (Pay no heed to the annoying song replaying in your head.)

For my first trick, I will pull another Blog Post out of thin Air!


Thank You, THANK YOU!

The doubles tournament last week brought up parallels with the "Oz, the Great and Powerful" movie (that coincidentally, I saw that afternoon.

Okay, before you ask me how you are going to tie this in to Card Games at The Card House, lemme finish, and then you can feel free to rage at me for pulling a mediocre post out of thin air.

The first scene, with the wizard and that fine piece of Ass-istant talent, the Wizard was able to (almost) bluff his way to 'victory'.

Then he gets into trouble when the same play with another woman comes back to bite him. He hops into a Hot-Air Balloon and gets blown to Oz.

This parallels a problem I've been encountering in my gaming; I put everything in one basket, and then are blown away when it is foiled.

Take for example my Yu-Gi-Oh Jurrac Deck for example, I have put everything into Attack, and Counter-Spell/Trap.

The whole Meta-game is about anti-everything and anything. Can any of you reading relate?
Do you have any tips on how to stop it from happening?

Anyway, that's the post, and only one question remains:

Was my trick to 'Make you read a load of tosh?'  (-_*)

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

A post with No-Name

It's me, The Chad, and i finally have something awesome to say to start this post: 

Ready for it?




That felt good. In fact, that felt really good, you all should try it some time.

All the ladies reading this (who aren't blood relatives) also have the option to substitute "Card Games" with "The Chad", but that is entirely at their discretion.

But why am I re-enforcing that "The Chad" is the one who wrote this post? Because I'm hoping to get YOU! YES YOU! to write a post (or few) on what you want to share with your fellow Cardhousians!

You only have to write One (1) post, to claim your prize. (Details here: ). One article = One Booster Pack. If you find having to articulate your thoughts more traumatic then imagining me doing the Full Monty, you never need to write for the blog again.

If you enjoy it however, I'm happy to allow you to post again, and chuck another Booster your way (Up to 4 a month unless a gentleman's agreement is made ahead of time. I'm not made of Money, just flesh and bone like every other god-incarnate... and humans too).You won't get this Oppotunity in the Mainstream Print Media, unless you are a journalist...

Anyway, let's move on to Yugioh: (I apologize if everything goes downhill from here.) Mermatlanteans seem to have taken the place of Wind-Ups as Yugioh's Most OP deck in the meta-game. I noticed that Mermatlanteans depend on swarming the field with XYZ materials, and support cards that target cards for destruction...  Just like Six-Samurai except that Six-Samurai can still hold their own without xyzing if necessary. If I'm over-estimating/dead wrong/almost right but still a bit off, please comment and tell everyone so we can all compare notes.

I was also hoping to get my Hazy Flame Anti-Meta deck ready for Saturday, but I'm missing the 3 x Kaiser Colosseum required to slow down my opponent. The one card being a lynch-pin could be a weakness, but that card, Dark bribe/Solemn Judgement, and ability that makes Hazy-Flame monsters immune to targeting, (including Basiltrice if It has 4 materials), is an effective means to lock-down an opponent from turn 1.

Also had the oppotunity to play a few games of CardFight: Vanguard on the previous Saturday. Even though half the guys weren't able to make it, and I was as rusty as the Tin-Man from The Wizard of Oz, the relaxed atmosphere with them was really refreshing after the uber-competitive Yugioh. You can notice the stark contrast to the Formal "Magic: The Gathering" happening on the other side of the room. I'd recommend that Everyone should come along to this friendly gaming session.

IIRC, a 'Trial Deck' (starter deck) is only about $21.95, and if you want to spend more/customize your deck, you can buy boosters... A tad more expensive then Yugioh at first, but given a bit of time, more players, and mass production: the prices should drop it time. Also more subtle meta-game, for those who are disheartened by the Tiered meta-game of Yugioh.

Before signing off: Just want to acknowledge the improvements in Jackson's behavior, even if a leopard can't change it's spots, a bit of soot (Kev threatening with the ban-hammer) can hide the yellow/orange.

PS: If I've over-estimated/dead wrong/almost right but still a bit off about anything I've said, please comment and tell everyone so we can all compare notes.

That Chad Is Out.
